### Log session started at Tue Nov 7 00:00:00 2006 ### [00:02:27] stephend [stephend@moz-6B11E131.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client [00:02:46] mozilla/js/tamarin/codegin/Ia32Assembler.cpp [00:02:47] hmm [00:03:13] where do you see "First half of 2008"? i thought we changed that to "2008" a few hours ago. [00:03:35] maybe in the adobe release? [00:03:40] doh [00:04:56] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:04:57] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [00:05:13] ooh, we're getting PCRE with it? :p [00:05:48] heh [00:06:26] if yes, can we please move it somewhere common so we don't need to actually end up proxying our regex uses through JS? :p [00:07:11] ah [00:07:25] db48x recalls This Tuesday, November 7th at 10am PST (UTC-8) Brendan Eich and some very special guests will be hosting a developer chat about exciting new technologies coming to Mozilla 2. [00:07:41] doh, irc client stripped out the quotes again [00:08:10] sayrer: no, http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pressroom/pressreleases/200611/110706Mozilla.html doesn't mention 2008 [00:08:31] Jesse_: hmm, what about the PDFs that went out? [00:09:15] cause I know I read "first half of 2008" and I didn't have preview access to the website [00:09:21] coulda sworn [00:09:36] ss: do you remember where you saw "first half of 2008"? [00:09:43] cnet [00:09:43] <@bz_gone> sayrer: the pdfs that pkim sent had that [00:09:47] <@bz_gone> sayrer: as I recall [00:10:06] daim [David_Mart@moz-7EA56F36.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [00:10:12] shoot [00:10:16] Jesse_: http://news.com.com/Adobe+to+donate+script+code+to+Mozilla/2100-7344_3-6133052.html [00:10:20] for once it's not cnet's fault that their story is inaccurate [00:10:23] evidently the press got the PDFs too [00:10:40] <@bz_gone> "This virtual machine is expected to be built into future versions of the Firefox browser by the first half of 2008, said Frank Hecker, the executive director of the Mozilla Foundation. [00:10:54] <@bz_gone> That would mean 1.9 [00:11:01] <@bz_gone> Which is Not The Plan [00:11:04] heh [00:11:09] err [00:11:09] <@bz_gone> er... wait [00:11:10] <@bz_gone> 2008 [00:11:12] <@bz_gone> not 2007 [00:11:12] No no [00:11:13] Yeah [00:11:14] <@bz_gone> ok [00:11:15] yeah i was going to ask [00:11:18] 1.9 in 2008? [00:11:23] Pushing 1.9 another year back? [00:11:23] ;) [00:11:29] <@bz_gone> nah, I expect 1.9 by like fall 2007 [00:11:32] <@bz_gone> or maybe even summer [00:11:34] i mean, i know it's not ready [00:11:36] yeah, we want to wait for Camino to catch up [00:11:36] yurik [yurik@moz-3FC6D3EB.sub-75-192-126.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [00:11:38] ;) [00:11:43] Rish, so that's a quick turn around for 2.0 [00:11:46] ss slaps sayrer [00:11:51] <@bz_gone> well [00:11:59] ../../MMgc/GC.h:951: error: cast from ‘const void*’ to ‘int’ loses precision [00:12:01] s/Rish/Right [00:12:01] <@bz_gone> Far as I can tell, plan's to work on 2.0 in parallel [00:12:01] doh [00:12:08] <@bz_gone> during the 1.9 betas and so forth [00:12:11] <@bz_gone> Which makes sense [00:12:18] <@bz_gone> Except for all the regression-fixing 1.9 will need. [00:12:40] bz_gone: did you see bsmedberg's toolkit post? [00:12:45] <@bz_gone> yes [00:12:50] <@bz_gone> Good idea, it is! [00:12:54] but that is only toolkit [00:12:57] <@bz_gone> Yeah [00:13:03] <@bz_gone> We should try to do the same in other components [00:13:27] webkit requires rendering regression tests for pretty much all checkins (in components that affect rendering) [00:13:29] I was going to ask about that. how much build time testing can really be done in toolkit? [00:13:30] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:13:36] <@bz_gone> I wish we could also run some test where any assert means failure... [00:13:49] bz_gone: btw reftest are slow and put the CPU at 100% [00:13:53] we have tests that run in-browser [00:13:59] <@bz_gone> bernd: heh. no surprise. [00:14:13] now I just need to make them easier and easier to use [00:14:20] but webkit's tests are "here's a web page and here's a PNG of exactly what it should look like", which might not be the best model for gecko [00:14:25] yurik [yurik@moz-3FC6D3EB.sub-75-192-126.myvzw.com] has joined #developers [00:14:30] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: yeah, we need that. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how I'd do rendering regression tests for most of my recent patches. [00:14:38] they do percentage diffs too [00:14:39] bz_gone: I transferred all the table-dom stuff for automated cellmap testing [00:14:46] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: how _does_ one usefully regression-test deleted object derefs? ;) [00:15:08] bz_gone: does it crash? [00:15:10] whimboo [whimboo@moz-62B4B8F1.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [00:15:12] <@bz_gone> Bernd: yeah, I saw. [00:15:18] <@bz_gone> sayrer: some of them do. sometimes. [00:15:24] <@bz_gone> sayrer: some of them probably do in some cases. [00:15:33] <@bz_gone> sayrer: some of them reliably assert and sometimes crash. [00:15:36] <@bz_gone> sayrer: that sort of thing. [00:15:52] bz_gone: I've seen test case HTML in most of your recent bugs [00:15:54] <@bz_gone> sayrer: but yeah, the crashes we should just be landing.... [00:15:57] bz_gone: it goes into a "this shouldn't cause a crash" bin, and someone runs all the tests under valgrind every once in a while just to be sure [00:16:29] <@bz_gone> sayrer: I question the usefulness of just checking in a crash testcase HTML... unless you reproduce that same exact bug (which is _really_ unlikely), it probably will not do much good... [00:16:42] bz_gone: nothing wrong with a test consisting of |ok(true,"we made it")| [00:16:54] <@bz_gone> sayrer: nothing wrong, but not much right. [00:17:06] sayrer: the question with crash bugs is if the crash is exploitable and the bug secure no one want's a public testcase [00:17:13] <@bz_gone> sayrer: a more useful test woul dbe what Jesse says (valgrind), plus making sure there are no asserts. [00:17:24] bz_gone: disagree. one of the reasons unit testing works is that it tends to hit error-prone parts of the code [00:17:26] <@bz_gone> sayrer: (which of course means running it in a debug build for the latter) [00:17:42] bz_gone: or (and i prefer this solution, but it's a bit off-topic or futuristic) we require that all code includes invariants and proof hints, compile with a "if you can't prove memory safety it's fatal" option, so that a program that might crash does not compile. [00:17:52] bz_gone: we have buildbot. it can grep for whatever [00:18:10] <@bz_gone> sayrer: I'm not sure why grep matters... [00:18:16] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [00:18:22] <@bz_gone> sayrer: all I'm saying is that I feel that just checking the tests in is not enough [00:18:24] bz_gone: would running opt in valgrind and debug (not in valgrind) work? in case that ends up being faster [00:18:38] bz: it can be as simple is looking for "FAIL" and "ASSERTION" in the output stream [00:18:41] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: oh, absolutely. we don't want to run debug in valgrind. [00:18:55] <@bz_gone> sayrer: XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK=abort for the win! ;) [00:18:57] <@bz_gone> sayrer: imo [00:19:15] <@bz_gone> sayrer: much simpler to work with [00:19:17] i don't like XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK=abort. it doesn't trigger the mac os x crash dialog :( [00:19:27] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: what do we care? [00:19:34] <@bz_gone> JEsse_: we just want it to turn the tree orange [00:19:36] well, if we have code that won't trigger asserts, sure [00:19:46] <@bz_gone> sayrer: "good question" [00:19:52] I have *never* used a trunk build that doesn't do that [00:19:53] for tinderbox i guess the current behavior is ideal, good point [00:19:56] <@bz_gone> sayrer: if we don't, we have problems [00:19:59] Jesse_: you don't want a dialog on automated build [00:20:01] bz_gone never gets asserts in his trunk builds [00:20:08] bz_gone: on mac? [00:20:13] <@bz_gone> Certainly not if I just start them up, load a testcase, then shut down [00:20:21] <@bz_gone> sayrer: oh, no. Linux. Mac has Issues last I checked. [00:20:24] on linux64? [00:20:26] <@bz_gone> nope [00:20:29] <@bz_gone> linux32 [00:20:40] linux64 has sisues :) [00:20:41] <@bz_gone> What asserts on linux64? [00:20:44] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [00:20:45] bz_gone: it doesn't assert? [00:20:46] <@bz_gone> And why is it not fixed? ;) [00:20:50] lots of stuff [00:20:55] <@bz_gone> bernd: now [00:20:59] <@bz_gone> bernd: er, nope [00:21:05] I am on mac right now [00:21:10] <@bz_gone> env XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK=trap testmoz -g [00:21:19] but I can tell you we seem to read into random bitmaps lately [00:21:20] Jesse_ hopes mac will eventually not assert on every startup [00:21:27] <@bz_gone> pretty standard way for me to load html pages from bug reports.... [00:21:37] heh, I get kazillions of asserts on my mactel minefield [00:21:51] Sorry for using such a technical term ;) [00:21:54] <@bz_gone> I assume there _are_ bugs filed on the mac? [00:22:14] bz_gone: yes, and i track them with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341986 [00:23:04] <@bz_gone> oh [00:23:08] http://paste.lisp.org/display/29425 [00:23:10] <@bz_gone> I should clarify that this is with seamonkey [00:23:13] <@bz_gone> with firefox, all bets are off [00:23:15] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348075 and https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=326837 are the worst right now [00:23:18] *laugh* [00:23:32] by "worst" i mean "i get more than a screen full of each" [00:23:35] bz_gone is looking at you, navhistory [00:23:54] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: er... we need help on that first one [00:23:59] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: if you can reproduce it, help! [00:24:01] Jesse_: bug 326837 is really a pain [00:24:20] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: see my comments in the bug [00:24:44] bz_gone: if i get it in a debugger can you tell me what to poke? [00:25:15] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348075#c4 [00:25:16] dbaron reads mrbkap's checkin comment and wonders who was using the term "pseudo-frame" first [00:25:24] whimboo [whimboo@moz-62B4B8F1.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [00:25:37] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [00:25:39] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: and see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348075#c7 [00:25:49] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: make that warning an assert and breakpoint on _that_ [00:25:53] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: then we want the stack [00:26:12] ok, i'll try [00:26:16] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: Thanks! [00:26:26] but not right now [00:26:48] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: no rush. I'm about to head to bed. [00:27:11] <@bz_gone> dbaron: are you interested in reviewing the "stylesheet loading shouldn't block parser" patch? [00:27:31] <@bz_gone> dbaron: it's pretty much all in the sinks, xslt, content, so I'm assuming I'll basically have sicking review [00:27:36] <@bz_gone> dbaron: unless you want to be in on it [00:27:38] <@dbaron> bz_gone, hrm. I'm interested in cheering it on. I don't know much of that code, though. [00:27:44] <@dbaron> bz_gone, having sicking review is fine [00:27:58] Jesse_: webkit's tests aren't just a PNG - they have hooks for feeding in ui events if needed, and dump something like a frame tree for comparison [00:28:06] <@bz_gone> dbaron: cool. sicking made some scriptloader changes that let me really easily block script execution (but not loading) on sheets [00:28:14] <@bz_gone> dbaron: so I should have it ready to go in the next day or two. [00:28:25] is this related to the tradeoff between "flash of unstyled content" vs. "google cache doesn't work for sites that are slashdotted"? [00:28:30] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [00:29:04] yes, tor is right [00:29:06] or is it just a page-load-time thing at this point? [00:29:23] they have a global that dumps a layout data structure [00:29:32] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: it's a few things. Page-load-time. [00:29:38] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: fixing a few crashes. [00:29:46] crashes!? [00:29:55] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: better support for showing a page (unstyled) even if the sheets are taking forever [00:30:00] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: oh, yes. ;) [00:30:42] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: hmm... although maybe mrbkap fixed those on the parser side... [00:30:51] i don't see crashes mentioned https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=84582 or in the summaries of open dependencies [00:30:55] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: ok, so "removing possibility of crashes appearing" [00:31:02] still a good thing :) [00:31:04] <@bz_gone> Jesse_: "due to reentry of non-reentrant code" [00:31:07] piratepenguin [declan@moz-122E5985.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:31:52] <@bz_gone> anyway [00:31:53] <@bz_gone> sleep [00:31:58] bz_gone [bzbarsky@moz-8120CEBA.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] is now known as bz_sleep [00:32:31] dbaron: when I added a the small amount of testcases I noticed how slow reftest are, shall I anyway add as much as possible testcases to it (assuming that this is *the* layout regression test of the future) or shall there go only a limited amount of stuff [00:33:22] <@dbaron> Don't hesitate. [00:33:28] <@dbaron> We can probably make reftest a good bit faster at some point. [00:33:38] <@dbaron> It just wasn't a priority. [00:33:41] pamg [pamg@moz-1FAE4A1A.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #developers [00:33:53] pamg [pamg@moz-1FAE4A1A.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: pamg [00:34:22] yes, the more test cases the better, no matter how long it takes to run [00:34:34] we can always speed things up, create smaller scale test sets, etc. [00:34:51] dbaron: I am not sure when you pulled the reflow branch but some of them might crash the reflow branch if you did not pick up my latest corrections [00:35:02] <@bz_sleep> bernd: it didn't [00:35:12] thats the cellmap checkin [00:35:12] <@dbaron> the tests are also branched... [00:35:18] <@bz_sleep> bernd: as in pick up your cellmap change [00:40:22] Mnyromyr [MnyroWork@moz-E0F31C11.tal.de] has joined #developers [00:42:47] dietrich_ [dietrich@moz-3E81082E.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: dietrich_ [00:43:12] apparently tamarin doesn't work on 64-bit platforms yet (http://www.kaourantin.net/2006/11/spidermonkeys-relative-tamarin-joins.html) [00:43:51] dietrich [dietrich@moz-3E81082E.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #developers [00:44:11] tor: no, it doesn't. I was just playing with it [00:44:22] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [00:44:26] and actually there are cross-platform compile errors anyway [00:44:35] does it work on anything other than x86-32? [00:44:53] tor: Likely not, or else not well [00:45:00] tor: It needs much love [00:45:07] oh joy [00:45:22] But it will be tremendously cool when it gets it [00:45:30] much like cairo [00:45:46] doesn't work on PPC? [00:46:21] sayrer: Adobe's stuff works on lots of platforms. The merge of Spidermonkey+Adobe's stuff is very young [00:46:35] I see [00:46:36] it's got code in there for compiling to ppc and arm in addition to x86 [00:46:51] db48x: Yeah, I think they have a lot of JITing backends [00:47:00] Adobe doesn't ship 64-bit Flash yet, fwiw [00:47:05] <@bz_sleep> oh [00:47:10] <@bz_sleep> that's the other thing we get from this [00:47:14] <@bz_sleep> in addition to the JIT [00:47:15] <@bz_sleep> the GC [00:47:24] Yeah, their GC is very nice [00:47:59] iirc from our marathon coding session on it, it needs to be taught to recognize some of our things.... maybe that has happened in the last week or so [00:48:12] But it is conservative, not exact [00:50:07] And it can run incrementally [00:50:40] It's apparently relatively easy for them to add new JITing backends, also [00:53:37] <@bz_sleep> incremental GC is what we really need... [00:53:40] <@bz_sleep> imho [00:54:07] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:55:14] #define COREADDR(f) coreAddr((int (AvmCore::*)())(&f)) [00:55:15] phew [00:55:29] C++ sure does make pointers-to-members fun! [00:56:05] yea :( [00:56:06] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [01:00:02] Bernd [bmlk@moz-BB4D6149.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006102904] [01:00:40] bz_sleep: Yeah, it's a huge bonus [01:01:15] whimboo [whimboo@moz-62B4B8F1.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [01:01:27] mrbkap: They're trying to make sure you -really- know what you're doing before you use them. ;) [01:01:44] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [01:01:48] what kind of GC is used now? [01:02:14] markandsweep? [01:02:18] non incremental [01:02:27] jeremy: Spidermonkey's current GC is exact and not incremental [01:02:37] It cannot stop mid-way through a pass [01:04:15] tH [r@] has joined #developers [01:04:25] jeremy: Spidermonkey's GC has what Brendan likes to call "bad human factors" [01:05:05] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:05:44] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [01:05:52] should i expect to learn what markandsweep (i can guess) and exact mean wrt GC in some future CS class? [01:06:00] mconnor_ [mconnor@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [01:06:07] mconnor_ [mconnor@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #developers: Leaving [01:06:15] jeremy: Yes, a compilers class or systems class should cover garbage collection. [01:06:43] jeremy: In general, though, you'll have to think about GC less than you do now in Moz development [01:07:53] mrbkap was mildly surprised to learn that his programming languages course was going to cover GC as well. [01:08:12] mrbkap: Makes sense, it is treated as a "language feature" [01:08:45] crowder: "bad human factors"? [01:09:02] vlad: you have to explicitly root all GC values you're using in C++ code. [01:09:07] unless they're otherwise rooted. [01:09:14] The burden is on the programmer. [01:09:19] http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc/conservative.html [01:09:40] oh hey, we can talk about the adobe thing now, nice [01:09:43] vlad: It's easy to use wrong and hard to use right [01:09:58] vlad: yeah, press release finally done ;) [01:10:05] and there's a #tamarin, too [01:12:57] whimboo [whimboo@moz-62B4B8F1.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Quit [01:13:11] I wasn't aware of that :) [01:14:14] was it called Tamarin before they decided to open it? [01:14:53] heh, we were calling it something way cooler, but I don't think various legal/marketing minds approved [01:15:39] yea, I hate it when that happens [01:18:03] crowder: we obviously need to know that name, so we can call it that [01:18:06] spidermonkey's current gc has SEGVed on my too many times [01:18:18] crowder: "spankymonkey" ? [01:18:50] lol. spankymonkey would have been good [01:19:21] sayrer: heh, I'm sure someone somewhere will spontaneously reinvent it :) [01:19:59] sayrer: Just take half of one and half of the other and glue them [01:20:11] FlashyMonkey? [01:20:15] lol [01:20:23] That's another good one, but not the one [01:20:36] That one might be better [01:20:41] monkeyaction? [01:20:49] db48x: Soooo close. [01:20:52] actionmonkey [01:20:53] heh [01:21:14] I think maybe I like FlashyMonkey [01:21:52] "AngryMonkey" [01:22:10] and somehow you could link JIT and GIR together [01:23:14] jitgirflashmonkey [01:23:29] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:26:13] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [01:26:21] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [01:26:37] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:32:36] gemal [spam@moz-97280393.atm2-0-90242.0x535cd48a.boanxx8.customer.tele.dk] has joined #developers [01:34:30] anybody here knows what the "Tamarin (AVM2 open source) Flash9_DotReleases_Branch" is? [01:35:02] gemal: ask in #tamarin? [01:35:18] http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/press/mozilla-2006-11-07.html ? [01:35:27] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:35:27] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:35:32] hah [01:36:42] thanx...! [01:36:57] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [01:37:23] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [01:39:16] how do i disable google autosearch from the urlbar? [01:39:44] keyword something another [01:39:58] timeless: keyword.enabled [01:40:02] set that to false [01:40:30] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Client exited [01:40:39] then go to about:config, set normal.user to false too [01:40:47] all your problems with Mozilla will be gone! [01:40:52] haha [01:40:56] All of them? [01:41:01] mrbkap glances at his bug list. [01:41:02] Even those?! [01:41:26] only if you set the pref, too [01:41:29] :( [01:44:50] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [01:46:48] tor [tor@moz-BEF5E3BB.austin.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:48:34] chewey [chewey@moz-65F99E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [01:50:27] zwnj [zwnj@A27B03AD.DA3750AA.22199703.IP] has joined #developers [01:50:48] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [01:52:08] ghost__ [ghost@moz-B767D731.est.estpak.ee] has quit IRC: Quit: [01:53:54] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] has joined #developers [01:54:40] gemal [spam@moz-97280393.atm2-0-90242.0x535cd48a.boanxx8.customer.tele.dk] has left #developers [02:00:51] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: ... [02:01:02] john64 [jhford@moz-CA2C3584.dsl.bell.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [02:07:03] vlad [asdf@moz-217A21F5.dsl.static.sonic.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:10:06] vlad [asdf@moz-217A21F5.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #developers [02:19:31] Build 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 boxset Depend' has dropped from the 'Thunderbird' tinderbox. [02:19:45] andrew_ [chatzilla@moz-8D5BF27.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [02:20:35] andrew_ [chatzilla@moz-8D5BF27.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [02:20:55] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:22:05] andrew_ [chatzilla@moz-58744E5C.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [02:23:39] andrew_ [chatzilla@moz-58744E5C.adsl.mnsi.net] is now known as andrew [02:24:22] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has joined #developers [02:26:40] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [02:27:29] is there a current page that lists the mozilla.org fax number? [02:27:32] other than legal? [02:27:33] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Success to Burning. [02:29:55] timeless finds google.com/finance?q=mozilla [02:31:54] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [02:31:56] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: dt [02:33:41] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend pacifica-vm test perf' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [02:41:38] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [02:47:01] philor [ringnalda@moz-2BAB5BE8.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Quit: mochicoma [02:47:42] Firefox: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend argo-vm test perf' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [02:53:09] beaufour [beaufour@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has joined #developers [02:53:42] Build 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.0 bm-xserve02 Depend Universal release' has dropped from the 'SeaMonkey' tinderbox. [02:56:57] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:56:58] Mano [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [02:57:03] Mano_ [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] has joined #developers [02:57:05] Mano_ [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] is now known as Mano [03:00:28] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:00:29] mojo [mattar1@moz-E9870E1C.dyn.aci.on.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: [03:02:18] zwnj [zwnj@A27B03AD.DA3750AA.22199703.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ZWNJ.org [03:12:43] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [03:17:50] Build 'Linux crazyhorse Depend release' has dropped from the 'Thunderbird' tinderbox. [03:18:33] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has joined #developers [03:21:16] duo [duo@C8F34995.4B19F914.908AEBC.IP] has joined #developers [03:21:51] Firefox: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend argo-vm test perf' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [03:23:28] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [03:23:42] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [03:24:05] Mano [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [03:24:07] Mano_ [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] has joined #developers [03:24:09] Mano_ [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] is now known as Mano [03:25:55] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend pacifica-vm test perf' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [03:27:03] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:28:09] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [03:28:09] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [03:33:45] tor [tor@moz-BEF5E3BB.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [03:34:08] gemal [spam@moz-97280393.atm2-0-90242.0x535cd48a.boanxx8.customer.tele.dk] has joined #developers [03:34:24] ronin [chatzilla@DBF8FBC4.4DDE6AC8.4375B591.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:37:52] Wayne [Wayne@moz-495274A6.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #developers [03:38:38] Hey [03:39:16] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [03:40:51] This might seem like a really dumb newbie question... In javascript, if you have an iteration, such as a for loop, and the iteration requires a local variable... is it better to declare the var inside the loop or outside? I wasn't sure if it'll be redeclared each time the loop is executed, and therefore creates more overhead [03:41:40] declarations are part of function compilation overhead [03:41:53] it doesn't matter where in the function it's listed [03:41:55] ronin [chatzilla@DBF8FBC4.4DDE6AC8.4375B591.IP] has joined #developers [03:41:57] ronin [chatzilla@DBF8FBC4.4DDE6AC8.4375B591.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ronin [03:41:59] Build 'WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1)' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey' tinderbox. [03:42:04] so it's all done ahead of time? [03:42:05] it won't be part of the for loop opcodes [03:42:12] var? yes [03:42:13] awesome. thanks :) [03:42:31] I've no experience with javascript before this, so I had no idea how it behaved [03:43:46] thanks again :) [03:43:48] Wayne [Wayne@moz-495274A6.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has left #developers [03:50:34] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Burning to Success. [03:53:23] bz_sleep [bzbarsky@moz-8120CEBA.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:54:08] gemal [spam@moz-97280393.atm2-0-90242.0x535cd48a.boanxx8.customer.tele.dk] has quit IRC: Quit: [03:56:09] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Client exited [03:57:14] duo [duo@C8F34995.4B19F914.908AEBC.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:01:05] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [04:01:25] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-F092C9D5.univ-orleans.fr] has joined #developers [04:02:07] hey guys how can i can i make a chrome url point to an exact tab in an xul file? [04:07:52] anyone? [04:07:56] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-F092C9D5.univ-orleans.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:14:02] Static_Rage: you can't [04:14:27] ah man, no way at all? thats a bit lame... [04:16:01] seems like something that should be so easy to do aswell :( [04:16:53] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [04:16:58] bonjour [04:20:40] Mossop_away [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] is now known as Mossop [04:22:10] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Client exited [04:29:39] zwnj [zwnj@F1E0EB17.6782E864.3FF6C7A4.IP] has joined #developers [04:33:56] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [04:34:04] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:36:32] can anyone help with some sizing problems im having with an xul window? [04:40:46] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Client exited [04:42:02] beaufour [beaufour@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:42:25] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [04:47:11] smaugZzz [smaug@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAfk [04:56:39] beaufour [beaufour@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has joined #developers [04:57:39] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [05:01:08] hmm, is there a way to make firefox only connect to https:// sites where the cert is valid, and refuse to connect to others? [05:02:10] daim [David_Mart@moz-7EA56F36.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:02:57] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [05:05:17] zwnj [zwnj@F1E0EB17.6782E864.3FF6C7A4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ZWNJ.org [05:12:49] zwnj [zwnj@F1E0EB17.6782E864.3FF6C7A4.IP] has joined #developers [05:14:12] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-3BA3E220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #developers [05:15:21] evan [evan@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] is now known as evan_away [05:15:23] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:17:09] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [05:17:10] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [05:17:49] daim [David_Mart@moz-789E8FB1.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [05:28:12] tomg [opera@moz-4EC30BE.netflint.net] has joined #developers [05:32:02] stevee [Miranda@moz-D93181C8.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [05:35:05] Ryan [rflint@moz-FB6AA47A.res.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [05:35:38] Ryan [rflint@moz-FB6AA47A.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [05:42:26] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [05:43:45] dolphinling_ [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] has joined #developers [05:44:22] dolphinling [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:44:41] dolphinling_ [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] is now known as dolphinling [05:45:53] dolphinling [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] is now known as IRCMonkey5272220 [05:58:29] surkov [surkov@C85117B0.910E0219.48322926.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [05:59:05] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: www.cutemenuproject.com - making gecko programs look good ;) [05:59:43] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] is now known as glazou_lunch [06:00:29] wgianopoulos [chatzilla@moz-7A06A043.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [06:01:50] bz_sleep [bzbarsky@moz-A6FD0E3A.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #developers [06:11:24] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:11:35] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.2 pacifica-vm Depend Fx-Nightly' has changed state from Success to Burning. [06:12:17] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [06:12:24] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [06:35:21] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-3BA3E220.fbx.proxad.net] is now known as [Yoric] [06:35:33] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:40:23] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [06:42:09] Mano [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:43:30] Mano_ [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] has joined #developers [06:43:32] Mano_ [chatzilla@moz-151D5E3D.cable.012.net.il] is now known as Mano [06:44:52] glazou_lunch [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] is now known as glazou [06:51:58] so they had to reboot the electronic voting machine before i could vote [06:52:06] way to instill confidence in the voting process! [06:52:35] mao|zZz [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Max SendQ exceeded [06:54:10] they somehow sensed you were familiar with computers and didn't want you to see the Access window open? :p [06:54:16] haha [06:54:25] it ran windows xp :-( [06:54:33] i watched it startup [07:00:12] mw22_away [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22 [07:01:44] heh [07:01:50] win xp, or win xp embedded? [07:04:06] i didn't see [07:04:08] i just saw winxp [07:06:12] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [07:08:24] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [07:10:27] bwahahahaha !!!! http://www.msfirefox.com/microsoft-firefox-careers.html [07:14:31] Anatolik [tolikk@5176CC8E.38BB09A6.1FCE22BB.IP] has joined #developers [07:14:36] greetings to everyone [07:15:00] guys, i'd like to ask for advice [07:15:15] i'm attaching some of my xpcom c++ components to each tab [07:15:27] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [07:15:35] and catching tab 'unload' inside my component [07:15:58] i'm QI window for nsIEventTarget which arrives into OnLocationChange [07:16:07] in webProgress param [07:16:22] my component receives that event in FF 1.5 and 2.0 [07:16:31] but in FF 1.0.7 -- this method isn't working :( [07:16:53] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Client exited [07:17:25] i need to catch tab closing, i've tried to addListener to 'appcontent' and 'content' from my c++ component for DOMNodeRemoved event [07:17:54] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [07:18:13] i receive it too - as target i get nsIXulElement - with local name tabbrowser and id - content, but i don't seem to get what nsIDOMWindow actually closed from it in C++? [07:18:18] any ideas, guys ? [07:22:17] mmc [mmc@moz-C81D45CC.maths.ed.ac.uk] has joined #developers [07:26:01] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [07:29:27] Static_Rage [chatzilla@moz-3522AB59.cable.ubr06.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Client exited [07:31:53] i guess no, bye [07:31:54] Anatolik [tolikk@5176CC8E.38BB09A6.1FCE22BB.IP] has left #developers [07:32:37] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [07:36:47] raccettura [raccettura@moz-2D8792DD.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [07:39:01] kiko-zzz [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] is now known as kiko [07:39:44] Anyone have a bug# for integrating/turning on Tamarin? [07:41:00] robc_afk [rcampbell@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as robcee [07:41:30] it's scheduled for 2008 [07:41:33] what's the rush? [07:42:13] raccettura: gmail knows of know entries contianing tamarin [07:46:02] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.2 pacifica-vm Depend Fx-Nightly' has changed state from Burning to Success. [07:47:03] timeless: ok. If you encounter a tracking bug or something, just cc me. [07:47:16] raccettura wants to keep an eye on that as it sound *very* promising. [07:48:04] in 15months? [07:48:12] use a bonsai rss feed [07:48:20] add it to reader.google.com : [07:48:22] :) [07:48:39] luser: hmm, timeless is bug-spamming us ;-) [07:48:45] are we going to take this lying down? [07:48:55] shhh, maybe he's sleeping :) [07:49:05] heh [07:49:26] that's the best way to take things lying down :) [07:49:36] well, not the *best* way :D [07:49:52] timeless knew that was coming [07:50:01] plasticmillion ROFLs [07:53:13] hah [07:55:08] ha [07:58:52] timeless just keeps teeing 'em up and I just keep knocking 'em out of the park ;-) [07:59:00] ...while mixing sports metaphors [07:59:43] ... or you're golfing in a park? [08:02:05] normally golfers aim for a specific hole, but let's not go there [08:02:10] let's stick to t-ball? [08:02:56] yeah t-ball, that's the ticket [08:03:30] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] is now known as Standard8Away [08:04:07] eletido [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:08:36] yason [yason@moz-5E2C022F.hybrid.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [08:17:20] wow [08:17:28] if thats not qdb worthy I dont know what is [08:17:34] zwnj [zwnj@F1E0EB17.6782E864.3FF6C7A4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ZWNJ.org [08:19:26] yeah, quotes that mix Bugzilla and sex are the QDB's Holy Grail [08:22:56] webben [benjamin@9675C41F.AEBCA7D1.1DBFC58A.IP] has joined #developers [08:29:07] eletido [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #developers [08:32:50] [Yoric] [AlasPoorYo@moz-3BA3E220.fbx.proxad.net] is now known as Yoric [08:35:20] coop [coop@moz-F3D3CF3E.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #developers [08:40:45] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: daddy duty [08:40:50] CTho|zzz [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|work [08:47:05] bsmedberg-done [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg [08:51:17] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [08:55:01] stephenhorlander [stephen@8D0DAA77.A9323B06.1AB036FD.IP] has joined #developers [08:55:23] stephenhorlander [stephen@8D0DAA77.A9323B06.1AB036FD.IP] has left #developers [08:57:02] IRCMonkey5272220 [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] is now known as dolphinling [09:00:26] hrm, I wonder if we could fix the NSS build stuff from the mozilla side using a custom cygwin-wrapper passed as CC/CCC/AR/RC/MT [09:01:09] plasticmillion wonders if he left the iron on [09:03:31] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006110604] [09:05:00] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [09:07:09] dveditz3 [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [09:08:08] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:09:20] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-E21D2F1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [09:09:30] tigerdog [tigerdog@moz-17385E4D.san.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [09:10:14] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [09:11:01] Mnyromyr [MnyroWork@moz-E0F31C11.tal.de] has quit IRC: Client exited [09:12:05] BenB [ben@moz-DF154B04.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [09:13:10] timeless: re bug 358569: this is a *logic* flaw. it's just *exposed* by the precision switch, but can be exposed via *other* cases as well, one of which was described. [09:16:17] and FWIW, the spidermonkey seems to work just fine in reduced precision, when this bug is fixed. [09:16:46] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [09:16:46] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [09:17:51] wow [09:18:16] ? [09:18:20] BenB: how long did take you to find out that float precision is to blame? [09:18:26] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:18:27] +it [09:18:30] mcsmurf: ages. [09:18:47] hehe, I can believe that ;) [09:19:01] mcsmurf: me, personally, I spend a week alone just investigating. the mediamachines gyus spent probably 2 weeks or so. [09:19:08] mcsmurf: to quote Keith: [09:19:30] I have honestly never put more time and effort into finding and fixing a bug. I got personal! Glad this is over. [09:19:30] just fyi, once we get airbag fully working, it supports reporting stack overflow exceptions [09:20:16] mcsmurf: he called it a "nightmare" [09:20:23] Anatolik [tolikk@5176CC8E.38BB09A6.1FCE22BB.IP] has joined #developers [09:21:43] luser: good. that was just part of the problem, though. The C in that function is a nightmare, too, at least for me. [09:22:02] sounds like it [09:22:56] hi to eveyone [09:23:02] guys, is there any way to get notified when FF goes into full screen mode ? [09:23:17] is there any observer notification? [09:26:05] a fullscreen event is fired [09:26:13] on the window [09:27:18] http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/dom/src/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp#3196 [09:29:16] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [09:29:56] gavin: i see, thanx [09:30:03] i'll try to addListener on it [09:30:28] Enn [enn@moz-F0E247D9.eicat.ca] has joined #developers [09:32:21] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [09:32:21] Anatolik [tolikk@5176CC8E.38BB09A6.1FCE22BB.IP] has left #developers [09:36:40] doronHome [doron@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] is now known as doron [09:38:07] trev [trev@moz-A7FA92C0.bluecom.no] has joined #developers [09:38:11] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [09:38:42] poningru [poningru@moz-FD97DC50.ga.at.cox.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [09:39:34] jhpedemonte [jhpedemont@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [09:44:37] mento [mark@F4381B10.C8C6FF5E.4065847B.IP] has joined #developers [09:46:33] ColinB_ [chatzilla@6668D29C.C8B1B6C9.87161E93.IP] has joined #developers [09:46:35] ColinB_ [chatzilla@6668D29C.C8B1B6C9.87161E93.IP] is now known as ColinB [09:46:49] kherron [chatzilla@moz-66AF888D.mcilink.com] has joined #developers [09:50:38] yurik [yurik@moz-3FC6D3EB.sub-75-192-126.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:51:50] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-18138D0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [09:52:27] philor [ringnalda@moz-E78E2238.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [09:53:16] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [09:53:42] andrew [chatzilla@moz-58744E5C.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [09:58:58] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:03:42] ColinB_ [chatzilla@moz-293EDBBC.cenzic.com] has joined #developers [10:03:45] smaugAfk [smaug@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAway [10:04:35] ColinB [chatzilla@6668D29C.C8B1B6C9.87161E93.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:04:36] ColinB_ [chatzilla@moz-293EDBBC.cenzic.com] is now known as ColinB [10:07:23] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [10:12:53] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: restarting for stupid reasons [10:12:57] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [10:18:52] dveditz3 [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:19:05] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [10:19:34] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [10:21:05] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: one more silly restart [10:22:07] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [10:22:12] stejohns [chatzilla@moz-3F0AFA02.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [10:22:33] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: urk IRC v0.-1.cvs - http://urk.sf.net/ [10:22:50] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [10:23:55] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [10:23:55] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o mkaply [10:26:35] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [10:27:22] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: ok, seriously, last time for today [10:27:31] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [10:29:25] at what point does the pref service get initialized? [10:30:19] plasticmillion: whenever somebody getService()s it first [10:30:35] plasticmillion: then it installs profile-startup listeners and re-reads userprefs when the profile starts [10:32:16] plasticmillion thought it was profile-do-change [10:32:18] bsmedberg: so if I have a profile-do-change observer it might get called before the pref service's profile-do-change observer (and thus the prefs won't be there yet)? [10:32:45] plasticmillion: yes, that's what profile-after-change is for [10:32:58] plasticmillion curses under his breath [10:33:05] that's bad [10:33:08] preed-afk [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [10:33:26] we already use profile-after-change for stuff and the init sequence is rather sensitive to say the least [10:33:41] poningru [poningru@moz-902D5F43.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #developers [10:34:18] plasticmillion: we could really use arbitrary-ordered observer notifications, but nobody's done that [10:34:44] arbitrary-ordered observer notifications? [10:35:25] nsIObserverService2.addObserver(subj, topic, data, priority) [10:35:30] ah [10:35:40] ajschult [andrew@moz-1D374E2C.bflony.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/2006110609] [10:35:43] yeah that would be one approach [10:35:54] it probably wouldn't hurt to load the prefs earlier [10:36:16] but if I instantiate the pref service before I register my profile-do-change observer, perhaps that will work [10:36:22] in a very frightening fragile way [10:36:38] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [10:36:42] yes, indeed [10:36:44] hack away! [10:37:00] plasticmillion: you could forcefully send the profile-change notification to the prefservice ;-) [10:37:16] ah good idea [10:37:47] I pretty much have to hack something now, people are waiting for my patch and if I try to fiddle with our init sequence then all bets are off [10:37:57] anything that doesn't break would just be coincidence ;-) [10:38:32] I need a new event, profile-during-change :-) [10:40:10] WizKid [hesslow@moz-2DCB23BF.swipnet.se] has joined #developers [10:40:58] plasticmillion: shouldn't watching the pref for changes be good enough? or is that a "set once, set again and break" kinda pref? [10:41:17] andrew [chatzilla@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [10:42:34] Mnyromyr [Mnyromyr@B2521176.7B0892CB.771966F7.IP] has joined #developers [10:42:42] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [10:44:03] Pike: the prefs are used for initializing our database service (long story) and the database is used in profile-after-change [10:44:34] I could initialize the DB service when the pref is set but that would be an even bigger hack [10:44:48] bsmedberg: calling prefService.Observe("profile-do-change") did the trick :-) [10:45:04] plasticmillion: yay for fragile hackery [10:45:10] you win today's Golden Pickaxe Award [10:46:03] Mossop [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] is now known as Mossop_away [10:47:36] josh [josh@8D63E60F.77DC9462.199E5B5D.IP] has joined #developers [10:50:43] heh [10:51:47] luser: how do you deal w/ stack overflow? [10:51:57] plasticmillion: fwiw that hack is timeless approved :) [10:52:13] timeless: I'll mention that in my source code comment [10:52:20] alongside your cellphone number... [10:52:25] just in case, y'know [10:55:14] piratepenguin [declan@5D3722BD.FC768B71.9D79F7D7.IP] has joined #developers [10:56:16] dead_mousE [chatzilla@64A17811.5298FC6B.4E39937D.IP] has joined #developers [10:56:34] timr [timr@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [10:56:35] hi [10:56:45] gemal [gemal@moz-97280393.atm2-0-90242.0x535cd48a.boanxx8.customer.tele.dk] has joined #developers [10:57:39] how I can check errors from my javascript codes? Firefox ? SeaMonkey ? [10:58:04] the first appears to not be showing the syntax errors [10:58:16] mmc [mmc@moz-C81D45CC.maths.ed.ac.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.5/2006091116] [10:58:26] dead_mousE: in an extension or in web content? [10:58:49] mconnor an independent XUL file with two external js files [10:59:29] turn on strict warnings and chrome errors [10:59:40] hum, ok [11:01:32] javascript.options.showInConsole [11:02:30] gavin found. Thanks [11:02:49] I also found how to enable this via command lines arguments [11:04:40] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [11:06:24] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-2F80A524.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:06:40] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has joined #developers [11:07:27] steve_k [steve@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [11:07:43] plasticmillion [chatzilla@moz-E61C758C.ip.b26.cz] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [11:08:31] plasticmillion_ [chatzilla@moz-E61C758C.ip.b26.cz] has joined #developers [11:08:57] gerv [gerv@moz-CE70B12A.plus.com] has joined #developers [11:09:07] stejohns: ping [11:09:27] good morning:-) [11:09:35] morning, and questions ;-) [11:10:05] what's the tamarin localization scheme? I see that the English isn't in the localization/ directory [11:10:26] hmm... that's odd... hang on a sec [11:11:26] plasticmillion_ [chatzilla@moz-E61C758C.ip.b26.cz] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [11:11:26] plasticmillion__ [chatzilla@moz-E61C758C.ip.b26.cz] has joined #developers [11:11:28] plasticmillion__ [chatzilla@moz-E61C758C.ip.b26.cz] is now known as plasticmillion [11:12:14] Hannibal notices Canvas doesn't like being told to draw something at a point using infinity [11:12:30] Hannibal: define "doesn't like" ;-) [11:12:51] well, in my case, it draws it at the top left corner [11:13:02] which isn't 0,0 because I do a coordinate transform [11:13:06] close enough [11:13:07] but it messes with my graph :) [11:13:22] stejohns: and while I'm reading up, what's the difference between avmplus.vcproj and avmplus_8.vcproj? [11:13:25] Hannibal will fix his code later. [11:13:38] right now, I need to continue doing my math homework [11:13:47] avmplus.vcproj is for vc7.1 (vs2003); avmplus_8.vcproj is for vc8 (vs2005) [11:13:51] dead_mousE [chatzilla@64A17811.5298FC6B.4E39937D.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [11:14:09] bz [bzbarsky@moz-AD2307A4.uchicago.edu] has joined #developers [11:14:09] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o bz [11:14:16] Waldo [waldo@moz-A1AFE45C.mit.edu] has joined #developers [11:15:41] luser/mento: mixing airbag and tamarin might be going to be fun ;-) [11:15:41] but most work has been done using vc7.1 recently, so the vc8 project may need minor massaging [11:15:57] stejohns: ok, I'll play with the 7.1 project then [11:16:03] bsmedberg: jit space? :) [11:16:14] timeless: hrm? [11:16:29] why else would airbag and tamarin care? [11:16:35] yeah, JIT stuff [11:16:37] (about eachother) [11:19:01] bsmedberg: what's tamarin? [11:19:08] kdc [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [11:19:21] bsmedberg: the English localization is the default, in core/ErrorConstants.xml [11:19:28] mento: read brendan's blogpost. It's macromedia's javascript JIT compiler [11:19:36] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:19:37] (yes, this is a little lame, we can improve it :-) ) [11:19:45] mento: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/tamarin/ [11:19:57] mento: or http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/roadmap/archives/2006/11/project_tamarin.html ;-) [11:20:18] thanks - had heard of it, glad to put a name with it now [11:20:32] that name makes me hungry [11:20:37] can tamarin really deliver up till 10x JS speed? [11:20:40] stejohns: ok... I suppose it's compiled-in to the library at some point? [11:20:42] bsmedberg: are there any xr unit test cases in the tree? [11:20:44] mmm, js stacks in airbag. interesting. [11:21:05] mento: yeah, if the JIT can add some annotation into the stack itself... [11:21:14] dougt: I'm not sure, actually... certainly none that use "make check" [11:21:18] right. [11:21:18] very interesting. i'm game. [11:21:27] bsmedberg: what do we do about things that do not use XR? [11:21:32] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [11:21:39] dougt: as a unit test, we don't care [11:21:40] that would actually help a lot, I think, versus having to scavenge through the heap for stuff [11:21:46] for example a minimo build doesn't build XR. [11:21:48] bsmedberg: yes, ErrorConstants.h/.cpp are auto-generated from ErrorConstants.xml [11:22:01] make check shouldn't be run in that case, right? [11:22:19] dougt: make check is only run for minimo if you run it ;-) [11:22:28] okay. ;-) [11:22:46] so, who is going to build an example of make check + xulrunner for unit testing? [11:22:49] stejohns: ok... I'll need to think about that a bit since Mozilla typically uses resources files and pluggable translations [11:22:58] dougt: well, your case make check won't help [11:23:08] dougt: because the account we build with won't be limited-privilege [11:23:22] dougt: so, I think we just want a XR app that reports success/fail somehow [11:23:32] bsmedberg: that would be a very useful thing to have [11:23:35] that we can run in a target environment separate from make check [11:23:42] even for make check, I think [11:23:55] true... that's probably along the lines of mochikit [11:24:02] bsmedberg: understood. we will probably want to be able to maintain a hardcoded option as well, so perhaps upgrading the errorgen script to support both transformations is in order [11:24:05] bsmedberg needs to read mochitest docs [11:24:24] so, just build a little xr app, and doc it.... doesn't need to be called from make check? [11:24:28] stejohns: yeah, that's what I'm preliminarily thinking... need to see how it all hooks together [11:24:36] dougt: no [11:24:51] it's a fairly modest amount of text, so it should be doable to manage it both ways [11:24:52] hopefully the doc would be "run this app" [11:25:17] bsmedberg: there is alot of setup to run the parental control stuff on vista. [11:25:31] vista has parental controls? [11:25:33] dougt: you mean to create a limited account? [11:25:37] timeless: y. [11:25:50] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [11:26:15] bsmedberg: more involved. to test mixed, you need to edit which URIs should be blocked. [11:26:39] there is windows control panel that allows you to do this. [11:26:45] dougt: there aren't any URLs that are blocked-by-default for testing purposes? [11:27:05] we could try playboy.com or something [11:27:17] frameset or img tags pointing there. [11:27:18] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [11:27:26] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [11:27:45] lol... i am going to be the first person to check porn into mozilla cvs! [11:28:05] dougt: hrm [11:28:12] certainly not the first person to file bugs about it [11:28:51] didn't we find porn in cvs already? [11:28:59] oh, that was the website [11:29:00] nm [11:29:01] rheet doesn't count [11:29:19] oh man. is that where the sound is from? dmose has some explaining to do. [11:30:32] bsmedberg [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg-lunch [11:30:46] I'd be surprised if there wasn't some default-blocked URL [11:31:39] mmm, WARNING: Strange content ... we can't find logically consistent scrollbar settings [11:32:36] shaver: there is... playboy.com [11:32:37] ronin [chatzilla@DBF8FBC4.4DDE6AC8.4375B591.IP] has joined #developers [11:32:49] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [11:32:54] they should add whitehouse.* to the blacklist :) [11:33:09] shaver: most porn sites that i found are blocked (i only read the words, i didn't look at the images) [11:33:09] heh. [11:33:26] dougt: the a11y guys would be proud! [11:34:22] the alt text needs to get alot better. :-) [11:34:32] dougt: would it be enough for firefox/seamonkey/etc to load a chrome:// url with a XUL file of your choosing? [11:34:40] I sure am missing me some serious .d files in tamarin! [11:34:40] for unit testing [11:34:46] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-BAE37EAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [11:35:50] shaver: for opensolaris? :) [11:35:54] Mossop_away [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] is now known as Mossop [11:37:56] piratepenguin [declan@5D3722BD.FC768B71.9D79F7D7.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:39:03] plasticmillion: why not just listen for the pref change? [11:39:20] NeilAway has to remember to finish reading scrollback [11:39:34] read the scrollback :-) [11:40:59] mw22 [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22_away [11:42:23] bz gets to use nsAutoTArray [11:43:09] <@bz> So we have a= but the branch is still closed, right? [11:43:09] sayrer, bsmedberg, all: does anyone know if there's a bug out for xulrunner-based unit tests? [11:43:19] if not, I'm going to create one [11:43:55] robcee: I believe you should ping davel on that [11:44:16] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:44:31] will do [11:45:07] or, if anyone knows the answer... [11:45:09] sayrer: it might. [11:45:33] philor [ringnalda@moz-E78E2238.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:45:42] bz, it is open and closed it looks like. igor checked in. [11:45:44] jensb [chatzilla@moz-990D98AA.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [11:45:58] robcee: I'm not sure we need one [11:46:00] sayrer: i think I am just going to write a xr app. automating it is going to be fun. [11:46:18] dougt: if you want to own that test harness, that's fine with me [11:46:21] sayrer: should I just dump to the console to report errors? [11:46:29] exit code! [11:46:39] shaver: from XR? [11:46:45] sayrer: well, beaufour (hi) mentioned in .dev.quality that he had some code working and was looking for a bug [11:46:46] well, that's the thing, the mochitest stuff already has a logging framework [11:46:50] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [11:46:58] sayrer: exciting! [11:47:05] sayrer: so, use that? [11:47:12] robcee: hi [11:47:18] yes, it's working fine for me [11:47:19] Can anyone tell me the Gecko release Thunderbird 2 will be based on? I'm wondering how to request approval for a 1.8 branch landing... [11:47:33] beaufour: good stuff. Did you happen to find a bug to attach it to? [11:47:35] sayrer: might work. got any examples? [11:47:47] robcee: I did not search for it :) [11:47:49] in the tree, etc. [11:47:58] petea [petea@moz-B23F21FD.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [11:48:17] jensb: if there's no approval-thunderbird2 flag on the bug, go for for now [11:48:18] dougt: http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/testing/mochitest/tests/test_bug359754.xul [11:48:25] kaie [kaie@moz-D74F571.redhat.com] has joined #developers [11:48:26] dougt: that is remote XUL [11:48:52] gavin: thanks! I suspected that but wanted a confirmation before trying ;-) [11:49:11] jensb: but be sure to CC mscott if he isn't already [11:49:19] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo_away [11:49:21] and explain that it's TB only if that's not clear [11:49:37] sayrer: the problem that sorta sucks is that I am testing something that already exists and works on the browser widget... running mochitest seams a bit of overkill. basically, what I need to do is open a nsIDOMWindow (without a browser widget), attach something, run it through a few pages, and note what happened on each page. [11:49:42] robcee: I've actually created a few extra tests for my app today. works just fine for what I need [11:50:08] dougt: ok, we should still use the same test format though [11:50:14] sayrer: furthermore, if we really wanted to test this, it is going to be manual as there are steps like asking the admin for their password so that parental controls can be overriden. [11:50:26] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #developers [11:50:59] we should test to see what happens when "mommy" or "daddy" allows "little johnny" to look at porn, or whatever else could be filtered. [11:51:39] gavin: technically, it's not TB only, it's toolkit (bug 133527). is there some sort of prohibition on toolkit changes for [11:51:44] dougt: automated tests can't cover everything, but we can populate profile data if that would help. [11:51:54] nope. [11:52:01] this is vista specifically. [11:52:14] gavin: make that "widget", not toolkit. [11:52:29] two accounts have to setup, need to run this pc code as a limited user, need to watch for Vista native dialogs, etc. [11:52:43] jensb: oh, that affects all alert service consumers, right? [11:52:46] e.g. download manager [11:52:49] we can automated to test that this code doesn't impact anything else. [11:52:58] beaufour: sounds cool. I'd like to see it [11:53:11] beaufour: what does it do? [11:53:19] jensb: that's unlikely to be approved unless it's clearly low-risk and high-value [11:53:47] sayrer: "This makes my tests run "inside" the XULRunner application, and "make [11:53:50] i could do something with mochitest... [11:53:51] check" works as expected." [11:53:54] but it wouldn't be a unit test. [11:53:59] sayrer: it's just the xpcshell-simple testharness, but using a xulrunner application to run it [11:54:00] maybe that is okay -- benjamin said it wasn't. [11:54:10] when he gets back from lunch, i will ask again. bbiab [11:54:10] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [11:54:16] gavin: is there a page that describes how a site should advertise that it has an available search plugin? [11:54:27] oh, found it [11:54:41] http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Creating_OpenSearch_plugins_for_Firefox#Autodiscovery_of_search_plugins [11:54:49] beaufour: cool. as long as we aren't growing another test harness that sounds healthy [11:54:49] gavin: well, at least IMHO it _is_ low-risk and high-value, but your (or drivers') mileage may vary ;-) [11:55:17] sayrer: yeah, it seems to fit with what's already there which is why I was interested in it [11:55:45] robcee: I need to clean it a bit, but create a bug and cc me, then I'll upload it [11:55:51] ok, will do [11:56:12] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [11:56:17] robcee: keep in mind that "make check" shouldn't open any windows, so this would need a different target [11:56:36] oh, that's tricky. Any suggestions? [11:56:54] robcee: just add "make checkxr" or something [11:57:00] <@bz> Is there a keyboard shortcut on mac for cycling windows within an app? [11:57:07] robcee deploys the thumbs up [11:57:21] bz: cmd-` [11:57:38] sayrer / robcee: there are no visual windows in my tests [11:57:41] <@bz> ah, excellent [11:57:53] beaufour: so you're not getting any chrome startup with xr? [11:58:04] beaufour: I am confused. what does your harness do that's extra? [11:58:06] WeirdAl writes that down in a mental note: command-backtick, that will prove useful [11:58:25] sayrer: xulapp components, profiles, etc. are available [11:58:35] hecker [hecker@moz-E570C6AE.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:59:29] beaufour: what's your bugzilla address? beaufour@gmail? [11:59:47] allan @ .dk [11:59:47] beaufour: maybe we should run "make check" this way [12:00:11] it seems like it could be an improvement [12:00:14] beaufour: ack [12:00:19] also true [12:00:48] let's see how much we can get done before bsmedberg gets back [12:01:06] sayrer: do you think this is an "autotest-issue"? [12:01:12] yes [12:01:27] groovy... [12:01:50] sayrer: want me to CC you on this too? [12:01:55] yes pls [12:02:10] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [12:02:11] sayrer@? [12:02:15] gmail [12:02:25] gotcha [12:03:18] dveditz [dveditz@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:03:18] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dveditz [12:03:55] kaie [kaie@moz-D74F571.redhat.com] has quit IRC: Client exited [12:04:12] oh, I need jni [12:04:14] andrew [chatzilla@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [12:04:15] that'll sting! [12:04:18] bz loves it when people write testcases [12:04:24] jensb [chatzilla@moz-990D98AA.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [ChatZilla_S] [12:04:37] <@bz> now I just need to figure out mochitest enough to add said testcases.... [12:04:55] bz: is there evidence you have read the README? ;) [12:05:52] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-inbound [12:05:58] sayrer adds a mochitest FAQ to the wiki [12:06:03] heh [12:06:07] <@bz> sayrer: indeed not! I plan to do it as soon as I have something close to an hout of uninterrupted time [12:06:21] <@bz> sayrer: I expect that to happen this afternoon, unless some other crap comes up [12:06:47] bz: if it takes you longer than 5 minutes to figure it out, I have failed [12:07:00] bz is complaining about time crap, not sayrer's work [12:07:20] <@bz> sayrer: well, I need to figure it out, check it out, do a run, add the testcases, make them fail to check that I did it all right [12:07:23] bz: I know, I am just handwaving your excuses [12:07:26] DougW [chatzilla@moz-8D7F5067.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #developers [12:07:27] <@bz> sayrer: that'll take some time. [12:07:36] john64 [jhford@moz-EDD9FC00.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #developers [12:07:49] <@bz> sayrer: reading the README is in fact likely to be the fast part. ;) [12:08:16] bz: there's a perl script to run the browser, and a perl script to generate the test case pages [12:08:25] Wevah [Wevah@moz-3111035.cloudnet.com] has quit IRC: Quit: z [12:08:47] bz: usually I just copy the JS out of the ad-hoc thing in the bug and add some "ok()" calls [12:08:56] sayrer: did you want me to file a bug for filling in the "media" attribute on feed entries too? [12:09:09] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ->office [12:09:15] yosh: yeah. did you file on the turbo parsing? [12:10:14] biesi [chb@85-124-18-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [12:12:53] swsnyder [chatzilla@moz-93663BEF.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #developers [12:13:43] biesi: are there test server scripts for netErrror? [12:13:50] no [12:13:55] :( [12:13:56] not to my knowledge [12:14:50] bsmedberg-lunch [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg [12:16:15] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [12:17:09] Bernd [bmlk@moz-741E3B07.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [12:17:29] shebs [shebs@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:18:04] termie [andy@83288C02.593445AB.3612B92D.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:23:45] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Input/output error [12:23:52] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #developers [12:26:01] beaufour [beaufour@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [12:27:35] andrew [chatzilla@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [12:29:35] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:29:35] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [12:30:11] bent [chatzilla-@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [12:37:03] termie [andy@moz-3ADEED32.fre.communitycolo.net] has joined #developers [12:39:16] coop [coop@moz-F3D3CF3E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_lunch [12:44:37] jhughes [jhughes@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [12:44:47] qwijybo [qwijybo@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [12:45:46] qwijybo [qwijybo@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [12:46:01] qwijybo [qwijybo@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [12:46:33] qwijybo [qwijybo@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [12:46:34] is zlib in one of the OS X frameworks? [12:46:49] I'd think so [12:46:55] it's probably in a couple :) [12:47:03] OK [12:47:04] i seem to recall conflicts when i started trying to build geckos there [12:47:11] shaver: I recall having recently building and installing my own [12:47:12] qwijybo [qwijybo@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [12:47:23] Err, built and installed [12:47:32] via ports? [12:47:50] hrm interesting [12:48:04] http://developer.apple.com/internet/opensource/php.html [12:48:11] At this time, Fink can't install zlib on Mac OS X 10.2, which is needed for GD to run. For that you'll need to compile from the source. But that's no big deal---start by downloading the source. [12:48:30] hwaara [hwaara@moz-22E58F77.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #developers [12:48:43] zlib.net says: * zlib for Mac OS X: zlib is already included as part of Mac OS X [12:49:11] yes, it's standard, as /usr/lib/libz.dylib (I remember because it was always the last project when you listed out the OS X source projects) [12:49:14] http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/Current/gcc-5250/zlib/zlib.3 [12:49:27] shebs: heh [12:49:58] shaver: I've got the ports version of zlib installed [12:50:13] but that might be legacy [12:50:22] shaver: No, tar.gz [12:50:25] dolske [dolske@moz-F8EC3862.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [12:50:57] whimboo [whimboo@moz-D20D7477.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [12:51:50] preed-inbound [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [13:01:20] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [13:03:26] hwaara [hwaara@moz-22E58F77.bredband.comhem.se] has left #developers [13:03:44] timeless: calendar has (working) talkback now. [13:04:02] interesting [13:04:07] does it actually work? :) [13:04:18] bz [bzbarsky@moz-AD2307A4.uchicago.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [13:04:36] timeless: yes. [13:04:54] darin [darin@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [13:05:03] timeless: http://talkback-public.mozilla.org/reports/sunbird/ [13:06:03] timeless: and I've pasted valid stacks into bugs, iirc. [13:07:36] ispiked: hrm, strange set of crashing spots [13:08:10] Incident ID: 25581671 [13:08:12] e.g.^ [13:10:00] ispiked: but seriously, talkback's ui doesn't scale to 5 products [13:10:08] and it'll get much worse if someone adds a 6th [13:10:12] has someone filed a bug about that? [13:10:26] kiko [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:10:48] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-C71E7D5.cpd.usu.edu] has joined #developers [13:10:50] timeless: i'm pretty apathetic at this point. [13:11:06] timeless: as long as talkback continues to provide nice stacks, I'm fine with it. [13:11:18] Incident ID: 25569116 [13:11:22] is that a nice stack? [13:12:04] not really, but I don't see how that fits into scaling with 5 products unless you can explain that to me... [13:12:48] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [13:12:48] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o mkaply [13:13:08] <@mkaply> anyone know who ehsan.akhgari@gmail.com is? [13:13:13] nah, just relates to you saying you're happy w/ it [13:14:41] dolske [dolske@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [13:17:05] whimboo [whimboo@moz-D20D7477.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Quit [13:18:25] Cartman [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [13:18:30] Standard8Away [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] is now known as Standard8 [13:20:49] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [13:24:42] lol @ "Apparently it's not the style of XUL code to handle OOM" [13:25:55] kherron [chatzilla@moz-66AF888D.mcilink.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [13:26:39] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-BAE37EAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: reboot [13:27:34] jhermans [chatzilla@moz-8A4AEAE8.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #developers [13:27:37] Waldo snickers [13:27:42] kiko [kiko@48AEC123.D5513B0E.ACEEF0E1.IP] has joined #developers [13:28:02] jhermans mars [13:28:28] coop_lunch [coop@moz-F3D3CF3E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop [13:29:17] mcsmurf raider ;) [13:29:50] hey guys, question about the openOutputStream - do you guys know what the default buffer size and default # of buffers are when you call transport.openOutputStream(0,0,0)? [13:31:06] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-C71E7D5.cpd.usu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [13:31:15] they are an impl detail [13:31:31] mantle: if you want the impl detail, I imagine http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/search?string=::openoutputstream will help you find it [13:31:33] but, for socket transports and with the default configure options, it's 4K and 16 buffers [13:31:44] ah thanks beisi ;) [13:32:27] im using the transport to handle upload for files over a gig, so i wanted to tweak the buffer for performance/memory usage [13:32:56] stejohns [chatzilla@moz-3F0AFA02.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [13:33:02] of course you can also disable buffering if you want that [13:33:48] okay [13:33:57] gotcha [13:34:55] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-BAE37EAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [13:35:58] is there a way to have a cookie that is for the top level of a site? [13:36:13] that's offtopic for here [13:36:16] cookiepath / [13:36:20] where would be on topic? [13:36:25] timeless shrugs [13:36:31] cookie.cookiepath = "/"? [13:36:37] timeless shrugs [13:36:40] sayrer: bug 359762 [13:36:44] ok thansk [13:37:15] hrm, ,list is a we bit big [13:38:29] kdc_ [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [13:40:54] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [13:40:54] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o mkaply [13:41:03] kdc [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:41:11] kdc_ [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] is now known as kdc [13:43:46] kiko [kiko@48AEC123.D5513B0E.ACEEF0E1.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:44:34] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:45:09] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice|afk [13:47:32] andrew [chatzilla@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:47:53] maialen [chatzilla@moz-7DF998EF.red-81-33-192.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #developers [13:48:52] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:52:31] reed [reed@B5BC18F5.2930275.A682336A.IP] has joined #developers [13:53:16] WSMwk [chatzilla@moz-815E7EBE.cc.lehigh.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/2006102510] [13:53:20] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] is now known as Standard8Away [13:54:12] maialen [chatzilla@moz-7DF998EF.red-81-33-192.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [13:57:47] jhermans [chatzilla@moz-8A4AEAE8.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [14:01:23] jhermans [chatzilla@moz-E46803EE.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #developers [14:03:35] kiko [kiko@2CDA3EF.F516E687.ACEEF0E1.IP] has joined #developers [14:04:54] andrew [chatzilla@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [14:08:02] bsmedberg [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg-away [14:08:42] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc-afk [14:08:45] is anyone around who understands client.mk around? [14:09:12] specifically regarding branches and file versions [14:09:14] Waldo [waldo@moz-A1AFE45C.mit.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [14:10:31] you want bsmedberg-away [14:10:40] might be a good idea to just ask a question, though [14:11:03] gemal [gemal@moz-97280393.atm2-0-90242.0x535cd48a.boanxx8.customer.tele.dk] has quit IRC: Quit: [14:11:53] andrew [chatzilla@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [14:11:59] just ask [14:12:04] that's perfectly on topic [14:12:40] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:13:10] ok, in client.mk, there are branchs that have version numbrers. lets use FIREFOX_2_0_MINIBRANCH: for an example [14:13:28] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [14:13:39] Does that mean that all file versions for the branch FIREFOX_2_0_MINIBRANCH start with: are [14:13:47] *tr -d "are" [14:13:54] no [14:14:01] what do those numbers mean? [14:14:08] RyanJones_ [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [14:14:09] first, are you using bonsai? [14:14:15] cvs [14:14:17] because normally you don't see syntax like that [14:14:29] i am looking at an rsync'd copy of it [14:14:32] ok, well, err, you might consider reading a cvs manual or something [14:14:35],v [14:14:44] cvs/rcs is mostly about individual files [14:14:53] each individual file has its own life [14:14:57] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-E21D2F1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [14:15:07] two files may have a similar branch name, and convention means that the branch is related [14:15:14] but they don't really care about eachother [14:15:26] the standard original version for a file is 1.1 [14:15:28] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [14:15:36] RyanJones_ [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] is now known as RyanJones [14:15:37] right, but is there a way to tell branch from its file version? [14:15:51] that means something like primary branch first major version first with first revision [14:16:08] is the "vendor branch" [14:16:19] is the second branch of file version 1.1 [14:16:24] are those numbers next to the branch names in that link anything noteworthy? [14:16:29] is the second version of the 1.1.1 vendor branch [14:16:41] is the second version of the second branch of 1,1 (1.1.2) [14:16:54] john64: bonsai is your friend [14:17:00] but lemme get a bit further [14:17:14] 1.245 is a version (245th of main version) [14:17:21] ok [14:17:25] 1.245.2 is the second branch off that version [14:17:44] is the 25th version off that branch [14:17:53] actually, looks like things are zero based for branches [14:17:58] so i kinda botched some of the numbering :) [14:18:04] Bernd [bmlk@moz-741E3B07.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006102904] [14:18:10] you're supposed to read the manuals, not listen to someone who hasn't slept in 2 days [14:18:12] Yeah, there is "magic" numbering for branches [14:18:20] 0, 2, 4 IIRC [14:18:21] anyway [14:18:41] is the FIREFOX_2_0_MINIBRANCH itself [14:18:54] is actually the 10th version (and current version) along that branch [14:19:08] ok, so if i am indexing code, files with version in their version will only be from that branch? [14:19:21] no [14:19:26] as i said at the beginning [14:19:30] versions are a per file thing [14:19:34] they don't care about other files [14:19:52] you index by asking each file if it has a given symbolic name or branch name [14:20:08] so each file's version is not at all linked in any way to the branch [14:20:34] the only linkage is an annotation at the top of the file saying "this version is this branch" [14:20:39] or something like that [14:21:06] there's no automatic link between a number and a symbol [14:21:17] ok thank you [14:21:36] http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvslog.cgi?file=mozilla/client.mk&rev=FIREFOX_2_0_MINIBRANCH [14:21:37] dear xcode [14:21:41] please stop building PPC code [14:21:43] you dork [14:21:44] love [14:21:45] Mike [14:21:47] heh [14:21:56] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [14:22:06] no love for other mike [14:22:11] I only have i386 in the arch list [14:22:22] but it insists on building some ppc object files [14:22:39] and then those object files, to add insult to injury, cause a link error [14:22:53] http://bonsai.mozilla.org/rview.cgi?dir=mozilla&rev=FIREFOX_2_0_MINIBRANCH [14:22:57] dear dork [14:22:57] you know you want it [14:22:57] love [14:22:57] xcode [14:23:06] john64, anyway, you might want to try walking around w/ bonsai [14:23:17] will do [14:23:18] but also, to see how things are from the perspective of a branch [14:23:35] kiko [kiko@2CDA3EF.F516E687.ACEEF0E1.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:23:37] http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/mozilla1.8.x/source/CVS/ [14:23:40] load that, [14:23:59] note that each directory in the mozilla1.8.x tree has a hidden CVS/ directory that you're free to jump into and read [14:24:06] specifically load the Entries file [14:24:21] since that will give you some idea about file versions [14:24:27] http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/mxr-test/mozilla1.8.x/source/CVS/Entries#62 [14:24:27] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Input/output error [14:24:30] for example [14:24:38] note that those numbers are very unrelated :) [14:24:42] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #developers [14:25:23] gavin: anyway, fwiw, mxr-test now tries to speak perl a bit [14:25:28] it's not very good at it, but it tries :) [14:26:05] Mook [mook@moz-C996F9BE.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep - I can't type anymote [14:26:22] piratepenguin [declan@4B19424E.1B313108.8BE7320.IP] has joined #developers [14:27:04] cool [14:30:32] timeless: what do you mean by speaking perl? [14:31:00] bsmedberg-away [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg [14:31:01] http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/mxr-test/source/lib/LXR/Common.pm [14:31:13] it kinda understands some perl symbols [14:31:41] unfortunately it looks like i broke its ability to linkify use statements :( you win some, you lose some [14:33:13] ahh [14:33:38] timeless: + * @note No objects are addrefed on return of this function. [14:33:46] timeless: /awk/. rewrite :) [14:33:57] timeless: what did that mean (bug 349002, the xptcall thing) [14:34:04] hecker [hecker@moz-E570C6AE.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: hecker [14:34:20] well, normally you return from a function ... [14:34:39] ah, ok [14:34:44] but what does it mean no objects are addrefed on return of this function? [14:34:53] is it returning a non addrefed object [14:35:01] or is it promising not to addref params to the function when it returns? [14:35:02] or ... [14:35:14] i gave up trying to rewrite it because i gave up trying to figure out what it meant [14:35:18] it is returning a non-addrefed object [14:35:18] if I add a framework to an xcode project, I wonder if it is added for all targets, or just my current one [14:35:57] bsmedberg: The object returned by this function is not addrefed ? [14:36:06] correct [14:36:09] it cannot be [14:36:16] so that's a rewrite [14:36:28] that's why we have the NS_DestroyXPTCallStub [14:36:40] ok [14:36:42] bsmedberg: sure, i don't mind the code bits [14:36:46] it's the English that got me [14:37:45] shaver: even people at Apple are never sure :) and then the UI gets redesigned again ;) [14:37:50] kiko [kiko@48AEC123.D5513B0E.ACEEF0E1.IP] has joined #developers [14:38:05] shebs: at least each ui is pretty [14:38:21] and ime they're generally reasonably functional if slightly quirky [14:38:30] timeless can't say the same for ddd [14:38:50] shaver: use eclipse ;-) [14:38:52] i think it depends on how you add, can add to "project" vs "target" [14:38:55] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-2F80A524.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers: Leaving [14:39:04] my release config can't find the zlib symbols, but the debug one can [14:39:26] but those are in CoreServices anyway [14:39:33] so I bet I'm barking up the wrong tree [14:40:06] let me fire up an xcode [14:40:25] shebs: do you ever fire up more than one? :) [14:41:18] josh [josh@8D63E60F.77DC9462.199E5B5D.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [14:41:23] josh [josh@8D63E60F.77DC9462.199E5B5D.IP] has joined #developers [14:42:00] timeless: don't laugh, I had to do that from to time - a little spooky seeing multiples of the same icon in the Dock... [14:42:27] poningru [poningru@moz-902D5F43.xlate.ufl.edu] has quit IRC: Input/output error [14:42:28] shebs: i've copied ms's remote desktop client so i could connect to multiple windows boxes [14:42:56] and i tend to have a couple of firefox/seamonkey/camino/snaks in my dock as i'm in the process of replacing one w/ another [14:43:11] Mossop [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Caught sigterm, terminating... [14:43:14] it's just that ides tend to be fairly heavy and i'm not sure i could survive 3 xcode instances :) [14:44:45] Mossop [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [14:45:41] jhermans [chatzilla@moz-E46803EE.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit IRC: Client exited [14:47:36] shaver: debug vs release are "build configurations", which are different from targets and don't (usually) have any way to add frameworks to one and not the other [14:48:22] oh man [14:48:30] this could be really stupid [14:49:00] can't think of any obvious reason why syms would be found in one config and not the other, unless maybe dead code stripping is somehow tearing out stuff from release config [14:50:06] the symbols are in libz.dylib [14:50:13] oh [14:50:15] yeah, hmm [14:50:22] I wonder if the debug config of one of my child libs [14:50:27] pulls in the libz stuff [14:50:32] and that's enough to get be through [14:50:35] shaver digs [14:52:27] !seen darin [14:52:29] darin was last seen 5 days, 43 minutes and 37 seconds ago, saying 'aw1: hello' in #developers. [14:53:35] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-9BE5299A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [14:54:20] coop [coop@moz-F3D3CF3E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_away [14:55:56] LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'CYGDRIVE_ROOT@/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS' [14:56:02] make[5]: *** [xpicleanup.exe] Error 80 [14:56:11] sounds like configure / autocnf is unhappy [14:56:30] huh, yeah [14:56:31] arno [arno@moz-D7705E3F.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #developers [14:56:54] hm, I just clobbered and started building this [14:57:12] ok, so it's been almost an hour, but still [15:00:04] :( That was trying to build XULRunner on WinXP [15:00:26] using cygwin, I guess? [15:00:31] yeah [15:00:39] funny that it didn't have a @ before CYGDRIVE [15:00:46] Standard8Away [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] is now known as Standard8 [15:00:59] like it did after ROOT [15:01:23] I don't see any references to CYGDRIVE_ROOT in our codebase [15:02:07] piratepenguin [declan@4B19424E.1B313108.8BE7320.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [15:03:58] DougW [chatzilla@moz-8D7F5067.dsl.pipex.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.70-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [15:04:05] bsmedberg: I applied the patch from bug 207521, could that cause this? [15:04:12] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:04:50] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Quit: There's a browser safer than Firefox... http://noscript.net [15:05:14] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [15:05:46] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-3BA3E220.fbx.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [15:05:53] WeirdAl: looks like it [15:05:59] :'( [15:06:05] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [15:06:17] WeirdAl: although I don't see anything obviously wrong with that patch, it's the only reference to CYGDRIVE_ROOT I've found [15:06:34] WeirdAl: what does your autoconfi.mk have for CYGDRIVE_ROOT? [15:06:38] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:06:45] WeirdAl: and did you regenerate configure after applying that patch? [15:07:04] I'm pretty sure I didn't regen configure (whoops :) ) [15:08:07] config/autoconf.mk in objdir: CYGDRIVE_ROOT = @CYGDRIVE_ROOT@ [15:08:20] yup, that's your problem [15:08:25] regen configure, and you should be ok [15:08:51] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:09:06] bsmedberg: okay, I'll try that - I think I didn't install autoconf on this box. [15:09:16] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [Chatzilla] [15:09:41] in the meantime, would you have any ideas who should review on bug 207521? It's a small change, not very important, shouldn't affect anyone but extremists like me [15:09:45] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [15:11:04] WeirdAl: I'm afraid I don't have review time for extremists. [15:11:09] WeirdAl: "don't do that" is a better answer [15:11:13] hehe [15:11:56] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-fud [15:13:39] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] is now known as sheppy-afk [15:14:14] Waldo [waldo@moz-91AAD8DE.mit.edu] has joined #developers [15:14:17] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [15:14:42] prefiks [prefiks@moz-E3496CC4.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #developers [15:15:29] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [15:19:28] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-C71E7D5.cpd.usu.edu] has joined #developers [15:19:57] Hannibal_ [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [15:20:01] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:20:11] Hannibal_ [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] is now known as Hannibal [15:22:11] IRCMonkey5272236 [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #developers [15:22:23] romax1 [romaxa@moz-D7B427AD.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #developers [15:22:37] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [15:22:48] notcesar [b6001a25@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] is now known as cesar [15:23:09] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [15:23:09] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o mkaply [15:23:19] IRCMonkey5272236 [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] is now known as A`ja [15:23:33] romax1 [romaxa@moz-D7B427AD.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #developers [15:24:24] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] is now known as IRCMonkey5272237 [15:24:40] robcee [rcampbell@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as robc_afk [15:25:29] IRCMonkey5272237 [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006042715] [15:25:35] romax1 [romaxa@moz-D7B427AD.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #developers [15:26:14] romax1 [romaxa@moz-D7B427AD.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #developers [15:26:19] kiko [kiko@48AEC123.D5513B0E.ACEEF0E1.IP] is now known as kiko-afk [15:26:24] romax1 [romaxa@moz-D7B427AD.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #developers [15:27:09] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #developers [15:27:43] bsmedberg [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg-voting [15:29:44] reed [reed@B5BC18F5.2930275.A682336A.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:30:01] kiko-afk [kiko@48AEC123.D5513B0E.ACEEF0E1.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:30:05] abwillis [abwillis@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [15:31:19] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [15:31:31] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has joined #developers [15:32:57] poningru [poningru@moz-FD97DC50.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #developers [15:33:29] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-C71E7D5.cpd.usu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [15:33:56] smaugAway [smaug@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [15:34:33] reed [reed@moz-2D0D1AB.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [15:36:21] Wayne [Wayne@moz-992D17EE.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #developers [15:38:31] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [15:39:29] RyanJones_ [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [15:39:30] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [15:39:31] RyanJones_ [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] is now known as RyanJones [15:40:16] Wayne [Wayne@moz-992D17EE.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has left #developers [15:42:02] timelyx [timeless@a212-54-30-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: The computer fell asleep [15:44:04] andrew [chatzilla@moz-B1C4380E.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [15:48:42] kiko-afk [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] has joined #developers [15:48:51] kiko-afk [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] is now known as kiko [15:49:08] kdc [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:50:36] maialen [chatzilla@moz-845A6F82.red-81-38-92.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #developers [15:52:06] Fuffie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has joined #developers [15:52:08] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [15:53:43] coop_away [coop@moz-F3D3CF3E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop [15:54:21] SLuG [Ryan@moz-628BA903.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [15:54:37] tH [r@] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [15:57:42] asqueella [nickolay@moz-89ACAB70.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:57:50] steve_k [steve@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [15:57:54] asqueella_ [nickolay@moz-2C086176.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #developers [15:58:04] asqueella_ [nickolay@moz-2C086176.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] is now known as asqueella [15:58:46] bz_sleep: In bug 302309 comment 19, were you talking about comment 17's mention of the lack of product name in those security dialogs? [16:01:48] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [16:03:41] maialen [chatzilla@moz-845A6F82.red-81-38-92.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Input/output error [16:04:27] mvl [michiel@moz-2F035FEA.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [16:06:17] Hi, I want to learn xpcom, and therefore, I went to bugzilla, picked a bug, and tried to tinker a bit from that point. [16:06:48] Now I have something like a partial fix. But problem is : as I'm new to xpcom (and also C++) world, my solution probably sucks. [16:07:10] So I wonder if it's a good idea to still attach a patch in bugzilla, or if it's useless [16:07:32] yea, go ahead and attach it [16:09:42] db48x: ok thanks. I'll also try to explain where are the problems in my solution. May be it will be useful if someone wants to investigate more. [16:09:48] arno: which bug, out of curiosity? [16:10:22] Waldo: it is bug 338427 [16:10:31] anond [anond@54465287.8DF05885.97148A8D.IP] has joined #developers [16:12:51] sheppy-afk [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] is now known as sheppy [16:15:00] daim [David_Mart@moz-789E8FB1.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [16:15:07] prefiks [prefiks@moz-E3496CC4.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has left #developers: /quit [16:15:31] bc-afk [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc [16:16:11] philor [ringnalda@moz-14B97CDC.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [16:17:08] mvl [michiel@moz-2F035FEA.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [16:18:31] biesi [chb@85-124-18-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:18:33] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [16:18:57] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [16:21:07] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [16:23:01] roc [chatzilla@95EAA166.4D50A8B3.51B17ACE.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:24:01] Waldo [waldo@moz-91AAD8DE.mit.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [16:26:04] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-DA17A90D.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #developers [16:28:35] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: time for z [16:29:50] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [16:30:19] WeirdAl grumbles as his build implodes again [16:33:01] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.6.0 maya Depend Cm1.1-M1.8' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [16:33:44] sayrer sighs [16:34:04] require tests and everyone starts writing test harnesses [16:34:09] haha [16:34:12] that is *so* mozilla [16:34:14] hmm, is MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH open for check-ins? [16:36:25] raccettura [raccettura@moz-2D8792DD.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: Lost terminal [16:41:08] jhpedemonte [jhpedemont@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [16:41:25] gerv [gerv@moz-CE70B12A.plus.com] has left #developers: Leaving [16:43:18] reed [reed@moz-2D0D1AB.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:43:46] stejohns [chatzilla@moz-3F0AFA02.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [16:44:26] shebs [shebs@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:45:08] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend fx-win32-tbox perf test' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [16:46:37] dbaron: time to take a quick look at another reflow issue? issue is with table-caption being wider than table [16:46:39] reed [reed@moz-2D0D1AB.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [16:46:48] stejohns [chatzilla@moz-3F0AFA02.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [16:47:08] <@dbaron> A`ja, that's correct per CSS2, although I did change it intentionally. Did it break something? [16:47:41] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [16:48:04] dbaron: well...certainlly renders different than minefiled does [16:49:08] philor [ringnalda@moz-14B97CDC.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:49:23] Jomel [Jomel@moz-7E1E9862.gnupg.org] has joined #developers [16:49:34] i have an example if you wanna see... http://a-ja.net/xforms/test2/ note wide table-caption's on bottom two [16:49:53] dveditz: so is 1.8 branch open for patches ? [16:50:25] tbox is still talking about rc3 [16:51:24] reed [reed@moz-2D0D1AB.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:51:40] dbaron: ummm all 4, not just bottom 2 [16:52:52] preed-fud [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [16:54:26] Is there a clean way to get overflow:auto scrollbars from chrome JS, [16:54:26] or must I attach a binding to them via css and use that to expose them? [16:55:10] reed [reed@moz-2D0D1AB.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [16:55:59] (they don't seem to show up as anonymous content, though css selectors find them ok( [16:56:08] [reed] [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [16:56:50] ok, I've added my file. Thanks you db48x [16:56:59] Enn [enn@moz-F0E247D9.eicat.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.72 [SeaMonkey 1.0/2006013012] [16:58:21] reed [reed@moz-2D0D1AB.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:58:29] [reed] [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] is now known as reed [16:59:18] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [17:00:56] arno: cool [17:01:08] arno: rather than checking the mime type, you can check the type of the editor node [17:05:25] dbaron: seems wrong going by http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/tables.html#q5 [17:05:41] + rv = element->HasAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("xml:lang"), [17:05:41] + &hasAttr); [17:05:52] that should use HasAttributeNS [17:06:02] <@dbaron> A`ja, read more closely [17:06:51] arno: because I might not use the string 'xml' as my namespace prefix, or I might not be using a namespace prefix at all (the xml namespace could be the default) [17:07:33] db48x: thanks for your comments :) [17:07:45] for mime type, I'll work on it [17:07:46] shebs [shebs@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [17:07:59] for hasattributeNS, I don't understand why [17:08:25] if there is no "xml:lang" attr, "lang" is searched for [17:10:33] arno: suppose I have a document that looks like this: [17:11:01] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has left #developers [17:11:17] db48x: yes sorry, I had understand the second before I saw your answer ! [17:13:17] :) [17:13:33] dbaron: where are you referring to? paragraph 2 is what i'm going by [17:14:02] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit: sheppy [17:16:55] Mnyromyr [Mnyromyr@B2521176.7B0892CB.771966F7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.71 [Netscape 7.1/20030624] [17:18:04] swsnyder [chatzilla@moz-93663BEF.mclnva23.covad.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.5/2006091100] [17:19:19] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend fx-win32-tbox perf test' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [17:20:21] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [17:20:57] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [17:23:32] dbaron, bz_sleep: i think http://lofotenmoose.info/temp/collapsing/4.test shows a bug in gecko [17:26:45] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:27:22] Mossop [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] is now known as Mossop_away [17:27:23] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.6.0 maya Depend CmTrunk' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [17:27:46] dbaron, bz: nevermind, not a bug, move along now [17:27:50] Hixie puts down the crack pipe [17:28:12] Hixie: oh, good, I need a hit right about now o_O [17:29:35] why does mitchell's blog entry have things like "That’s"? [17:29:47] encoding issues, I expect [17:30:12] sure, but from what bizzare encoding? [17:30:21] that sounds like office's freaky quotation mark. [17:30:35] that'll be UTF-8 to a one-byte encoding [17:30:38] what Wolf said [17:31:02] Word written blog posts don't paste into movabletype nicely. heh [17:31:29] pretty high in the unicode range for three character coding, no? [17:31:59] danbeck [danbeck@779D5CA1.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [17:33:20] ronin [chatzilla@DBF8FBC4.4DDE6AC8.4375B591.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [17:34:02] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #developers [17:34:09] smccoy [smccoy@moz-BFB429EA.sef.marchex.com] has joined #developers [17:34:14] smccoy [smccoy@moz-BFB429EA.sef.marchex.com] is now known as tag [17:36:18] dbaron, bz_sleep: no, i was right the first time, i'm pretty sure that's a bug in mozilla [17:36:46] <@dbaron> Hixie, if collapsing == margins, then I'm probably not qualified to understand it [17:36:48] picked up the crack pipe again? ;) [17:36:51] <@dbaron> Hixie, file a bug and cc: roc [17:36:55] <@dbaron> Hixie, please [17:36:56] nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [17:37:05] dbaron: k [17:37:45] mento [mark@F4381B10.C8C6FF5E.4065847B.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: mento [17:37:46] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-18138D0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: real life [17:38:21] <@dbaron> Hixie, I really don't see how it ends up 8em though [17:38:24] <@dbaron> I could get at most 5 [17:38:36] <@dbaron> or am I missing something? [17:38:40] <@dbaron> (5 without collapsing) [17:39:07] dbaron: first 4em is the margin, then we're putting the float below the margin for some reason [17:39:10] dbaron: float is another 4em [17:39:15] <@dbaron> oh [17:39:16] <@dbaron> hrm [17:39:17] CTho|work [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho [17:39:19] <@dbaron> that could be right [17:39:33] <@dbaron> I don't remember the rules on that [17:39:49] <@dbaron> probably worth a bug if other browsers don't match, though [17:40:19] well it doesn't match the spec, because the spec says that the float should position as if the #parent had non-zero top border [17:41:35] (note that the float is white, and the background lime) [17:41:51] doron [doron@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] is now known as doronHome [17:46:23] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [Chatzilla] [17:51:16] dbaron: are there instructiosn on running the reftest stuff anywhere? [17:51:33] Hixie: oh hey, whatwg question.. are you interested in additions to CSS? [17:51:34] <@dbaron> vlad, in the README file? [17:51:43] http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/layout/tools/reftest/README.txt ? [17:51:43] dbaron: I guess I shuold've looked there first! :) thanks [17:51:55] <@dbaron> vlad, they may not be complete... [17:52:12] vlad: whatwg isn't doing css, no. the csswg is interested, though. i don't have enough bandwidth to do css until html5 is done though. [17:52:14] vlad: robcee has some automation thing for them, too [17:52:29] <@dbaron> vlad, davel is running them on buildbot and MozillaTest tinderbox [17:52:55] Hixie: ok; someone brought up to me today that there really needs to be some CSS to specify how images are upscaled/downscaled, and I agree [17:53:21] dbaron: btw, are you opposed to some of the reftests actually having a reference rendering that's an image? [17:53:35] vlad: how do you mean? [17:53:57] Hixie: for example, in some cases filtering/interpolation is not desired when upscaling [17:54:16] right now it's up to the browser to decide how to filter scaled images [17:55:52] vlad: eh, who cares. that's like anti-aliasing, it's far more control than authors should have. they'll all set it to the wrong values anyway. [17:56:13] Hixie: eh, I disagree, for images in particular [17:56:15] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: z [17:56:26] <@dbaron> vlad: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#ShapeRenderingProperty might be close [17:56:28] the values should be something like "fast" "balanced" or "best", as opposed to specific values [17:57:03] vlad: i guarentee that as many authors will set these things to sub-optimal values as authors will set them to the right values [17:57:04] <@dbaron> vlad: except that their 'auto' value isn't compatible with the web [17:57:25] dbaron: yeah [17:57:34] dbaron: the other problem is that if someone really wants nearest-neighbor scaling [17:57:44] and they specify "fast" [17:57:54] and you happen to be on a platform that can do bilinear for free, they'll still get bilinear [17:58:09] <@dbaron> then they should have used crispEdges? [17:58:29] like any author will actually understand any of that [17:59:37] dbaron wonders when the polls close in Tennessee [18:00:55] dbaron finds http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2006/pages/results/misc/poll.close.html [18:01:28] http://www.thegreenpapers.com/G06/TN.phtml [18:03:16] 0000 UTC for whole state or 2 mins ago [18:03:41] Hixie: do they need to? [18:04:11] <@dbaron> A`ja, no, TN is in an hour [18:05:15] vlad: they'll use it whether they understand it or not. [18:05:43] authors will use anything whether they understand it or not [18:05:56] dbaron: dunno....conflicting info in 2 places on the site i posted url for [18:06:07] the only to prevent people using stuff they don't understand is to create tools that work out what to do /for/ them [18:06:16] A`ja: keep in mind TN is in multiple timezones too. ;-) [18:06:21] Hixie: so I don't see why that's a bad thing [18:06:33] Wolf: yep [18:06:33] if they use it wrong, they're using it wrong [18:06:41] it's no different than them using things wrong today [18:06:55] to avoid people using things wrong you just can't give them anything to use, so.. [18:07:07] vlad: because then you'll have to drop support because another browser, which doesn't support this feature, will render the pages better (since they won't be forced to use an inapropriate mode). [18:07:17] duo [duo@EA2AA27C.4B19F914.908AEBC.IP] has joined #developers [18:07:40] Hixie: You mean it will render 1/2 the pages better and 1/2 the pages worse (by your estimate above) [18:08:15] since the implementing browser will render images better for the 50% of authors who understand the spec [18:08:24] 50% seems ambitious [18:08:29] vlad: if you only give authors things that are unsubtle, then you're fine. The problem is providing features where using it and not using it makes very little difference is that they'll use it, test with browsers where it's not supported, and screw browsers where it _is_ supported. [18:08:40] I don't understand why you guys think that web authors would even touch this property [18:08:52] authors touch every property [18:08:54] this isn't unsubtle [18:09:02] indeed [18:09:05] if it's not supported, then it's not supported [18:09:09] you're a graphics geek. to you it's obvious. [18:09:14] it's just like stuff that's not supported in IE now [18:09:18] to everyone else, they wouldn't be able to tell. [18:09:23] it just flat out doesn't work in IE, but people test in firefox [18:09:25] I think it's quite subtle, which is what vlad is saying [18:09:28] Hixie is not interested in really arguing this [18:09:36] feel free to suggest it to the csswg [18:09:43] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Input/output error [18:09:50] i think it's a waste of time but it's not important enough to me to spend the time arguing against it. [18:09:54] ok [18:11:20] anyone write-in Stephen Colbert ? [18:11:50] dbaron: do you happen to know what needs to be done to run the reftests (in layout/reftests)? [18:11:56] davel isn't around [18:12:21] it appears there were build config changes to make it easy [18:13:33] when the slow script dialog comes up, is there a way to tell *which* script / document caused it? [18:13:40] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-DA17A90D.west.biz.rr.com] ### Log session started at Tue Nov 7 18:26:09 2006 ### [18:26:09] db48x [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] has joined #developers [18:26:09] Channel topic is: http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2 is now available So we cried havoc and let loose 2.0? [18:26:09] Topic was set by gavin!*@* on Fri Nov 3 19:17:28 2006 [18:26:23] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [18:26:23] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [18:26:25] Channel synchronized in 16.72 seconds [18:26:46] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [18:29:55] mrbkap: thanks [18:31:22] halcyon1234 [l@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [18:31:24] raccettura [raccettura@moz-E0160644.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #developers [18:35:00] does or size > 1 [18:36:31] smaug: >1 [18:36:33] smaug: oh [18:36:34] smaug: 1 [18:36:37] Speaking of events, does a bookmark throw an event when it is selected (that is, when a user clicks on it to load the bookmark)? [18:36:39] smaug: it's a drop-down [18:37:01] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [18:37:01] CTho: well, then you need to really select something [18:37:08] kaie [kaie@moz-D74F571.redhat.com] has joined #developers [18:37:14] so press enter or blur or something [18:37:33] smaug: i want something to update as the user is arrowing down through the options. [18:37:42] halcyon1234: they're just toolbarbuttons, so sure [18:37:43] New build added to Thunderbird: Linux crazyhorse Depend release (status: Success). [18:37:53] CTho: some key event? [18:37:55] keypress [18:38:02] yeah, crappy hack. [18:38:07] or keyup or keydown ? [18:38:45] smaug: I have a small request. [18:39:05] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-BAE37EAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: zZz [18:39:09] smaug: when you check in a bug on 1.8.0.x or 1.8.1.x can you comment just so it's more obvious? [18:39:10] hmm, nsIURI.prePath and nsIURI.path seem broken in Fx2 [18:39:10] ispiked: yes? [18:39:37] smaug: that way it's easy to tell when (or close to when) you checked it in without much effort. [18:39:39] ispiked: ah, sure. Though, I'm not quite sure what to do with security bugs [18:40:03] smaug: well, I don't see those, so that's up to you. :P [18:40:11] smaug: why would those differ, though? [18:40:41] myk: yeah? seems like I remember waldo complaining about that at some point during the summer. [18:40:59] ispiked: try this out in the error console: var uri = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/simple-uri;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI); uri.spec = "http://www.example.com/index.html"; "pre-path: " + uri.prePath + "\npath: " + uri.path [18:41:07] ispiked: I don't want to tell how to find a security problem [18:41:27] ispiked: the results are inconsistent with how nsIURI.idl defines prePath and path (http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/netwerk/base/public/nsIURI.idl) [18:41:36] smaug: oh... [18:41:45] smaug: they could query keywords just as easily (or more easily), no? [18:42:33] NeilAway [neil@moz-8A2C3F43.adsl.newnet.co.uk] has joined #developers [18:42:58] myk: ack [18:43:24] sayrer: yeah :-/ filing it as a bug [18:43:30] myk: wait [18:43:42] myk: that breaks the API contract, IIRC [18:43:54] sayrer: you think it regessed? ;) [18:44:18] well, if it did, there are certainly some unit tests to write [18:47:21] sayrer: I get the same results in 1.5, fwiw. :\ [18:47:42] yah, myk, that's an API violation [18:48:15] use gIOService.newURI("http://www.example.com/index.html", null, null) and all is well [18:48:52] ioservice is your friend [18:50:14] yeah, it's because you're using a simpleURI [18:50:21] smaug: just to be clear, I meant just add a comment something along the lines of: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354510#c8 [18:50:57] ispiked: oh [18:51:09] I thought you were talking about cvs comments [18:51:16] smaug: oh, no. [18:52:14] db48x: arno: rather than checking the mime type, you can check the type of the editor node [18:52:32] sayrer, gavin: ok, i'll file it as an nsISimpleURI bug, then [18:52:40] I don't understand what property you're speaking about [18:52:42] myk: I don't think it's a bug [18:53:01] gavin: why not? [18:53:06] myk: nsISimpleURI is not meant to be used with http URIs [18:53:23] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [18:53:31] it's for data: and other "simple" URIs [18:53:38] gavin: for bug 359895, is about:blank going to have to be special cased? [18:53:42] myk: it is expected behavior. I could agree with filing a "make our URI APIs suck less" enhancement bug [18:53:42] "@mozilla.org/network/simple-uri;1", I should say, not nsISimpleURI [18:54:16] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has joined #developers [18:54:20] sayrer: what part of the API sucks? [18:54:24] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:54:38] gavin: the part where you have to use a service to make a URI [18:54:48] gavin: does it implement nsIURI? [18:54:56] gavin: you have a file path, you want a URI -- conformability error! ;/ [18:55:07] gavin: ok, i'll file it as an enhancement request to make simpleURI (not nsISimpleURI, right) either throw for HTTP URIs or handle them correctly [18:55:10] sayrer: you don't /need/ too, if you know what type of URI you want to create [18:55:20] ispiked: it does implement nsIURI [18:55:25] gavin: darin yelled at me for that [18:55:33] yes, because it's bad practice [18:55:48] right, we should make it not bad practice [18:55:48] the IO service does a good job of picking the right protocol handler [18:55:51] nsIIOService::newURI [18:56:04] if you find the IO service API to be cumbersome, then write a helper function [18:56:08] though on the list of things to do... who cares [18:56:20] myk: it seems confusing, then, that it implements it but not as the implementation is specified. [18:56:59] sayrer cannot wait to type "import" in JS [18:57:30] sayrer: we have makeURI all over the bloody tree, is that not enough? :) [18:57:31] darin: so would you say this is a bug, an enhancement request, or a won't fix? [18:57:49] ispiked: how does it violate the interface documentation? it omits certain attributes that arent' applicable to the type of URI [18:57:58] ispiked: data: URIs have no "prePath" [18:58:19] they do have a scheme, though [18:58:24] mconnor: that's cool as long as they are used in delayedStartup [18:58:26] gavin: but it accepts http URIs [18:58:42] myk: it probably shouldn't, I don't disagree there [18:58:51] this should really be documented in the header file or something, then. [18:59:28] because not everyone is in this IRC channel right now. [18:59:45] it is on the wiki [18:59:53] in BZ's XPCOM pitfalls [19:00:00] ah, good. :) [19:00:52] myk: nsSimpleURI treats everything after "scheme:" as the path [19:00:58] and everything before the path as the prepath [19:01:05] myk: seems to be working as intended [19:01:31] myk: i agree that the documentation in nsIURI is confusing and misleading [19:01:41] ColinB [chatzilla@moz-293EDBBC.cenzic.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:01:57] delayedStartup is dead to me [19:02:39] mconnor: after investigating the startup behavior, I can see why the google folks were squawking [19:03:15] mconnor: running Ts on a fresh profile makes absolutely no sense w.r.t. to places [19:03:29] we really do need a better event there, though [19:03:32] darin: do you think nsSimpleURI should accept HTTP URIs, as it currently does? [19:04:01] in SetSpec, you mean? [19:04:50] gavin: yeah; seems to me like it shouldn't, and you seem to agree, so i'm wondering what darin thinks [19:05:00] myk: good question. it is designed as a _simple_ container that only cares about the ':' [19:05:13] sayrer: running Ts makes absolutely no sense [19:05:16] just wanted to clarify what you mean by "accept" [19:05:27] mconnor: why do you say that? [19:06:01] sayrer: because it doesn't measure "time to ready" it measures "time to some arbitrary point in startup" [19:06:10] myk: having it reject http: would seem to help avoid misuse [19:06:30] darin: the current approach is "caller beware", which probably works most of the time (especially as we direct folks to nsIOService::newURI), but it seems brittle [19:06:41] sayrer: if it takes 1500 ms for the app to launch and be ready to use, why does it matter when the window appears? [19:06:47] mconnor: that is bad, but "time to some arbitrary point in startup after doing a bunch of imports" is worse [19:06:56] well, i'll file a bug on it anyway, and we can decide there [19:07:04] myk: we've struggled since i started working on moz to get people to not instantiate nsSimpleURI and nsStandardURL directly [19:07:20] sayrer: Ts on a clean profile is worthless, compared to Ts on a typical user's profile [19:07:22] mconnor: well, "perceived" startup time is sometimes important, too [19:07:48] mconnor: yes. I am under the impression that the tinderboxen run on clean profiles. is that correct? [19:08:03] myk: i think the answer is to remove those factories altogether and replace them with some constructor method on an interface named something like "nsIProtocolHandlerUtils" [19:08:08] sayrer: I don't think so [19:08:19] it's configurable, iirc [19:08:32] myk: or "nsIProtocolHandlerImplementationUtils_really_dont_touch_this_unless_you_are_implementing_nsIProtocolHandler" [19:11:51] tag [smccoy@moz-BFB429EA.sef.marchex.com] has quit IRC: Quit: thanks for the no answer [19:13:21] anyone remember how to call DumpJSStack from the MS Visual Studio Debugger? [19:14:48] darin: ok, i'll add your comments on that to the bug [19:14:59] myk: thx [19:15:18] WizKid [hesslow@moz-2DCB23BF.swipnet.se] has quit IRC: Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de ) [19:15:44] myk: i'm not so much a fan of restricting the protocols that nsISimpleURI supports since there are numerous protocols that it does not support [19:15:49] timr [timr@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: timr [19:16:01] bent: it's on the debugging faq I think [19:16:17] myk: though from a practical angle, it does make some sense to warn developers about possible misuse [19:16:29] bent: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Debugging_Mozilla_on_Windows_FAQ#Debugging_JavaScript [19:17:27] asqueella: thanks! [19:17:32] smaug: for bug 359821, the stack shows that JS is calling document.getElementById, right? [19:18:06] Mozilla1.8: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend prometheus-vm test perf' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [19:18:18] smaug: and it involves a timer? could someone be passing that to setTimeout, the document disppearing and then it getting called on a null document? [19:19:40] ok, i have filed the nsSimpleURI issue as bug 359901 [19:20:56] Cartman [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.5/2006091003] [19:21:23] ispiked: I don't think it is null document [19:21:42] the crash would happen in a different place [19:22:49] ispiked: but I think I'll look at that bug tomorrow [19:22:53] smaug: the way the guy describes the crash, it seems like it's being caused by an extension. [19:22:53] getting late here [19:23:11] smaug: but he says it still crashes in safe mode (assuming he started in safe mode correctly). [19:23:14] smaug: ok. [19:23:29] smaug [smaug@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugZzz [19:26:35] firebot: zcorpan? [19:26:42] Hixie: Sorry, I've no idea what 'zcorpan' might be. [19:27:58] Firefox: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend argo-vm test perf' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [19:29:28] webben [benjamin@9675C41F.AEBCA7D1.1DBFC58A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [19:29:28] Hi, I'm still having a bit of trouble with the bookmark events. I'm trying to write an extension that listens for bookmark clicks, but can't figure out what to listen for, or who should listen. ???.addEventListener("???", ....) [19:33:27] firebot [firebot@moz-8BCFA482.carolina.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:33:56] firebot [firebot@moz-8BCFA482.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [19:36:48] john64 [jhford@moz-EDD9FC00.dsl.bell.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [19:37:34] anond [anond@54465287.8DF05885.97148A8D.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [19:39:53] KaiRo_away [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo [19:40:12] Waldo [waldo@moz-76E58636.mit.edu] has joined #developers [19:40:19] Waldo [waldo@moz-76E58636.mit.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [19:45:07] is there a landfill for doctor? [19:45:28] Waldo [waldo@moz-76E58636.mit.edu] has joined #developers [19:48:44] halcyon1234 [l@3D1E6DC1.44D93D66.1139E686.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Liar, lawyer / mirror, show me / what's the difference? [19:49:33] shebs [shebs@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: shebs [19:49:33] kiko [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] is now known as kiko-afk [19:49:39] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has quit IRC: Quit: mixedpuppy [19:50:09] Mozilla1.8: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend prometheus-vm test perf' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [19:51:00] MrMazda: explain. [19:51:07] As in doctor.mozilla.org? [19:51:14] sounds like it. [19:51:37] and by landfill you mean testing setup? [19:52:49] yes, testing in order to provide a good repro scenario for a bug I found [19:53:20] zoom causes edits to be discarded [19:57:14] reed: is there? [19:57:38] No, there's not. [19:58:19] :-( [20:00:17] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:00:25] tony [tc@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [20:01:09] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [20:01:53] tony_ [tc@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [20:02:21] tony_ [tc@moz-CD91E596.google.com] is now known as tony [20:03:24] bent [chatzilla-@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.70-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [20:03:34] evan_away [evan@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] is now known as evan [20:06:57] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [20:08:43] roc [chatzilla@95EAA166.4D50A8B3.51B17ACE.IP] has joined #developers [20:09:21] smccoy [smccoy@moz-BFB429EA.sef.marchex.com] has joined #developers [20:09:55] andrew [chatzilla@moz-B1C4380E.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:10:01] OkXML Parsing Error: undefined entity [20:10:01] Location: chrome://help/content/help.xul [20:10:02] Line Number 63, Column 5: [20:11:41] what would cause that to happen when trying to open a basic content pack (basically the one from the tutorial on mozilla.org [20:12:17] BenB [ben@moz-DF154B04.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Client exited [20:12:26] an undefined entity in help.xul, of course :) [20:12:37] it probably relies on a certain DTD that's not in your build [20:12:44] weaaaaaaaak [20:12:53] ah, maybe there is a newer version of xulrunner that fixes this [20:13:48] kaie [kaie@moz-D74F571.redhat.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [20:14:05] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [20:16:10] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: And back he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky. [20:16:37] CTho [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|away [20:23:07] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit IRC: Input/output error [20:24:01] andrew [chatzilla@moz-B1C4380E.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [20:27:38] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006042715] [20:30:20] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice|afk [20:33:02] seems to be branding [20:33:52] arno [arno@moz-D7705E3F.cust.tele2.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: ... [20:35:50] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-afk [20:37:10] CTho|away [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho [20:38:16] duo [duo@EA2AA27C.4B19F914.908AEBC.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving. [20:41:26] petea [petea@moz-B23F21FD.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [20:43:45] this is extremely frustrating [20:45:35] tomg [opera@moz-4EC30BE.netflint.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:47:01] anyone seeing tbird have trouble installing/upgrading? I've got a hanging xpicleanup.exe process and incomplete install error [20:48:27] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [20:48:29] mconnor_ [mconnor@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [20:49:59] dveditz [dveditz@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:51:45] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:51:45] mconnor_ [mconnor@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:52:44] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [20:53:18] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [20:53:30] Waldo: ping [20:55:11] aconbere: pong [20:56:22] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep [20:56:44] Waldo: I heard you worked on firefox bookmarks and might know something about interfacing with them [20:56:59] (worked with) [20:57:33] you sure you don't mean jminta? I've poked at RDF for Help stuff, but aside from that I haven't touched bookmarks [20:57:52] heh [20:58:06] kiko-afk [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] is now known as kiko [20:58:07] darin [darin@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [20:58:08] I heard from jminta that you might have worked on things relating to bookmarks :) [20:58:11] aconbere chuckles [20:58:15] infinite loop! [20:58:52] someone's hoaxing you, methinks [20:59:02] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has joined #developers [20:59:21] aconbere shakes his fist [21:00:01] Lucy_ bets it's Waldo [21:02:05] well [21:02:27] if people know anyone who knows something about the bookmarks and what exists to query them I would love to have a chat [21:02:50] Waldo [waldo@moz-76E58636.mit.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [21:04:07] yurik [yurik@moz-E6848DBB.sub-75-197-56.myvzw.com] has joined #developers [21:08:35] Ok [21:09:27] smccoy [smccoy@moz-BFB429EA.sef.marchex.com] is now known as tag [21:09:41] I'm having one hell of a time getting chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd to be present [21:10:22] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-BD72A0C8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [21:10:41] New build added to Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1) (status: Success). [21:12:54] wgianopoulos [chatzilla@moz-7A06A043.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #developers [21:13:35] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc-afk [21:14:21] is tinderbox down again? [21:19:48] WeirdAl: you're in here a lot, off the top of your head can you think of any running "jokes" (funny or not) from this channel besides goats? [21:20:01] ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes [21:20:10] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:20:38] WeirdAl: awesome, step into my office! (/msg) [21:21:03] why, what's the deal? [21:31:18] madewokherd` [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [21:31:19] madewokherd` [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: madewokherd` [21:36:44] preed-afk [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [21:36:56] Firefox-Cairo: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.1.0 xserve03 Depend Cairo-Cocoa' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [21:36:57] bz_sleep [bzbarsky@moz-A6FD0E3A.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] is now known as bz [21:37:23] I'm closing the tree, fwiw [21:37:52] given that tinderbox is on the fritz and we've had orange since 16:00 [21:38:49] SeaMonkey has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:03] Firefox has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:13] Thunderbird has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:19] Camino has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:29] Mozilla1.8 has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:33] Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:37] Mozilla1.8.0 has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:41] Firefox-Cairo has changed state from open to closed. [21:39:49] bz: orange might be my fault, i will find out when tinderbox is ok again.. [21:40:09] bz: i need to make sure i didn't turn on any l10n pages by accident [21:42:15] rhelmer: orange started when the "full pageset" thing happened [21:42:36] rhelmer: any idea what's up with tbox? [21:42:37] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-fud [21:42:46] rhelmer: it's been doing this for hours now.... [21:45:03] if I have a , in standards mode, why do i not get a horizontal scroll bar? [21:45:03] bz [bzbarsky@moz-A6FD0E3A.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] is now known as bz_gone [21:45:20] CTho: sounds like a bug [21:45:42] bz_gone: http://ctho.ath.cx/graffitiwall/ [21:45:45] i guess i could test trunk [21:46:03] I get a scrollbar there [21:46:11] bz_gone: tbox is a different problem [21:46:15] i get a scrollbar on trunk [21:46:19] bz_gone: must be 1.8.0.x bug :( [21:46:26] bz_gone shrugs [21:46:30] 1.8 has a lot of bugs [21:46:37] bz_gone: the "full pageset" should've just restored the tp-equiv set, but it looks like i turned on l10n inadvertently [21:46:41] vlad: sorry you were right :P [21:46:48] bz_gone: and post-1.9b you'll be saying the same about 1.9? ;) [21:46:57] my connection is kind of spotty, linux should be fixed though [21:47:14] rhelmer: phew [21:47:24] but that did reveal a bug that we should fix! :) [21:49:11] duo [duo@EA2AA27C.4B19F914.908AEBC.IP] has joined #developers [21:51:48] vlad: er, yeah, just keeping you on your toes :) [21:53:53] ok fixed on xp also [21:54:16] need to manage this public pageset issue better :/ [21:54:26] yeah [21:54:52] why don't we separate the pageset from the test, and have the test take a base URI at which to look for pages? [21:54:58] or rather, a script [21:55:04] give it file:///foo/bar/pageset.js [21:55:24] it can load pageset.js and eval() it or something to get a list of pages [21:55:38] so we don't need to keep modifying the checked-in thing when it's updated [21:56:54] Build 'WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1)' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey' tinderbox. [21:57:20] philor [ringnalda@moz-FB4E3A53.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [21:58:38] vlad: yeah that's a good idea [21:58:40] RyanVM [RyanVM@moz-6D372348.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [21:59:00] bz_gone: oh, stupid me, style="width: 1044px;" on [21:59:07] does anybody know what the "unrecognized option '/L../../staticlib'" linker warning is all about when compiling trunk with vs2005? [21:59:40] some code somewhere inserts /L... into the command line [21:59:56] I never bothered to track it down, as it doesn't break anything [22:00:04] vlad: I'm wondering if there's supposed to be a space between /L and the .. [22:00:08] no [22:00:22] I'm pretty sure that /L is not a valid cl option [22:00:39] it would be going to link.exe, wouldn't it? [22:00:49] yep [22:00:57] unless it treats /L as an alias for /LIBPATH [22:01:04] duo [duo@EA2AA27C.4B19F914.908AEBC.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:02:37] qwijybo [qwijybo@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [22:02:47] from what I'm seeing on msdn, there is no /L option for link, nor does /libpath make any mention of being aliased to /L [22:02:47] raccettura [raccettura@moz-E0160644.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:03:08] austoo [auslandr@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [22:12:47] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:13:14] elche [ernesto@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:15:02] Firefox: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.2 xserve06 Depend Universal Nightly' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [22:15:06] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [22:15:11] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.6.0 maya Depend Cm1.1-M1.8' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [22:16:43] elche [ernesto@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [22:19:34] If I have
foo bar baz
and i want to stick a height:10 width: 10 box at the left of foo, how woudl I do that? using a div for the box is not giving good results. [22:26:12] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [22:26:13] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [22:28:30] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-E0C5F628.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006110704] [22:29:02] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [22:29:11] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend fx-win32-tbox perf test' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [22:30:56] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [22:31:05] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.6.0 maya Depend CmTrunk' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [22:32:46] dolske [dolske@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [22:32:46] RyanVM [RyanVM@moz-6D372348.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #developers [22:46:28] preed-fud [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [22:47:03] <@dbaron> Wow, Virginia Senate race is really close: http://sbe.virginiainteractive.org/ [22:48:31] ajschult [andrew@moz-BB2B1226.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [22:50:37] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: ->home [22:53:20] Mozilla1.8: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend prometheus-vm test perf' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [22:54:22] Lucy [Lucy_@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [22:55:56] Mook [mook@moz-E384C17C.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #developers [22:56:23] rhelmer orange is still rhelmer's fault [22:56:43] er, s/third person/first person/ [22:56:44] stephend [stephend@moz-6B11E131.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #developers [22:56:55] are the webtools slow for other folks? [22:57:07] e.g. tinderbox? [22:57:22] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend pacifica-vm test perf' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [22:58:24] kiko [kiko@13DFBF42.5FC60D86.A271D678.IP] is now known as kiko-zzz [22:59:12] ok the testerboxen should stop crashing now.. [23:00:02] jhughes [jhughes@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: jhughes [23:00:55] chewey_ [chewey@moz-B478DC7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [23:02:28] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [23:02:28] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dveditz [23:02:58] chewey [chewey@moz-65F99E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:03:12] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [23:03:57] dolske [dolske@moz-F8EC3862.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:04:39] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [23:10:17] anyone know how to stop gdb from printing out a stack (besides killing the process)? [23:10:25] I'm at frame 999 or so now. [23:10:29] control C [23:10:38] doesn't work. [23:11:10] probably because I set pagination on in the gdb config file. [23:11:22] Firefox: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend argo-vm test perf' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [23:11:48] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:11:48] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [23:14:33] I wonder if it's a bug in gdb... seems like ^c should always top it from printing the stack. [23:15:23] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend fx-win32-tbox perf test' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [23:19:13] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [23:19:13] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dveditz [23:19:23] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.6.0 maya Depend Cm1.0-M1.8.0' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [23:23:01] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:30:42] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [23:33:51] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:34:12] Lucy_ [Lucy@moz-D480481C.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [23:38:50] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-3FFF40E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [23:39:50] Bernd [bmlk@moz-62A7E0CE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [23:43:19] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [23:45:36] stephend [stephend@moz-6B11E131.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- State of the art IRC [23:46:20] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [23:48:01] Mozilla1.8: 'Linux bl-bldlnx01 Depend prometheus-vm test perf' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [23:53:51] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:54:15] A`ja [chatzilla@moz-329730D1.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #developers [23:55:16] timelyx [timeless@a212-54-30-25.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #developers [23:59:06] ssieb_roam [ssieb@moz-94BCB728.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #developers ### Log session terminated at Wed Nov 8 00:00:01 2006 ###