### Log session started at Sat Jan 12 00:00:00 2008 ### [00:01:06] hmm, g seems to have worked. [00:01:28] Noah [opera@moz-90EC39EF.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #developers [00:01:32] ...sort of. it just eliminated the %ecx temporary and used an immediate [00:02:33] Hendy [wolfoxout@DE977448.3963211D.E0703FA1.IP] has joined #developers [00:11:05] biesi [chb@moz-FEB3AC38.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #developers [00:12:17] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: dria [00:17:16] Mook [mook@moz-48DF35AC.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep [00:22:00] faaborg [faaborg@moz-F53C9D9B.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:23:41] CTho: if you want to zero extend the values, just mov into eax rather than rax--the top half will be zeroed at the same time. if you want to sign extend, use movsx instead. [00:24:10] kinetik: the real problem is i don't understand why gcc is using a 32 bit register, but yeah, that's what I ended up doing [00:24:29] of course, when I compile with optimizations, gcc breaks me by replicating my loop and the assembler now pukes because a loop label gets defined multiple times [00:25:12] what type are p and NUMTESTS? [00:25:33] p is a pointer. oh. numtests is an int. [00:26:03] i guess that makes sense :) [00:26:05] thanks. [00:30:16] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: alice|afk [00:33:48] faaborg [faaborg@moz-F53C9D9B.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: faaborg [00:40:19] mark_ [mark@D5A0FBBC.AE3EE5E5.21EFAA2A.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:42:04] chewey [chewey@moz-B4055D2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [00:43:07] Hendy [wolfoxout@DE977448.3963211D.E0703FA1.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:47:53] collinj [chatzilla@moz-4FB5590.stanford.edu] has joined #developers [00:48:10] [W] UMR: Uninitialized memory read in CreateFontIndirectW {1 occurrence} [00:48:10] hmm [00:49:32] if yoiu can figure that one out let me know [00:49:56] Reading 16 bytes from 0x0c05b510 (16 bytes at 0x0c05b510 uninitialized) [00:49:56] Address 0x0c05b510 is argument #1 of CreateFontIndirectW [00:49:56] CreateFontIndirectW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll] [00:49:56] gfxWindowsFont::MakeHFONT(void) [i:\moz\mozilla\gfx\thebes\src\gfxwindowsfonts.cpp:267] [00:50:07] you've seen it too? [00:50:09] yes, it has been there forever [00:50:12] ok [00:50:13] its bogus [00:50:47] dietrich [dietrich@moz-9549A5E3.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:51:49] we still link to gdi32.dll? [00:56:55] db48x yawns [00:56:59] hello all [00:58:01] gavin, that one is unpossible [00:58:27] why's that? [00:58:37] gavin, I mean unpossible to figure out [00:58:41] oh [00:58:47] I stared at that stupid struct for hours [00:59:00] gavin, can you try printing? [00:59:19] I think I need to use NO_EM_RESTART [00:59:25] since that is supposed to be crashtastic [00:59:32] yeah, that helps [00:59:42] yeah I can try that after [01:00:13] [W] UMR: Uninitialized memory read in nsID::ToString(void)const {1 occurrence} [01:00:15] seen that one? [01:00:23] yep [01:00:24] I blame dwitte [01:00:40] bet that one goes away with his new patch [01:00:55] the one that just landed? [01:01:03] my build is a day or two old [01:01:04] oh, no [01:01:07] it won't [01:01:09] I remember this one [01:01:11] i didn't touch ToString, it probably won't [01:01:16] it has to do with the format of UUIDs [01:01:21] in fact i stayed far away from it [01:01:28] sayrer: reading from padding? [01:01:39] shaver, I don't remember the rest anymore [01:01:39] what about these urlclassifier ones? [01:01:47] [W] UMR: Uninitialized memory read in nsUrlClassifierDBServiceWorker::CacheChunkLists(UINT,int,int) {1 occurrence} [01:01:48] graydon [graydon@moz-4CF3055C.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [01:01:52] uh [01:02:01] is it in the Proxy? [01:02:06] cause I know that one [01:02:22] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/301932 [01:02:23] CacheChunkLists I have not seen [01:02:47] gavin, can you expand for stacks? [01:02:54] yeah [01:03:13] though I thought I filed a bug on dcamp for these [01:03:18] and I thought it was fixed [01:03:20] hmm [01:03:26] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/301933 [01:04:22] mrdb06:avg load is CRITICAL: CRITICAL - load average: 100.12, 58.40, 27.91 [01:04:23] reed laughs [01:04:36] bonsai and bugzilla are going to be slow updating ;) [01:05:44] gavin, interesting. different than bug 407858? [01:06:29] Hendy [wolfoxout@DE977448.3963211D.E0703FA1.IP] has joined #developers [01:07:57] well, that patch is in my build [01:09:32] jorendorff [jorendorff@moz-E229E605.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: jorendorff [01:11:35] [E] FFM: Freeing freed memory in free {2 occurrences} [01:11:37] here we go [01:12:17] heh [01:12:47] there is some xslt in this testcase! [01:16:30] taras [taras@moz-7851D4F.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:17:27] this build can't figure out how much memory it wants to use [01:18:21] why are we all checking-in on a consistent orange? [01:18:21] :) [01:18:34] even though it's just a box problem [01:18:35] but still! [01:18:54] you're checking in on orange?/ [01:19:01] I'm not, but I was about to [01:19:05] until I looked :) [01:19:22] I can't believe you were about to [01:19:31] well, 'tis true! [01:19:37] I've been waiting for dwitte to clear [01:19:41] philor_ [ringnalda@moz-1BA45B16.dial1.seattle1.level3.net] has joined #developers [01:19:42] [E] IPR: Invalid pointer read in fbFetchPixel_a8r8g8b8 {6 occurrences} [01:19:48] nice [01:19:48] stuart: seen that one before? [01:19:50] yep [01:19:54] i think that one is bogus too [01:20:11] philor [ringnalda@moz-47BB818F.dial1.seattle1.level3.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:20:13] i've tried debugging it several times [01:20:17] gavin, which bug are you testing? [01:20:26] philor_ [ringnalda@moz-1BA45B16.dial1.seattle1.level3.net] is now known as philor [01:20:40] sayrer: that HP OA one [01:20:47] nice [01:21:03] so [01:21:05] double free [01:21:08] what's the stack [01:21:35] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/301940 [01:21:46] raccettura [raccettura@moz-6169A4AF.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:22:10] does it tell you the allocation location? [01:22:25] biesi [chb@moz-FEB3AC38.dclient.hispeed.ch] has quit IRC: Quit: Verlassend [01:22:42] no [01:22:43] nth10sd [nth10sd@moz-E7B2A8B8.kappa67.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #developers [01:22:50] how annoying [01:23:20] there are several errors [01:23:52] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/301943 [01:25:20] those are exciting [01:29:56] sayrer: you checked-in on orange, so you get to file the blocker [01:30:13] npotb :P [01:30:45] stuart wonders if anyone else is running his build [01:30:49] guess i shold blog it [01:30:56] I would if I used windows [01:31:15] i'll fix up the mac stuff on monday [01:31:32] gavin_: valgrind? [01:32:15] gmake[4]: Entering directory `/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Trunk/Linux_2.6.18-8.el5_Depend/mozilla/obj-fx-trunk/js/src' [01:32:22] no linux [01:32:31] jslock.c [01:32:33] sayrer: don't believe you! [01:32:46] js/src/jslock.c:109:5: warning: C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90 [01:32:51] you don't understand the ifdefs [01:33:23] I'm mostly just badgering you about it... I believe you ;) [01:33:25] stuart sprinkles //'s in C files all the time for temp commenting out [01:33:40] surprised that got by be [01:33:45] oh well [01:33:54] brendan [brendaneic@moz-37758455.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [01:34:27] brendan [brendaneic@moz-37758455.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [01:35:14] sayrer: wait... if that really is NPOTB, I shouldn't see that warning, should I? [01:35:26] odd [01:35:27] wish i'd disabled the content arena [01:35:31] in this build [01:35:38] gavin_: what tool are you using to detect those memory safety bugs? [01:35:38] oh well [01:35:43] purify [01:35:51] k [01:36:07] reed, yeah [01:36:21] maybe it's the preprocessor whining [01:36:23] sayrer: then why do I, and for that line? :) [01:36:48] I don't get it here [01:36:51] sayrer shrugs [01:37:52] ok, I want to land, so I guess I'll file the blocker [01:37:53] :/ [01:38:03] reed, why are you filing a blocker? [01:38:12] we have a consistent orange? [01:38:16] that's a box problem [01:38:22] it looks like tests failing to me [01:38:29] yes, it's the same tests that fail every time [01:38:42] still not following the reasoning [01:38:50] collinj [chatzilla@moz-4FB5590.stanford.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:38:58] meaning that those tests will fail if the window isn't left in a certain way [01:39:06] ah [01:39:09] now I see [01:39:13] the tests are flawed/faulty [01:39:19] but we have what we have [01:39:20] :( [01:39:34] it wants your attenions [01:39:42] it wants Enn's attention [01:40:32] gav [gavin@moz-FBC67194.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [01:40:59] gav [gavin@CPE0016b6cf4510-CM000f9f551ed8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #developers [01:48:38] mark_ [mark@D5A0FBBC.AE3EE5E5.21EFAA2A.IP] has joined #developers [01:49:18] reed: are you filing? [01:49:22] yes [01:49:37] dolske sighs [01:50:26] reed waits on slow bugzilla [01:58:11] surely we can get rid of these problems somehow [01:58:31] separate X server on Linux, "something" on Mac, "something else" on Windows [01:59:36] kaie [kaie@moz-AC87FFC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [02:00:40] davida [dascher@moz-366AB54E.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [02:02:00] dolske [dolske@moz-334F2010.mountainview.mozilla.com] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [02:03:30] karlt [karl@moz-27B7E44D.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #developers [02:16:57] ianloic [ian@moz-1817B4DB.dreamhostps.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:17:13] ianloic [ian@moz-1817B4DB.dreamhostps.com] has joined #developers [02:17:39] davida [dascher@moz-366AB54E.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:19:13] hrm [02:19:17] still growing faster than i want [02:19:26] need to try tuning some things [02:22:12] termie [andy@A2518C7B.600ACB60.8661750E.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:24:10] termie [andy@A2518C7B.600ACB60.8661750E.IP] has joined #developers [02:24:34] dolske [dolske@moz-F8EC3862.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [02:26:37] roc [roc@moz-EAA37BE7.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #developers [02:27:02] koifans|home [chatzilla@moz-73B1F9C1.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [02:28:10] ted [luser@moz-4F59F470.c3-0.drf-ubr1.atw-drf.pa.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:45:25] markh [markh@moz-10EBD598.vic.dft.com.au] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [02:45:30] markh [markh@moz-10EBD598.vic.dft.com.au] has joined #developers [02:56:13] markh [markh@moz-10EBD598.vic.dft.com.au] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:58:18] blassey [blassey@moz-B9AA5393.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Input/output error [02:58:50] blassey [blassey@moz-B9AA5393.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #developers [03:00:25] dietrich [dietrich@moz-9549A5E3.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: dietrich [03:02:00] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 qm-winxp01 dep unit test' has changed state from Test Failed to Burning. [03:02:54] termie [andy@A2518C7B.600ACB60.8661750E.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:02:54] blassey [blassey@moz-B9AA5393.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [03:03:03] blassey [blassey@moz-B9AA5393.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #developers [03:04:12] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-612E43FF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [03:04:54] termie [andy@A2518C7B.600ACB60.8661750E.IP] has joined #developers [03:06:03] rginda [rginda@moz-2EF64D22.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [03:12:13] markh [markh@moz-10EBD598.vic.dft.com.au] has joined #developers [03:22:42] JasnaPaka [chatzilla@moz-9D55794A.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [03:28:36] Waldo [heckler@moz-FED5FD50.mit.edu] has quit IRC: Input/output error [03:32:12] Firefox: 'Linux qm-centos5-01 dep unit test' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [03:33:42] Hendy [wolfoxout@DE977448.3963211D.E0703FA1.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:35:21] Hendy [wolfoxout@DE977448.3963211D.E0703FA1.IP] has joined #developers [03:36:22] mvl [mvl@moz-FC59C0AE.xs4all.nl] has joined #developers [03:39:05] whimboo [whimboo@moz-40B9812B.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [03:40:32] Mardak: ping [03:41:29] Mano [chatzilla@moz-AA823B06.bb.netvision.net.il] is now known as ManoZZZ [03:41:45] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] has joined #developers [03:42:00] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice|afk [03:42:05] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [03:44:25] Misa [chatzilla@F47B5B0F.E59C4692.1C6C5B8D.IP] has joined #developers [03:52:09] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-36071B30.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:57:04] koifans|home [chatzilla@moz-73B1F9C1.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:57:29] nth10sd [nth10sd@moz-E7B2A8B8.kappa67.maxonline.com.sg] has quit IRC: Quit: nth10sd [03:58:18] nth10sd [nth10sd@moz-E7B2A8B8.kappa67.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #developers [03:58:32] nth10sd [nth10sd@moz-E7B2A8B8.kappa67.maxonline.com.sg] has left #developers [03:59:16] fyysik_v [vision@moz-50D43E80.cab24.trt.starman.ee] has joined #developers [04:08:12] heh [04:08:27] this script does tar -xvf … >/dev/null [04:14:00] philor [ringnalda@moz-1BA45B16.dial1.seattle1.level3.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:17:55] Aran [aran@moz-AA64029B.versanet.de] has joined #developers [04:19:42] brendan [brendaneic@moz-37758455.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Connection timed out [04:21:00] brendan [brendaneic@moz-37758455.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [04:27:35] Firefox: 'Linux qm-centos5-01 dep unit test' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [04:30:39] JasnaPaka [chatzilla@moz-9D55794A.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox 3.0b3pre/2008011105] [04:33:15] karlt [karl@moz-27B7E44D.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:33:51] chewey_ [chewey@moz-B4055D2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [04:33:51] chewey [chewey@moz-B4055D2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [04:35:32] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 qm-winxp01 dep unit test' has changed state from Burning to Test Failed. [04:35:51] Standard8Away [mark@B7F1AE36.48015583.54C3481B.IP] has joined #developers [04:36:01] Standard8Away [mark@B7F1AE36.48015583.54C3481B.IP] is now known as Standard8 [04:36:55] ugh, test failed again [04:37:49] the SM one? [04:38:13] no, popup one [04:38:23] but I think it's just a test or machine problem [04:38:35] as we have another windows box that isn't seeing the failure [04:38:40] blizzard [blizzard@AF6BBC00.E99AA8B2.6E53CCF9.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:39:43] Aran [aran@moz-AA64029B.versanet.de] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [04:39:45] so the popup one is a test or machine problem or did you mean the SeaMonkey test failure could be a test or machine problem? [04:40:12] roc: several things, please and thanks... a1.9 on 409012, what about dao's comment in 412017, can you answer the questions in 366531 [04:40:22] Standard8: popup one... I'm unaware of any SM test failure [04:40:24] reed looks [04:41:01] heh [04:41:02] odd [04:41:17] I only just came online, so still getting up to speed [04:41:29] what is color order in Mozilla DIB - RGB or BGR? [04:41:30] Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIServerSocket.init] [04:41:57] rginda [rginda@moz-2EF64D22.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:42:30] Misa [chatzilla@F47B5B0F.E59C4692.1C6C5B8D.IP] has left #developers [04:43:23] roc: oh, and answer Ian in 408578, please [04:43:27] four things, pretty please :) [04:47:05] reed: bug 412017 is not my patch or my review, so what do you want me to do? [04:47:19] er, sorry [04:47:30] mano will have to answer, I guess [04:47:46] ignore that request then :) [04:51:12] is there a possibility that mResponseHead in nsHttpChannel could be null? I think not, because any request will give us a response header right? [04:52:32] roc: thanks! [04:53:37] Aran [aran@moz-AA64029B.versanet.de] has joined #developers [04:57:22] Standard8 ponders if Linux cb-sea-linux-tbox failures are due to a stuck test process (http server?) [04:57:37] Vampire- [aleks@D2602DB7.D89A3637.E16F0CF5.IP] has joined #developers [04:58:54] hmm KaiRo isn't up yet [04:59:00] smaugZzz [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [04:59:12] Standard8 memoservs KaiRo [05:00:10] brendan [brendaneic@moz-37758455.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Connection timed out [05:01:00] Standard8 [mark@B7F1AE36.48015583.54C3481B.IP] is now known as Standard8Away [05:01:31] brendan [brendaneic@moz-37758455.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [05:01:32] Standard8Away [mark@B7F1AE36.48015583.54C3481B.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: back later [05:01:43] stefanh [stefanh@moz-C0717DF0.static.s-h.siw.siwnet.net] has joined #developers [05:03:51] roc [roc@moz-EAA37BE7.dsl.telstraclear.net] has quit IRC: Quit: roc [05:04:26] Aran [aran@moz-AA64029B.versanet.de] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:06:28] Hendy [wolfoxout@DE977448.3963211D.E0703FA1.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand it [05:09:46] Firefox: 'Linux qm-centos5-01 dep unit test' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [05:11:51] great [05:11:59] this torrent is going to take a year and 67 days [05:13:42] kig [kig@moz-D380D936.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [05:18:57] huh [05:19:24] I can't tell if that's a real failure or just a problem with Ryan's test [05:19:27] myk: ping? [05:20:57] Asztal [asztal@moz-7DA86D8A.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [05:23:38] mvl [mvl@moz-FC59C0AE.xs4all.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: mvl [05:23:56] looks like a test problem [05:24:02] since I can see the applications pane [05:24:07] reed disables the test [05:24:54] wgianopoulos [gianopou@moz-7A06A043.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.79-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [05:26:55] Aran [aran@moz-AA64029B.versanet.de] has joined #developers [05:27:24] maikmerten [maikmerten@moz-A09E4BB3.l.pppool.de] has joined #developers [05:28:34] does anybody experienced color swapping R<->B in branch postscript printing? [05:28:47] cannot find anything at bigzilla:( [05:29:00] bugzilla [05:30:22] Matti [Matti@moz-FDCAE668.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [05:33:09] Aran [aran@moz-AA64029B.versanet.de] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:37:11] asac [asac@moz-951F5128.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [05:39:30] zwn1 [behnam@EBC6A61F.4B30160C.8944D239.IP] has joined #developers [05:40:38] zwnj [behnam@F3241670.3F1DE48A.22199703.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:40:47] peepo [Jay@moz-CD07E236.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #develop