### Log session started at Mon Oct 16 00:48:05 2006 ### [00:48:05] |db48x| [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] has joined #developers [00:48:05] Channel topic is: Plan your Firefox 2 Party -- http://www.firefoxparty.com || http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2.0 RC2 is now available || I used to be into S&M, necrophilia and bestiality, but then I realized that I was flogging a dead horse [00:48:05] Topic was set by reed!*@* on Thu Oct 12 00:35:17 2006 [00:48:17] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [00:48:17] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [00:48:19] Channel synchronized in 13.884 seconds [00:48:39] db48x [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by |db48x|) [00:48:42] |db48x| [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] is now known as db48x [00:49:42] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [00:49:59] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [00:54:53] Jesse_ [jesse@moz-C2BD5635.oc.oc.cox.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Jesse_ [00:57:43] AlthA [jdevalk@moz-191575D7.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #developers [01:03:55] brosnan [brosnan@moz-311F6FBF.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:08:31] chewey_ [chewey@moz-A42A3407.dip.t-dialin.net] is now known as chewey [01:10:27] Jesse_ [jesse@moz-C2BD5635.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #developers [01:11:10] smontaguZZZ [chatzilla@moz-DFFA0E51.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #developers [01:11:27] smontaguZZZ [chatzilla@moz-DFFA0E51.broadband.actcom.net.il] is now known as smontagu [01:12:28] brosnan [brosnan@moz-311F6FBF.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #developers [01:14:07] josh [josh@moz-3628CCAA.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [01:20:08] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [01:20:26] bz_gone: does gone mean mac store? i have recent experience thinking about it. (and playing with them in the store) heard a rumor recently that they were going to release a quad core intel chip soon.... [01:22:58] gaoming [chatzilla@41233EAD.BD1919A0.787F53A6.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [01:24:25] dolske [dolske@43DDA2B1.2676CBC.E2CA354A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [01:27:30] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@moz-DD72D9D0.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:28:40] Bernd [bmlk@moz-334B511A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [01:38:22] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [01:43:44] mcsmurf: ping [01:47:08] crowder [crowder@moz-D2203305.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:47:32] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [01:50:19] bonjour [01:52:10] anyone here know nsthreadutils.cpp? [01:52:19] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@moz-FABC8AEC.w86-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [02:01:30] Error "Not on the same file system" while moving "/zfsroot/brandz". [02:01:40] timeless tries to figure out what kind of error that is [02:04:55] philor [ringnalda@moz-647ADC27.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Quit: philor [02:10:33] josh [josh@moz-3628CCAA.mn.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [02:13:31] daim [David_Mart@moz-CA2EF04D.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [02:19:03] tH [r@] has joined #developers [02:22:41] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:28:40] factor [factor@moz-930F76.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #developers: Leaving [02:32:49] I guess it's rainy season again [02:36:13] gavin [gavin@moz-FBC67194.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [02:36:31] gavins [gavin@moz-FBC67194.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [02:37:09] gavins [gavin@moz-FBC67194.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as gavin [02:41:02] alfred [alfred@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [02:42:10] alfred [alfred@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [02:44:05] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [02:44:13] db48x: b/c of the timeouts/resets/reconns? [02:46:19] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [02:56:05] firebot qt ^Se [02:56:12] jeremy: because of the rain [02:56:15] SeaMonkey B:0 T:0 S:6 (all green) [02:58:03] db48x: rainy season where? [03:00:10] elche [ernesto@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:02:42] man, how do I figure out what the error was in a mozStorage exception [03:02:55] elche [ernesto@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [03:02:55] sayrer stomps on SQLite [03:06:41] sayrer: export NSPR_LOG_MODULES=mozStorage:5 [03:06:44] jeremy: here [03:06:57] db48x: thank you [03:07:07] I can never get that right [03:07:21] though extension authors like me shouldn't have to do this [03:07:34] thank goodness I have a debug build :) [03:07:38] db48x: i guessed that. which continent? [03:07:38] yea [03:08:22] prefiks [prefiks@moz-E3496CC4.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #developers [03:08:50] who has already used ac_add_app_options ? [03:09:05] to build multiple apps from a single tree at the same time ? [03:09:07] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [03:09:18] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [03:09:22] prefiks [prefiks@moz-E3496CC4.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has left #developers: /quit [03:11:01] jeremy: the rimward one, I think [03:13:00] glazou: i have built multiple from the same tree simultaneously, but i don't thin i've ever used ac_add_app_options. i just used the two ones. (one for config, one for make) [03:13:12] s/thin/think/ [03:14:00] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has joined #developers [03:15:26] yea, I'm currently rimward [03:15:53] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [03:17:12] does anyone here have a tool for finding out what's using large pieces of space? [03:17:20] i have to find out why i'm using 30gb of disk space :( [03:17:21] s/two/two standard/ [03:17:28] timeless: du? [03:17:32] timeless: ducks [03:17:38] ducks? [03:17:45] timeless: you start with du -cks [03:18:00] and you get slightly fancier until you have the info you need [03:18:56] du: illegal option -- c [03:18:57] usage: du [-dorx] [-a|-s] [-h|-k|-m] [-H|-L] [file...] [03:19:17] you have a weird du [03:19:24] -c gives you a total on mine [03:19:35] well, it isn't gnu [03:19:48] I pipe that through a little perl script [03:19:49] timeless: solaris? [03:19:54] . [03:20:11] #!/usr/bin/perl [03:20:11] for (<>) [03:20:11] { [03:20:11] @arry = split '\b', $_; [03:20:11] $exp = int((log $arry[0]) / (log 1024)); [03:20:11] $arry[0] = sprintf "%.${exp}f%s", $arry[0] / 1024 ** $exp, ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G')[$exp + 1]; [03:20:11] print @arry; [03:20:11] } [03:20:13] You have been kicked from #developers by killer [killer@services.mozilla.org]: Stop flooding! ### Log session terminated at Mon Oct 16 03:20:13 2006 ### ### Log session started at Mon Oct 16 03:20:13 2006 ### [03:20:13] db48x [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] has joined #developers [03:20:13] Channel topic is: Plan your Firefox 2 Party -- http://www.firefoxparty.com || http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2.0 RC2 is now available || I used to be into S&M, necrophilia and bestiality, but then I realized that I was flogging a dead horse [03:20:13] Topic was set by reed!*@* on Thu Oct 12 00:35:17 2006 [03:20:13] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [03:20:13] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [03:20:13] Channel synchronized in 0.381 seconds [03:20:26] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:20:28] bah, that was only 8 lines [03:20:34] anyway, it gives you easier to read sizes [03:21:00] i'm trying duhs [03:21:05] du -hs * [03:21:10] -h, --human-readable [03:21:11] print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) [03:21:20] no need for Perl script :) [03:21:42] sure [03:21:50] I don't like the way that formats it though [03:22:12] plus you can't sort the list by size if you use -h [03:22:18] swift% ls -lh core; file core [03:22:19] -rw------- 1 timeless other 385M Oct 11 12:05 core [03:22:19] core: ELF 32-bit LSB core file 80386 Version 1, from 'firefox-bin' [03:22:27] with that I can do du -cks | sort -n | sizes.pl [03:22:37] timeless grumbles [03:22:41] stupid fox [03:23:19] bsmedberg: yt ? [03:23:21] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:23:58] timeless frowns [03:24:07] gzip only got me 250m back [03:24:58] gaoming [chatzilla@41233EAD.BD1919A0.787F53A6.IP] has joined #developers [03:25:13] timeless ponders [03:25:28] db48x: if you have a real dvd, and you made the dvd by downloading it from the web [03:25:31] glazou: did you really mean ac_add_app_options? [03:25:38] yes [03:25:38] can you think of a reason to keep an iso of it? [03:25:51] jeremy: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Configuring_Build_Options#Building_multiple_applications_from_the_same_source_tree [03:25:59] timeless: not if I really needed the disk space [03:26:19] glazou: I've never tried it [03:26:30] oh, hrmm. that's new? [03:26:32] timeless, get yourself off the non-GNU toolchain. it is a pain [03:26:35] timeless isn't really sure how to get disk stats [03:26:43] glazou: I ought to though, because I could get rid of several trees [03:26:45] tar doesn't even have -z, ffs [03:26:48] sayrer: i'm making space so i can add the lx brandz [03:26:54] db48x: i am building right now [03:26:58] glazou: cool [03:27:04] timeless: what kind of disk stats do you want? [03:27:18] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [03:27:30] db48x: something that says how much space i have on a physical volume [03:27:35] (not a partition, or zfs voume) [03:27:40] sayrer remembers to file a maxpath bug on XULRunner mac [03:27:49] oh, hmm [03:27:58] # zpool list [03:27:58] NAME SIZE USED AVAIL CAP HEALTH ALTROOT [03:27:59] root_pool 70G 54.5G 15.5G 77% ONLINE - [03:28:01] with lvm I'd try pvs or something [03:28:22] i have gtar, so that's not an issue [03:28:26] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [03:28:32] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [03:28:36] db48x: but I am trying a rather weird case [03:28:47] xulrunner and composer built in same objdir [03:28:51] hmm, actually, lvm doesn't know anything about how large the contents of a physical volume is [03:28:54] since composer is purely chrome... [03:28:58] should work [03:29:00] glazou: interesting :) [03:29:03] yep [03:29:04] glazou: yea, ought to [03:29:26] db48x: zpool does [03:29:32] as it indicated above [03:29:39] yea [03:29:49] zfs is supposed to be pretty good [03:29:54] zpool/zfs are spiffy, and quite logical [03:30:03] you just have to think "what makes sense" and ask that [03:30:15] instead of "what stupid thing have i done in the past to answer this question" [03:30:32] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has joined #developers [03:30:35] can you resize the filesystem inside of a volume and migrate it to a subset of the disks in the group? [03:31:00] atm most of my volumes are dynamicly sized [03:31:07] i can certainly change quotas on the fly [03:31:09] I discovered the other day that you can't do that with lvm [03:31:15] heh [03:31:49] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:31:52] my home data was spread out over two disks, with a smaller logical volume on the smaller disk for the os [03:32:16] I ended up getting a third hard drive and copying all of the data from one filesystem to the other [03:33:05] glazou: why not just use 2 objdirs? [03:33:29] jeremy: why would I rebuild the whole thing ? [03:33:35] Ryan [rflint@moz-4FB9628A.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan|zzz [03:33:50] composer is a xulrunner-based app! [03:33:52] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [03:34:12] I only need to build xulrunner, and then to build in mozilla/composer [03:34:45] what I want is really enable-application=xulrunner+composer [03:34:48] see ? [03:35:33] magneto [chatzilla@977E6C1.DEF20D50.74E1C77A.IP] has joined #developers [03:35:46] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@moz-FABC8AEC.w86-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:35:53] i believe zfs can rebalance across volumes [03:36:03] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [03:36:05] timeless: cool [03:36:06] but i don't really understand it well enough to explain how one would do such things [03:36:42] replace [-f] [new_device] [03:36:54] you could definitely use that zpool command [03:36:59] these sorts of tools need graphical drag and drop apps for those of us who only tinker with them once every few years [03:37:02] glazou: this is reminding me of app-managed extensions. they can be built all at once, but they're seperate, and can be installed later. [03:37:09] yeah [03:37:50] or a natural language interface [03:38:13] zfs/zpool *are* natural language bridges [03:38:18] really [03:38:25] "move all my home data to the largest disk, then split that from the volume group" [03:38:28] fwiw, last time I built multiple apps like that, it gave me a /xulrunner objdir and a /firefox (or was it browser?) objdir, and firefox basically acted as a xulrunner app :) [03:39:13] interesting [03:39:33] magneto [chatzilla@977E6C1.DEF20D50.74E1C77A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [03:39:39] it turns out that i really had, coincidentally, 3 volumes all at 74% usage [03:39:44] cool [03:39:58] or perhaps it's not a coincidence [03:40:00] freeing space from ~ caused that number to stop being magical [03:40:08] no, it was a coincidence [03:40:19] after all, you'd expect them to have roughly the same usage if it was autobalancing things [03:40:36] i only have one disk [03:41:22] but there's 1 ufs partition, 1 lofs (not sure what that is), and 1 zfs [03:41:31] i think the lofs is some evil shadow of the ufs [03:43:32] ok [03:43:38] how about a 'simpler' ;-) task [03:43:45] i have two volumes / and /zfsroot [03:44:04] i want to know what directories exist on /zfsroot that are taking more space than equivalent directories in / [03:44:13] the more I see how debianists flame themselves, the more I find the mozilla community the coolest community ever [03:44:28] url? [03:44:40] in french [03:44:41] http://sexylizard.org/?2006/10/15/116-un-peu-de-calme-nous-ferait-tous-du-bien#co [03:44:45] first comment [03:44:55] from epiphany maitainer [03:45:02] flames another debianist [03:47:01] it's in french :( [03:47:16] timeless: babelfish [03:47:17] yeah, french usually speak french when they're in a french context [03:47:30] those crazy french [03:47:31] db48x: translate.google [03:47:38] poningru: strange isn't it ?-) [03:47:46] what's jdll? [03:47:55] I know right :) [03:47:55] Journées du Logiciel LIbre [03:47:59] Free Software Days [03:49:13] timeless: whichever :) [03:49:15] db48x: is there a yfs? [03:49:24] timeless: I dunno. could be [03:49:34] indeed, there is [03:49:47] looks like there might be two :) [03:50:34] heh [03:50:56] oh [03:50:58] heh [03:51:13] one's basically a course project for an os called yos [03:51:20] (yalnix) [03:52:34] timeless rotfl [03:52:39] YFS - Not the last word in file systems [03:53:34] why would anyone try to make a file system 'similar' to zfs? [03:53:40] why not just port zfs like apple is doing? [03:53:43] silly linux users [03:53:57] Xanthor|aw [Xanthor@moz-FDCAA104.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [03:54:17] timeless: you're on solaris? [03:54:28] heh [03:54:41] poningru stares at his nexent box [03:55:26] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [03:56:49] yes [03:56:57] jeremy: kinda [03:57:14] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [03:57:17] i have a win laptop, a solaris desktop, an osx desktop, and some linux boxes hosting irc/mail [03:57:23] and some linux devices [03:57:34] timeless types the answer from the win laptop [03:57:52] timeless swiveles back to solaris for a moment [03:58:09] timeless: i'm talking about *nix non-gnu [03:58:28] OS X + solaris then [03:58:36] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [03:58:50] … [03:58:53] nexent is gnu/solaris [03:58:55] 44.43G vmware [03:58:55] 54.69G tvshows [03:58:55] 215.29G total [03:59:05] timeless grumbles [03:59:09] my drive is 80g [03:59:16] i can't fit your vmware+tvshows [03:59:23] timeless goes to read http://blogs.sun.com/nilsn/entry/installing_a_debian_zone_with [03:59:29] db48x would feel claustrophobic now [03:59:42] db48x used to think his 80gig drive was big [03:59:59] poningru: i feel that #opensolaris will give me more support as a snv user than i'd get w/ nextent [04:00:13] timeless: heh true [04:00:13] 33.58G oldhome [04:00:25] db48x wonders what's in there [04:01:00] Mano [chatzilla@moz-5D6DE61B.bb.netvision.net.il] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:01:02] XXX [04:01:08] its gotta be [04:01:24] oldhome looks like what's left of my home directory from when I just had an 80gig drive [04:01:36] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:02:22] my 80gig drive felt big until I downloaded all 5 seasons of Babylon 5 and discovered that they added up to 40 gigs [04:02:32] heh, my oldhome has a vmware directory in it [04:03:52] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:06:34] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [04:06:57] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [04:09:07] I think I'm now exactly rimward [04:11:41] does anyone remember Relay in A Fire Upon the Deep? [04:15:25] I'd like to be able to visit a system like that [04:24:14] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [04:24:37] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [04:25:35] this build renders some images incorrectly [04:27:15] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:41:02] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [04:42:34] firefox party map is getting a bit crowded [04:45:00] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [04:47:13] biesi [chb@v026.demo.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #developers [04:49:09] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-309B67B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [04:50:44] only one party for helsinki [04:50:47] dveditz [dveditz@moz-452E74B8.cruzio.com] has joined #developers [04:50:48] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dveditz [04:50:49] p [04:50:55] http://www.firefoxparty.com/parties/view/181 [04:50:58] hi dveditz [04:51:14] hi dveditz [04:51:16] dveditz: i think you'll be glad to hear that we broke pdf plugin support as part of 1507 [04:51:40] <@dveditz> hi,... I've been here, or at least I thought I was [04:51:50] db48x: i can't figure out how to join a party [04:52:17] <@dveditz> timeless: is there a bug # and did someone nominate it for [04:52:32] yes, i was going to, but i think firefox crashed :) [04:52:33] <@dveditz> and it works in FF2? [04:52:44] someone from adobe complained [04:52:51] i don't care or use pdf myself [04:52:56] ohoh, dan is up [04:53:00] personally i'd rather that the pdf plugin be destroyed [04:53:08] pdfs shouldn't be rendered in process, it's just stupid [04:53:14] they're much more usable out of process [04:53:22] <@dveditz> someone the other day complained here, and I told them to twiddle the internet settings checkbox in the adobe prefs, and that reran their installer bits and fixed the problem [04:54:06] timeless: I suppose if I've got an nsXULDocument being released as part of a GC caused by the JS component loader observing xpcom-shutdown-loaders there's not alot I can do to find out which module had the reference? [04:54:15] <@dveditz> Pike: actually i was just going to bed, when apparently my machine reconnected and alerted people to my presence [04:54:18] <@dveditz> foiled again [04:54:26] heh [04:55:08] dveditz: bad machine [04:55:39] thanks for the a+, I'll check those in today, so you'll have them when you get back up [04:55:52] dveditz: change your nick to dveditzzz then nobody will ever bother you again ;-) [04:55:55] <@dveditz> dunno when I pinged out... last message i have logged is 2:41, my machine figured it out and reconnected at 2:50 [04:56:05] <@dveditz> Pike: thanks [04:57:11] neil: like that really works [04:57:28] dveditz: 2:44:21 [04:57:40] <@dveditz> which Neil are you, Away or ZZZ (and still talking here)? [04:57:42] dveditz: see bugmail [04:58:13] <@dveditz> NeilAway: that's pretty much why I don't do dveditzzzzzz [04:58:24] <@dveditz> I always forget to set it back [04:58:30] <@dveditz> jeremy:thx [04:58:37] or you could just be offline when ZZZ [04:58:38] dveditz: yeah, I know the problem ;-) [04:59:25] <@dveditz> anyway, gnight all [04:59:36] biesi: so, someone's holding on to nsHelperAppDlg.xul which I suspect might cause me to crash when I let shutdown finish [05:01:00] hm [05:01:18] could it be exthandler via nsHelperAppDlg.js? [05:01:25] (localstore doesn't like people destroying documents after shutdown) [05:01:32] biesi: all I know is that it's a JS component [05:01:50] you could tell that but you can't tell which one? [05:02:16] biesi: mozJSComponentLoader::UnloadModules is in the stack [05:02:22] ah... [05:02:35] and it doesn't have local variables about which one it's unloading? [05:02:47] biesi: however unloading doesn't do much, but the destroy context causes a GC which actually releases the document [05:03:35] oh [05:03:38] I see :/ [05:04:27] exactly [05:04:30] neil: once you're actually destroying the document [05:04:31] bbl [05:04:33] it's too late [05:04:36] *but* [05:04:46] you can turn on some GC printing in spidermonkey [05:04:59] so that each time it gcs it shows you one owner for each thing [05:05:02] including a pointer [05:05:12] w/ that you can figure out who /had/ a reference earlier [05:09:54] evan [evan@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] is now known as evan_away [05:15:55] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] is now known as glazou_lunch [05:17:52] asqueella [asqueella@moz-9D02A077.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:21:55] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [05:24:21] some variables are pre-fixed with "k", what does that usually mean? [05:25:14] konstant [05:25:35] daim [David_Mart@moz-CA2EF04D.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:25:41] this is what happens when you let German-speakers into the code ;-) [05:25:47] heh [05:25:54] welcome back btw [05:25:56] yeah, I kind of wonder why k is used there instead of c... [05:25:57] thx [05:26:08] because C is Class? :p [05:26:23] (yes, that makes no sense whatsoever given C) [05:26:48] konstant means constant? [05:27:02] yeah [05:27:14] Pike wonders if wirth came up with this [05:27:29] remind me of http://www.authorware.com/humtext.asp?Hum_ID=92 [05:27:33] ;) thanks [05:27:50] zis vil klear up konfusion! [05:28:32] I've read something along those lines for german too ;) [05:31:19] plasticmillion: yucs [05:34:33] in what circumstances would one want to "Apply the default character encoding to all incoming messages"? [05:35:41] gaoming [chatzilla@41233EAD.BD1919A0.787F53A6.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:38:29] hrm. what's going on on wiki.m.o? [05:38:57] I think we got hacked [05:40:30] hrm. odd stuff going on [05:41:34] daim [David_Mart@moz-22E6848F.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [05:44:39] Pike: where? [05:46:01] smaug: the recent changes log is full of pages moving from Foo -> Foo on Wheels [05:47:49] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [05:53:23] glazou_lunch [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] is now known as glazou [05:55:01] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [05:55:46] hmm, and the fix wasn't quite right (forgot to remove "'s" :p) [05:58:01] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [05:58:15] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.2 pacifica-vm Depend Fx-Nightly' has changed state from Success to Burning. [06:03:12] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:08:32] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-F092C9D5.univ-orleans.fr] has joined #developers [06:13:12] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [06:17:06] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:24:00] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [06:25:29] Mano [chatzilla@636AA6FF.3ED436B2.CED95942.IP] has joined #developers [06:32:56] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [06:41:34] smontagu [chatzilla@moz-DFFA0E51.broadband.actcom.net.il] is now known as smontaguAway [06:51:04] Mano [chatzilla@636AA6FF.3ED436B2.CED95942.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:58:22] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-F092C9D5.univ-orleans.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: Ex-Chat [06:59:24] biesi [chb@v026.demo.tuwien.ac.at] has quit IRC: Quit: Verlassend [07:03:51] AlthA [jdevalk@moz-191575D7.adsl2.versatel.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: AlthA [07:06:41] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-B7FD716C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [07:09:49] gaoming [chatzilla@66FE2BEB.5EDBEE7C.6439CC76.IP] has joined #developers [07:13:14] firebot qt ^Se [07:13:17] SeaMonkey B:0 T:0 S:6 (all green) [07:22:08] "I change the display method in plone and IE switches on command. Firefox has [07:22:09] to be terminated to see the specified changes. No about of F5 will help clear [07:22:10] the cache" [07:22:12] w t f [07:22:46] s/about/amount/ [07:22:58] plone ~ some stupid web app [07:23:14] it's probably css cache [07:23:21] and shift/ctrl reload would probably work [07:23:33] this bug report is seriously lacking some info [07:23:57] "No additional info. If you can't figure from this description then you don't [07:23:58] know what plone is." [07:24:00] ...... [07:24:00] does the css loader respond to a normal reload by doing a last-modified/if-modified request? [07:24:35] mcsmurf: stop the cheap teasing bug Id please [07:24:42] heh Bug 356176 [07:25:44] timeless loves how he filed it in view source [07:26:05] poningru [poningru@moz-697F4671.ga.at.cox.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [07:27:11] ok, this is depressing [07:27:16] wfm [07:27:19] i was able to download a file at 2.5M/s from the web [07:27:32] but going from my desktop to my laptop is only giving me 1.5M/s [07:27:35] bc kicks timeless [07:27:43] what? [07:27:45] Bernd, I still cannot figure out what or where display method is [07:28:00] I assume tabs, [07:28:08] but I would like to "resolve thisbugreportsucks" [07:28:13] tabs? [07:29:02] mcsmurf: yeah, point to bug guidelines and invalidate [07:29:54] "if you can't figure what bug guide lines say nobody can help you." [07:30:01] bc: now firefox crashed [07:32:52] bc: help [07:32:58] i just opened downloads [07:33:07] i have kpx(2) iso 3310 KB/sec [07:33:16] and kpx.iso with no status [07:33:28] it has a pause link just like kpx(2).iso [07:35:18] bwahaha, researching info for FF UNCO bugs can be quite funny ;) [07:35:41] someone in a web forum had a virus scanner that found Downloader.Zlob.CU in his FF cache folder [07:36:02] and then other clueless people told him to format and reinstall Windows because that's the only way to clean up your PC :D [07:36:05] and he did it... [07:39:40] mcsmurf: that's the only real way to clean it completely [07:39:56] Aqualon, yes...but not if the file is in the FF cache [07:40:11] then the trojan did nothing at all [07:40:25] mcsmurf: you can't know, if it's really only there [07:40:39] if the virus scanner detects it there [07:40:46] why should it not detect in other places? [07:40:52] don't be silly ;) [07:41:00] timeless, as someone who at best in the middle of the night gets 100K/s and during the day gets 20k/s, I'm not sure what I can do to help you. [07:41:04] he was visiting some website which tries to exploit old IE or FF holes probably [07:42:11] mcsmurf: probably yes, but a installed virus can hide itself from the scanner [07:45:21] Pike, yt? [07:46:34] yes [07:47:23] bc: a coworker get 4M/s for an ubuntu iso [07:47:27] Pike, can you help the person in Bug 356524? I don't know if this can still make FF2 (probably not), just happened to stumble across this bug [07:47:39] bc grrr [07:48:20] bc can't even dl an iso since my FAP will drop my connection to 4K/s after 350M [07:48:32] FAP? [07:48:33] Pike, or is there even a existing Vietnamese translation already for FF? [07:48:47] an [07:48:48] FAP = fair access policy on hughesnot [07:48:58] that's not very fair ;) [07:51:04] mcsmurf: stuff like that is not on my queue these days, I need to ship the existing locales first [07:51:21] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [07:51:46] Pike, hm ok I just do bug moving and point people towards bugs they might be interested in ;-) [07:52:18] Mook reads scrollback.. isn't the answer to "download is suck" basically "pause and resume with wget"? :p [07:52:23] mw22_away [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22 [07:52:40] mcsmurf: then move that bug off from zulu [07:53:15] mcsmurf: there are tons of pending "I'd like to ..." bugs in the registration component [07:53:16] to the not existing Vietnamese component? sounds like an idea ;) [07:53:21] *g* [07:53:49] hrm. that should go into registration [07:53:56] timeless curses [07:54:08] does anyone have a *safE* resumable way to upload a 600mb file? [07:54:20] every thing i have is failing me [07:54:29] scp died because my network connection floppy [07:54:35] s/y/ed/ [07:54:52] curl [07:55:05] oh, upload [07:55:30] Pike, but yeah, a quick search with Google showed that there were already three efforts so far to translate FF, but somehow they all failed [07:55:56] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: backups [07:57:39] rsync? [07:57:49] poningru [poningru@moz-697F4671.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #developers [07:57:53] timeless: ssh remote.host wget -c local.host/file [07:57:56] ;) [07:57:57] poningru [poningru@moz-697F4671.ga.at.cox.net] has left #developers: Leaving [07:57:58] will rsync rezume? [07:58:23] db48x: um, i'm not running a web server... [07:58:47] you can run one [07:58:50] timeless: I don't know, but if an app does, I'd expect rsync to [07:59:03] timeless frowns [07:59:03] timeless: I was kidding [07:59:06] hardcore folks would prolly dd [07:59:07] use rsync [07:59:22] what do we use for regexps in C++? [07:59:30] we don't [07:59:34] haven't we been over that before? [07:59:35] is there anything better than the "call a JS XPCOM component" trick? [07:59:39] bah, someone should fix this [07:59:40] no [07:59:48] I think this is the first time it's been mentioned this week ;-) [07:59:48] brendan and shaver like not fixing this [07:59:55] today's monday! [07:59:58] which is why? [08:00:01] timeless: :-) [08:00:07] some ambiguity over regexp syntax? [08:00:25] yes, they think it's a good idea to have inconsistent regexp syntax support in binaries [08:00:31] rsync knows resume [08:00:38] rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh [08:00:42] is the best command to use [08:00:47] timeless: they do think or they don't think? [08:01:13] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [08:01:17] instead of exposing the same handling that js has [08:01:34] plasticmillion: their opinion equates to the stament i made [08:01:39] i made the statement so that it sounds bad [08:01:46] (expressing my bias) [08:01:50] ah [08:01:52] your bias [08:02:09] plasticmillion: you could use the regexes that std c++ provides [08:02:10] SeaMonkey: 'Linux btek Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [08:02:10] "inconsistent" implies that there is some (different) support somewhere other than jsregexp.* [08:02:15] or am I misinterpreting? [08:02:24] db48x: we even have boost [08:02:35] there you go then :) [08:02:42] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAway [08:02:47] or you could just write the code in js in the first place [08:02:49] I guess we'll use that but it's kinda lame that Mozilla doesn't have a C API if you ask me [08:03:01] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:03:03] mozilla does have a c api [08:03:08] spidermonkey is a c api [08:03:15] it's just not an enjoyable one for simple tasks [08:03:45] note that boost, perl, pcre, and any other regexp language you can imagine is *not* js compatible [08:03:55] which is precisely my problem with saying "use something else" [08:04:15] right [08:04:24] just write the code in js [08:04:27] problem solved [08:05:17] js is a wonderful language [08:05:21] checking to see if that is possible [08:05:46] db48x: yeah but it's definitely not convenient to use for this particular purpose [08:05:48] well, it's got some annoying quirks, but it's largely wonderful at least [08:05:57] plasticmillion: what purpose is that? [08:05:59] markp [chatzilla@moz-FB289662.nc.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [08:06:54] markp [chatzilla@moz-FB289662.nc.us.ibm.com] is now known as IRCMonkey5271858 [08:07:20] IRCMonkey5271858 [chatzilla@moz-FB289662.nc.us.ibm.com] is now known as markp [08:07:34] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [08:08:14] db48x: actually I take that back [08:08:26] argue the point with mayhemer... he claims it's a security issue but sounds a bit fishy to me [08:09:07] plasticmillion: I know what he means. basically, if the two of us are communicating but I've changed the code on my end, there could be interesting things I could do [08:09:45] db48x: perhaps... I'd need an example in order to get my head around it [08:09:56] in this particular case I'm not convinced [08:10:19] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006101604] [08:10:38] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [08:11:22] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [08:14:53] plasticmillion: hopefully if everything is well-designed then all I can do by modifing the code on my end (js or c++) is to hurt myself [08:15:13] or to help myself without hurting others [08:15:40] (for example if I added a new way of bypassing a local firewall that let me connect to other peers reliably) [08:16:57] yes, in this case I think the danger is a remote scripting exploit of some sort [08:17:09] if you go in and hack the XPI you can only hurt/help yourself, not others [08:17:19] the danger... real or imagined, that is [08:17:43] plasticmillion almost segues into a rant about the War on Terror, but restrains himself [08:17:52] yason [yason@moz-5E2C022F.hybrid.fi] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:19:13] Wevah [Wevah@moz-1BCA74A2.cloudnet.com] has joined #developers [08:20:13] anyone here know anything about .pdb files? [08:20:44] like what? [08:20:48] they "just work" [08:21:22] neil: v2 or v7? :) [08:21:35] and is it sufficient to say "use DIA"? [08:21:50] like, why do we have a rule to disable -j if debugging is enabled? [08:22:00] we do? [08:22:03] oh [08:22:15] in the old days we didn't build pdbs per file [08:22:17] i thought there was some crud in rules.mk to spit out a pdb per source file or something [08:22:18] SeaMonkey: 'Linux btek Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [08:22:21] so you'd end up tripping on yourself [08:22:31] makes sense [08:22:33] i suspect that today that problem doesn't exist anymore [08:22:39] when was this changed? [08:22:40] what does -j do? [08:22:43] so you're experiencing a workaround that doesn't make sense [08:22:47] plasticmillion: parallel build [08:23:05] luser: huh? [08:23:07] NeilAway borrows a dual hyperthread system to test [08:23:22] plasticmillion: make -j2 would run two compilations at once [08:23:41] compiling 2 source files at once instead of one [08:24:23] ah ok [08:24:44] plasticmillion: it means 'fast' :) [08:24:57] "fast on dual processor machine", I suppose [08:25:10] you get a benefit even on a single processor machine [08:25:11] NeilAway, you mean when the .pdb per source file was turned on? [08:25:14] not as much [08:25:23] some time in the last three month ;) [08:25:24] still don't understand why that is an issue if you aren't building PDBs per file [08:25:30] mcsmurf: right [08:25:32] kherron [chatzilla@moz-66AF888D.mcilink.com] has joined #developers [08:25:38] I defiitely hate the PDB per file thing though [08:25:42] I was wondering why that was done [08:25:51] because one gcc can be compiling (cpu usage) while the other is waiting for files to be loaded from the disk [08:25:51] plasticmillion: imagine every obj file in a directory shares a pdb [08:25:55] makes it hella hard to find the PDBs that actually interest you [08:26:08] plasticmillion hums John Lennon [08:26:12] mcsmurf: what makes you say that? [08:26:15] now try to build 2 of the obj files in a directory at the same time [08:26:23] oh [08:26:24] NeilAway, I know it [08:26:36] Firefox Trunk 2006-08-13 Windows [08:26:37] Firefox Trunk 2006-10-10 Windows [08:26:43] timeless: for some reason I was thinking the linker compiled the PDB files from the OBJ files [08:26:44] first build still had normal pdb files [08:26:51] second pdb file for every source file [08:26:53] um [08:27:01] the comment in rules.mk was from chase [08:27:03] mcsmurf: "normal"? [08:27:18] NeilAway, ~600 pdb files per objdir [08:27:22] or how many that was ;) [08:27:28] bug 286179 [08:27:28] now it's ~2500 I think [08:27:32] and this was done so that parallel compilation works? [08:27:42] mcsmurf: any particular naming? [08:27:45] plasticmillion thinks that's totally insane but then what does he know anyway? [08:27:58] mcsmurf: you were close, but it was about 17 months :) [08:28:09] luser, sorry...but no :) wrong checkin then [08:28:18] luser: and nobody actually noticec that it didn't work :-( [08:28:22] Mozilla1.8: 'WINNT 5.2 pacifica-vm Depend Fx-Nightly' has changed state from Burning to Success. [08:28:22] I've setup a symbol store already a few month ago [08:28:25] *noticed [08:28:33] mconnor [mconnor@moz-B77DEAEB.mozilla.org] has left #developers [08:28:34] mconnor [mconnor@moz-B77DEAEB.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [08:28:34] and there it did not take ages to find the ~2500 pdb files [08:28:42] this started recently [08:29:15] well that's when the checkin happened [08:32:26] ok, so shall I attach the fix? [08:32:35] what's broken about it? [08:35:14] mcsmurf: have you been using parallel builds this whole time? [08:35:28] hm... [08:35:36] good question [08:35:52] CTho|zzz [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|work [08:36:20] hm, might not matter [08:36:20] so it's intentional [08:36:27] that there is one pdb file per source file? [08:36:28] i don't think the logic checks for -j [08:36:36] it just does it by default on windows [08:36:38] I actually guess so since someone changed that... [08:36:42] yes [08:36:51] but it did not do that a few month ago [08:37:19] i don't know what to tell you [08:37:26] that patch was checked in last year [08:37:28] neither :) [08:40:58] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [08:41:05] well, when doing parallel builds [08:41:19] does this require one pdb file per source file so that it works? [08:42:11] danbeck [danbeck@779D5CA1.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has joined #developers [08:42:20] that's the implication [08:44:38] brosnan [brosnan@moz-311F6FBF.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:47:35] brosnan [brosnan@moz-311F6FBF.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #developers [08:48:24] coop [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #developers [08:57:31] ok yeah, Neil was correct [08:57:42] this did not work until two month ago here [08:58:02] well, what means "not work"; my build succedded [08:58:43] doron__ [doron@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] is now known as doron [08:58:55] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [08:59:27] luser: the build system still disables debug parallel make [09:06:28] ah [09:06:45] reed [reed@moz-A06437FA.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [09:08:54] is there a channel where I can ask AdBlock questions? [09:09:49] plasticmillion: #extdev ? [09:10:03] I mean a dumb user question [09:10:55] tor [tor@moz-9FF9763E.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [09:11:18] #firefox [09:11:22] :o [09:13:00] ok [09:13:39] good luck [09:14:14] yeah that sounds about right [09:15:40] Simon [Simon@moz-6533084A.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #developers [09:17:18] philor [ringnalda@moz-C0A03CBD.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [09:19:05] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #developers [09:19:17] zwnj [zwnj@A27B03AD.DA3750AA.22199703.IP] has joined #developers [09:22:59] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [09:25:49] Mano [chatzilla@636AA6FF.3ED436B2.CED95942.IP] has joined #developers [09:26:26] preed-afk [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [09:30:04] lilmatt [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [09:35:51] is there any way to suspend the UI thread while the code does a synchronous xmlhttprequest? [09:36:17] I'm aware of the usual answer ("don't") [09:36:18] sascha-: it already should do that [09:36:58] we are still on Mozilla 1.7 and the mozilla process is hogging cpu time during sync requests [09:37:07] (which does not make us popular with the Citrix admins) [09:37:44] sascha-: xhr has always blocked the UI thread [09:37:54] doesn't mean mozilla isn't going to be doing under-the-covers work [09:38:01] ok [09:38:23] I assumed the tight loop was associated with xhr doing the sync request [09:39:50] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-C71E7D5.cpd.usu.edu] has joined #developers [09:40:25] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-F092C9D5.univ-orleans.fr] has joined #developers [09:43:20] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [09:43:39] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [09:50:51] reed [reed@moz-A06437FA.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:52:35] crowder [crowder@moz-D2203305.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #developers [09:53:04] reed [reed@moz-A06437FA.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [09:54:15] [reed] [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #developers [09:55:55] glazou summons WeirdAl [09:56:13] reed [reed@moz-A06437FA.vpn.dynamic.msstate.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [09:56:24] biesi [chb@85-124-18-88.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [09:57:24] [reed] [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] is now known as reed [09:58:18] kreeger [nickkreege@78FD1A3B.1C705F59.D2415654.IP] has joined #developers [09:58:52] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [10:01:25] hi bienvenu_ [10:02:17] schrep [schrep@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [10:02:59] Simon [Simon@moz-6533084A.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Simon [10:04:33] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [10:04:48] surkov_ [alexander@9C1D475.30CD62E0.3FA5AA06.IP] has joined #developers [10:06:52] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [10:09:24] bsmedberg: ping [10:09:44] luser: pong [10:10:04] bsmedberg: are you sure that enabling airbag by default is really the right thing to do? [10:10:11] bsmedberg!!!! [10:10:13] that's going to break talkback on trunk [10:10:30] luser: I want to enable building the code by default, yes [10:10:41] luser: perhaps it should default to turned-off [10:10:44] ok, but not enable turning it on at runtime? [10:10:52] yeah [10:10:54] ok, that makes a lot more sense :) [10:11:12] I can write a subsequent patch to turn it on based on settings in nsXREAppData [10:11:13] i'll make the environment variable control enabling it at runtime, and off by default [10:11:36] yeah, there are going to be a ton of followup bugs on this [10:12:27] erm [10:12:30] can't it be an extension? [10:12:37] so that i can disable/enable it like any extension? [10:12:56] and can i ship a disabled extension? [10:13:06] timeless: no [10:13:12] no? [10:13:26] it should not be an extension, because that has all the problems that talkback has [10:13:31] where it won't catch startup crashes [10:13:55] timeless shrugs [10:14:01] i'd rather it work and be testable [10:14:12] timeless: you'll be able to disable it at compile time or at runtime [10:14:17] i don't see the problem [10:14:20] have a menu item in the normal config that lets it install to app root [10:14:34] luser: it's a lot easier to do side by side comparisons if it plays nice [10:14:47] side by side talkback/airbag you mean? [10:14:51] yeah [10:14:55] it will play nice [10:15:02] you'll just have to set some setting to disable it [10:15:25] as long as the setting's gui :) [10:15:36] err [10:15:42] what would that accomplish? [10:16:01] if you're comparing crash reporting systems, that by definition necessitates a restart between comparisons [10:16:10] sure [10:16:37] lemme rephase [10:16:43] double clicking a batch file is gui [10:16:49] ok [10:17:00] you have a funny definition of gui [10:17:02] double clicking the same batch file should not break things [10:17:12] why is my definition funny? [10:17:24] anything i see in file manager is graphical [10:17:45] and double clicking on something in file maanger is using a graphical interface between the user and the system, gui [10:18:03] a hex editor can also have a GUI! [10:18:19] norton disk edit included a gui hex editor. [10:18:36] come to think of it, IDEs are graphical as well [10:18:39] debug.com was not a gui editor [10:18:41] yes [10:18:42] so you have a GUI way no matter what ;) [10:18:58] biesi: one action gui? :) [10:19:20] the point is that i don't want some complicated sequence of steps that includes say... typing [10:19:47] mac style "drag foopy here to disable" would also be ok [10:20:59] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-85AC581C.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [10:22:15] Enn [enn@moz-F0E247D9.eicat.ca] has joined #developers [10:23:15] lilmatt [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [10:23:42] mento [mark@F4381B10.C8C6FF5E.4065847B.IP] has joined #developers [10:24:01] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-C71E7D5.cpd.usu.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:27:44] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [10:29:57] mvl [michiel@moz-2F035FEA.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [10:33:25] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [10:39:03] davel [davel@moz-4F4E281A.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #developers [10:40:03] davel [davel@moz-4F4E281A.dsl.static.sonic.net] is now known as davel_afk [10:41:29] vlad [asdf@moz-217A21F5.dsl.static.sonic.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:45:24] philor [ringnalda@moz-C0A03CBD.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Quit: philor [10:46:10] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [10:47:29] Yoric [AlasPoorYo@moz-F092C9D5.univ-orleans.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: Ex-Chat [10:48:13] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [10:51:06] tH [r@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:51:52] tH [r@] has joined #developers [10:53:52] bsmedberg: how do i disable java in a xulrunner build? [10:54:09] luser: you mean at build-time or at runtime? [10:54:13] build time [10:54:15] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Quit: [10:54:17] I don't know [10:54:21] you mean javaxpcom? [10:54:24] --disable-javaxpcom [10:54:36] but that doesn't disable the java plugin [10:54:37] yeah, whatever's looking for the java-include-path [10:54:44] yeah, that's javaxpcom [10:54:51] awesome [10:55:00] dinner time in europe, bye people [10:55:14] WSMwk [chatzilla@moz-815E7EBE.cc.lehigh.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:56:30] by glazou [10:56:43] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: uploading last composer live bits and back home [10:57:51] jhpedemonte [jhpedemont@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [10:57:54] The_Hunter [willv99@moz-7C89710D.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #developers [10:57:57] How do I place special characters < > " & ' in a content tree. The standard escaping on < > " & ' doesn't seem to cut it. [10:58:47] try numeric escapes instead? [11:03:13] Pike: ping [11:03:27] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-BE78046C.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #developers [11:04:19] bsmedberg: pong [11:04:55] Pike: http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/rdf-charmod-literals/test001.rdf [11:05:21] Pike: I'm trying to find out where in the RDF/XML specification it says that should produce the results: [11:05:30] http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/rdf-charmod-literals/test001.nt [11:06:17] sdwilsh [chatzilla@moz-DCFDE60C.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:07:01] timeless: ping [11:07:31] bsmedberg: guessing from the sample, http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/#section-Syntax-property-attributes-on-property-element [11:07:48] how can I tell if we're treating a page as xhtml or html? [11:07:55] pong latency due to bad multitasking [11:09:09] tor_, check the mimetype in page info? [11:09:23] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-29A6E4DF.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:09:24] timeless: well, I've got something to add to the stack. I've got an open review from you still - it's been open for several weeks :( [11:09:36] timeless: Bug 72494 [11:09:40] biesi: ah, that reflects our internal state? [11:09:59] "hopefully" [11:10:08] heh [11:10:29] tor_: do you need to know in JS? [11:11:10] sdwilsh: no - just checking why a page isn't working right [11:11:36] lilmatt [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [11:13:36] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-BE78046C.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:14:20] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006100316] [11:14:55] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [11:15:36] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-3CF608F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [11:17:38] how do you apply a patch (what's the command again)? [11:17:41] coop [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_lunch [11:17:48] sdwilsh really should have that written down somewhere [11:17:54] patch -p0 < foopy [11:18:21] sdwilsh was missing the -p0 [11:21:00] if all the files are in the same dir, and you are in that dir, you don't need -p0 [11:22:37] Leandro [chatzilla@moz-AC0980FC.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #developers [11:23:53] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:24:02] lilmatt [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [11:24:14] biesi: I wasn't in the right directory too... [11:25:39] davel_afk [davel@moz-4F4E281A.dsl.static.sonic.net] has quit IRC: Quit: inbound [11:26:21] biesi: is that also true for linux?, I always thought that the windows patch is so broken that it needs the p0 [11:28:52] sure, that's its normal behaviour [11:29:23] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has joined #developers [11:29:33] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:29:37] beltzner: yt? [11:29:44] he's in transit [11:29:49] coming your way, though! [11:29:52] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [11:30:00] perfect, i will set the traps. [11:30:26] timeless: Just tried " and  instead of " same result... [11:31:11] Please use humane traps. :) [11:31:16] obviously [11:31:26] try \u0022 [11:31:42] Jesse_ [jesse@moz-C2BD5635.oc.oc.cox.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Jesse_ [11:31:48] or just " [11:32:22] The_Hunter, which method are you using to "place special characters [...] in a content tree" anyway? [11:33:01] er...rebuilding the app package on a mac for browser: |make -C browser/app repackage|, or am I wrong? [11:33:41] I'm generating XUL on a backend server... (yeah i'm in a remote XUL enviroment) [11:34:02] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-309B67B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: real life [11:34:48] bz [bzbarsky@moz-DAD0669B.mit.edu] has joined #developers [11:34:48] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o bz [11:35:48] The_Hunter, oh... so are you just asking what the XML "file" should contain? [11:36:00] yup [11:36:23] if I place a bare " ' < > & I get parse error's, understandably [11:36:27] " should work, as should " [11:36:36] as should <... [11:36:38] bsmedberg: yt? [11:36:59] dougt: here [11:37:05] The_Hunter, how do they not work? [11:37:20] biesi, then i'm going to have to file a bug, I see " in the tree [11:37:34] rather than a nice " [11:37:37] please don't file one just yet [11:37:40] have a testcase? [11:37:46] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-bbs [11:37:47] tigerdog [tigerdog@moz-17385E4D.san.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [11:38:00] give me a few minutes [11:38:14] this works for me: data:application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml, [11:39:28] " works for me in labels and textboxes as well [11:40:03] so where does it not work? [11:40:04] bjacques [bjacques@moz-5244067A.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Light reflects upon what might have been [11:40:13] <@bz> C++ has equivalent of Java's "must declare what you throw" thing, right? [11:40:26] bz, it doesn't [11:40:59] <@bz> ok [11:41:06] <@bz> Just reading brendan's blog [11:41:12] <@bz> and thinking that it'd be nice if we had that [11:41:17] gandalf [e-gand@moz-BF0D9564.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #developers [11:41:23] <@bz> maybe some sort of comments that a static analyzer can pick up? [11:41:33] <@bz> Won't break the build, then, but could send the tree orange... [11:41:48] <@bz> Or do we have too many random rvs that we propagate all over for this to work? [11:42:49] how's that going to work with JS? [11:42:55] or with IDL for that matter [11:43:04] <@bz> biesi: IDL we could teach about @throws [11:43:17] <@bz> biesi: but yeah, JS makes this semi-suck [11:43:31] <@bz> biesi: what I'm _really_ after are cases when we use particular rvs to mean particular things [11:43:36] <@bz> biesi: error rvs, that is [11:43:45] <@bz> biesi: (the success ones are a separate mes) [11:43:59] we don't have many success rvs anyway [11:44:05] <@bz> biesi: eg, when parsing, some rvs mean "bail out and die" and some mean "block the parser and unwind to the event loop" [11:44:16] <@bz> biesi: and both are errors [11:44:33] the latter should perhaps be a boolean return value instea [11:44:34] d [11:44:37] <@bz> biesi: and the latter need to be such at the moment to propagate out to the people who block the parser [11:44:41] Mossop_away [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] is now known as Mossop [11:44:57] <@bz> biesi: yeah, probably.... [11:44:59] Mook [mook@moz-6B50A02A.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [11:45:03] QueryInterface in JS returns null if the interface doesn't exist, or it throws an exception? [11:45:15] <@bz> Are the weekly update meetings useful? [11:45:24] <@bz> plasticmillion: it should be doing the latter. [11:45:28] bz: I find them so [11:45:30] plasticmillion: throws [11:45:36] ok that's what I suspected [11:45:47] bz: but "useful" is pretty subjective, and we may have different goals [11:45:50] any impl that doesn't throw is thoroughly buggy [11:46:00] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [11:46:00] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o mkaply [11:46:04] ,m sdwislh is required to have a title tag :) [11:46:10] <@bz> shaver: True..... [11:46:21] bz is trying to figure out whether it's worth it to drop a class to attend those [11:46:36] hmm ;) [11:48:05] petea [petea@moz-B23F21FD.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [11:48:23] biesi, in content trees it's not working. I just made a test case but it works! However in my application it does not. I'm baffled [11:48:35] Cartman [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [11:49:26] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101203] [11:51:27] WSMwk [chatzilla@moz-815E7EBE.cc.lehigh.edu] has joined #developers [11:52:38] <@bz> What's a reasonable price-range for a wireless hub that does 802.11g? [11:52:53] bz is trying to establish exactly how much extra he'd be paying if he got this from Apple [11:54:05] just an AP? [11:54:08] I wonder if this problem has to do with XMLHTTPREQUEST... [11:54:15] < $100, certainly [11:54:24] $50 for a real g router [11:54:25] if you want to be able to print from it, etc., more [11:54:38] You can get them under US $50, but I've had problems with the lower-priced unites. [11:54:39] <@bz> shaver: well. Something I can plug into my existing ethernet hub and have my macbook connect to. ;) [11:54:40] units. [11:54:43] but iirc airportextreme is double g [11:54:52] double g? [11:55:00] I have three or four wireless routers here that don't work reliably for me, so they're just tossed in a pile. [11:55:06] dolske [dolske@43DDA2B1.2676CBC.E2CA354A.IP] has joined #developers [11:55:07] strange banded protocol [11:55:07] jhughes [jhughes@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: jhughes [11:55:18] the atheros chips in the later MBP and MBs can do that "super G" stuff, but the APs don't that I know of [11:55:21] <@bz> sheppy: hmm. OK. That's a good reason to just get something I feel I can trust, there. ;) [11:55:22] clients use 2 bands instead of one to get double throughput or something strange [11:55:27] super-g. or w/e they call it. most likely... [11:55:41] I didn't think that apple's APs did super-G [11:55:45] that is an interesting data point [11:55:52] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] is now known as sheppy-afk [11:55:55] http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?pfp=srch1&Ntt=802%2E11+super+g+router&N=0&Dx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&D=802%2E11+super+g+router&Ntk=All&product_code=332153 [11:55:58] $60 for super g [11:56:07] <@bz> It advertises 54Mbs [11:56:17] <@bz> er, Mb/s [11:56:22] <@bz> And it's $199 [11:56:24] <@bz> hence the questions. ;) [11:56:51] it's prettier [11:57:06] <@bz> timeless: true.... ;) [11:57:11] they have some decent mgmt features, too, but nothing worth the premium to you likely [11:57:11] plus there's the bundled modem [11:57:19] and usb port and range extending antenna connector [11:57:19] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:57:36] timeless ponders [11:57:57] <@bz> yeah... [11:58:00] kinda hard to justify the price if it doesn't at least do double g [11:58:09] (super g, whateveR) [11:58:20] <@bz> it's a tossup between not really wanting to spend much time on it and not really wanting to encourage ridiculous premiums... ;) [11:58:50] heh [11:59:45] i'd go to compusa grab the $60 thing and be happy [12:00:08] or rather, moderately unhappy later :) [12:00:45] <@bz> eh? [12:01:37] i think i have a linksys at home that i'm very happy with [12:01:41] WRT-54G [12:01:43] yeah [12:01:46] i have that [12:01:51] one warning [12:01:51] <@bz> yeah [12:01:53] I bought a super-G capable thing for $40 [12:01:55] it's a pretty popular model [12:02:00] off woot.com [12:02:02] <@bz> linksys is generally trustworthy [12:02:02] the wireless routers i've used tend to drop idle ssh connections [12:02:13] but it didn't get the better range I was hoping for [12:02:13] which gets *really* annoying [12:02:20] enable the keepalive stuff for ssh [12:02:31] biesi: how do i do that in putty? [12:02:42] ah, found it [12:03:05] kreeger [nickkreege@78FD1A3B.1C705F59.D2415654.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [12:03:33] you have to do higher radio power and/or better antenna dbi to get the range, as I'm finding [12:03:38] preed-bbs [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [12:03:47] sdwilsh [chatzilla@moz-DCFDE60C.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: homework [12:04:32] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-64FB6681.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #developers [12:04:43] brettw [brettw@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [12:05:23] http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/fistore.woa/61054044/wo/Mm70g5AyQJrI2t80fIy1yVxbNtG/ [12:05:32] hrm, I need a JS iterator that will produce "a" then "b" then "c"... "aa" "ab" "ac" ... "ba" and so forth [12:05:38] you could pay ~$200 for an airport antenna :) [12:06:14] dave: yeah, this MIMO stuff is supposed to help too, but not enough to get all the way to our living room [12:06:15] AaronAndy [chatzilla@moz-64FB6681.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0b2/2006082101] [12:06:25] I think there's something actively interfering [12:06:30] possibly the neighbours [12:06:38] use their wlan! ;) [12:07:12] bsmedberg: that's annoying conceptually [12:07:13] as you go to higher rates the materials in the walls absorb more too (e.g., drywall, steel, etc.) [12:07:28] timeless: indeed [12:07:38] i'd make an array [12:07:44] use each array index as a counter [12:08:05] when an index hits 26, zero it and up the next index [12:08:18] yeah [12:08:21] hrm [12:08:23] I had another plan [12:08:36] track lastReturned [12:08:37] upping the last index would be upping an unset index from (undef/0) to 1 [12:08:38] timeless: that's only 3.5 dbi... [12:08:39] if .length is zero, use 'a' [12:09:23] bsmedberg: you could probably be evil and cheat [12:09:25] if .lastReturned[lastReturned.length - 1] == 'z', increment lR[lR.length - 2] [12:09:28] etc. [12:09:29] by using an iterator of iterators [12:09:41] not sure if that makes life easier or harder [12:09:44] bsmedberg ponders using a base-26 .toString() [12:09:46] certainly less efficient [12:09:52] what do you want to get after zz? [12:09:56] aaa [12:09:58] OK [12:10:30] dave: i don't do hardware [12:10:35] i just break things [12:11:04] me too :) [12:11:46] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:11:56] gaoming_ [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] has joined #developers [12:12:38] gaoming [chatzilla@66FE2BEB.5EDBEE7C.6439CC76.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:12:39] darin [darin@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [12:12:53] gaoming_ [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] is now known as gaoming [12:13:07] Bernd [bmlk@moz-334B511A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006100304] [12:13:28] hrm, how do I truncate a JS number? [12:13:36] (without rounding) [12:13:58] oh, floor() [12:13:58] gaoming [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] is now known as IRCMonkey5271863 [12:14:06] num | 0 [12:14:35] truncate as in dropping .and decimal junk? [12:14:36] dolske [dolske@43DDA2B1.2676CBC.E2CA354A.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [12:14:43] yeah [12:14:45] dolske [dolske@43DDA2B1.2676CBC.E2CA354A.IP] has joined #developers [12:15:00] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [12:15:46] dolske [dolske@43DDA2B1.2676CBC.E2CA354A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [12:16:03] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [12:16:57] davel [davel@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:18:03] <@bz> floor() doesn't do what you want for negative numbers, does it? [12:18:16] oh, I don't need to worry about those ;-) [12:18:39] yason [yason@moz-1BC52453.nblnetworks.fi] has joined #developers [12:20:27] New build added to SeaMonkey: WINNT 5.0 creature-vm Clobber VM-release (status: Success). [12:21:56] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [12:23:46] bz [bzbarsky@moz-DAD0669B.mit.edu] is now known as IRCMonkey5271864 [12:24:28] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #developers [12:24:28] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o bz [12:24:52] Ryan|zzz [rflint@moz-4FB9628A.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan [12:26:40] bz realizes the Airport Express hub does 802.11g as well [12:27:10] IRCMonkey5271864 [bzbarsky@moz-DAD0669B.mit.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: ircII2.8.2-EPIC3 - Do you have the best? [12:27:26] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has joined #developers [12:27:27] bsmedberg: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/870 [12:29:00] Moe [moe@moz-5BD0BEF9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [12:29:56] bz: ping [12:30:11] kreeger [nickkreege@78FD1A3B.1C705F59.D2415654.IP] has joined #developers [12:30:14] <@bz> ispiked: ack [12:30:37] bz: did you mean to add the dependency on bug 161826 to bug 333659 rather than bug 351242? (you added a dependency to a duped bug.) [12:30:39] bsmedberg: there are inefficiencies there, but it should suffice [12:31:36] bsmedberg: erm, may I remind you of IPCpipe? [12:32:11] <@bz> bsmedberg: you like window chrome flag stuff, right? ;) [12:32:16] <@bz> ispiked: oops [12:32:16] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:32:55] <@bz> ispiked: fixed [12:33:02] bz: ok, cool. [12:33:39] <@bz> ispiked: thanks for catching it! [12:33:46] bz: sure. [12:33:52] markp [chatzilla@moz-FB289662.nc.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:34:01] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [12:35:58] coop_lunch [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop [12:36:19] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [12:37:24] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-inbound [12:39:10] shaver: you're my hero, thanks [12:39:15] yason [yason@moz-1BC52453.nblnetworks.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [12:45:57] bsmedberg: it's a living [12:46:27] shaver: you've helped remove mozilla/rdf from the default build ;-) [12:46:36] more reward than I deserve [12:47:40] dolske [dolske@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:54:54] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-98C3E399.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [12:54:57] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:54:58] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [12:56:40] raccettura [raccettura@moz-2D8792DD.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:57:35] raccettura, @moz.org ? [12:58:51] mcsmurf: using shell connection to get around firewall [12:59:00] mcsmurf: physically still in NYC [12:59:01] heh [12:59:05] bsmedberg: you asked me a question about the feed unit tests on friday and I never answered [12:59:26] sayrer: I worked out a solution in the meantime [13:04:42] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-29A6E4DF.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [13:11:48] stevee [Miranda@E7FB15ED.45C97262.68D0326D.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [13:12:06] stevee [Miranda@moz-D93181C8.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [13:19:35] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-FEC597D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [13:20:33] vlad [asdf@moz-217A21F5.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #developers [13:20:46] glazou [daniel@moz-B0788973.clients.easynet.fr] has joined #developers [13:20:51] WeirdAl: ping [13:21:51] pong [13:22:17] WeirdAl: do i have your conditional r= on the js helpers bug ? [13:22:40] conditional on what? :) [13:22:48] I mean, I didn't test the patch or anything [13:22:59] do you need to test to r= ?-) [13:23:02] magneto [chatzilla@977E6C1.DEF20D50.74E1C77A.IP] has joined #developers [13:23:24] good question. [13:23:45] ah [13:23:48] what was the bug number again? I cc'd myself this morning. (Overall, r=ajvincent indeed; it looked okay, save for the nits) [13:24:05] 356023 [13:24:13] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [13:24:16] thanks [13:24:18] thanks [13:24:32] josh [josh@moz-3628CCAA.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [13:24:42] that will help a lot, I plan a "ground" checkin tomorrow or the day after [13:24:43] the big question is, did that review meet your standards as a module owner for a peer review [13:24:49] yes [13:24:53] definitely [13:24:57] :-D [13:25:01] you're quite a tough reviewer [13:25:12] we could have a weirdalatron [13:25:26] I wasn't trying to be tough on you. I was trying to see, "Okay, what can be improved here" [13:25:48] literally, I went through it looking for things that didn't look or feel right [13:26:49] I have no problem doing reviews like this on chrome code in the future, if you'll have me as a reviewer - and I have a personal policy of trying to do reviews within 48 hours. [13:27:07] 48 hours?! [13:27:09] reviews shouldn't bottleneck progress :) [13:27:10] that's a tough goal [13:27:25] mcsmurf: well, chrome is easier than C++ [13:27:32] I can't review on C++ yet [13:28:12] glazou: may I strongly suggest you seek a sr? :) [13:28:25] we'll see [13:28:29] reviews shouldn't bottleneck progress :) [13:28:35] hehe [13:28:39] :-) [13:29:02] WeirdAl: I need to have a ground layer for composer as soon as possible [13:29:07] allowing people to build [13:29:13] what do you mean by "ground layer"? [13:29:13] we'll optimize later [13:29:19] something that builds and runs [13:29:26] for the time being it does not build [13:29:26] oh, ok [13:29:31] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:29:35] yeah, that would be a Bad Thing [13:29:37] even if it's only helloworldish [13:30:24] " dad, I want you to print a skeleton on a paper " [13:30:26] smaugAway [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [13:30:27] sigh :) [13:30:44] I need to check in a few things to xulwidgets and verbosio - I made some significant progress on my experimental "import from source doc into XML template" code over the last day or so. [13:31:03] WeirdAl: have your tried my last "live bits" for composer ? [13:31:18] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #developers [13:31:19] no, I haven't seen any link [13:31:25] see my blog [13:31:33] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-B7FD716C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [13:31:34] try it, you will like the sidebars [13:31:41] xulrunner 1.9 needed [13:32:05] let me see if I have one handy; I've been developing Verbosio for XR 1.9 anyway [13:32:06] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-B7FD716C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [13:32:19] damn, I don't [13:32:26] must've killed that directory [13:32:36] "whoops" [13:33:20] .app ? What format is that in? [13:35:57] WeirdAl: xulrunner 1.9 needed [13:36:26] bsmedberg: I'd use str.slice(0, -1) instead of fiddling around with substr and length [13:36:26] WeirdAl: xulrunner --install-app *.app [13:36:29] WeirdAl: it's a zipfile that you can install with --install-ap [13:36:29] Neil: hmm, I've always used flat application.ini files, so I'm not familiar with that particular structure [13:36:32] -install-app, even [13:36:33] glazou: ah :) [13:36:36] or unzip it and xulrunner -app application.ini [13:36:41] --app even [13:36:44] that makes more sense [13:36:46] or "xulrunner application.ini" [13:36:49] err [13:36:51] bsmedberg? [13:36:51] oj [13:36:54] timeless? [13:36:58] isn't the macosx extension for apps .app? [13:36:58] bsmedberg: the -- turned into - ? [13:37:06] timeless: app bundles, sure [13:37:13] glazou: either/or [13:37:21] our the .app's you're creating compatible? [13:37:25] glazou: we're pretty lenient... on windows you can even use /install-app [13:37:26] s/our/are/ [13:37:41] timeless: no, but these are files, and those are directories [13:37:47] timeless: the finder deals with them just fine [13:37:58] timeless: though I've actually been recommending that people use .xulapp [13:37:59] users won't get confused? [13:38:08] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronaway [13:38:17] davel [davel@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as davel_afk [13:38:21] xulrunner doesn't really care, you could use .zip for all it does [13:38:27] mcsmurf wonders if Steve Snyder is or was sometimes on IRC [13:38:37] preed-inbound [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [13:38:41] wow [13:38:55] glazou never thinks of /option [13:39:24] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:40:04] schrep [schrep@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:40:20] bsmedberg: the build hints you gave me earlier worked like a charm ; marvelous [13:40:25] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [13:40:38] glazou: now you get to document them for me ;-) [13:40:40] I now need to look at your xulrunner-based firefox makefiles [13:40:44] ROFL [13:41:06] glazou: the soonest I can look at the live bits would be probably about 2 hours from now [13:41:11] warning, XR-based-firefox doesn't build right now [13:41:25] there are some linkage issues [13:41:31] WeirdAl: no hurry, that's only for your pleasure [13:41:40] bsmedberg: ok [13:41:51] but I still need to look at how it's done [13:41:53] jeremy [jeremy@moz-4C8836FC.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] is now known as jeremy|afk [13:41:54] glazou: in that case, two weeks ;) I have things which my bosses will be asking me to do. [13:42:01] np [13:42:06] shaver: how do I split a "string" into ["s", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"] ? [13:42:18] glazou hopes Composer will be much better in 2 weeks time, and maybe have a new name [13:42:21] .split("") [13:42:26] heh, ok [13:42:29] .split("") [13:42:29] bsmedberg tried /./ [13:42:50] kaie [kaie@moz-2489A251.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [13:43:25] surkov_ [alexander@9C1D475.30CD62E0.3FA5AA06.IP] is now known as surkovSleep [13:43:35] Wevah [Wevah@moz-1BCA74A2.cloudnet.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Wevah [13:43:53] glazou goes on daddy duty [13:44:01] g'night [13:44:28] bsmedberg: that didn't work? [13:44:40] no, it wouldn't [13:44:42] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [13:44:45] glazou [daniel@moz-B0788973.clients.easynet.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: daddy doubie doo [13:44:47] this is python? [13:44:51] this is JS [13:44:56] I expect python to be the same, though [13:45:06] JS has lists now? [13:45:07] since split doesn't include the separator chars in its results in python either [13:45:15] arrays? yes, forever [13:45:22] no, lists [13:45:37] what's in a list? [13:45:39] you're the first person to reference lists here [13:45:41] i can shift/unshift my array [13:45:49] so I don't know why you're asking the question you're asking [13:46:20] in python ["s", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"] is list notation. is that an array in JS? [13:46:23] yes [13:47:23] i thought JS now has list comprehensions [13:47:52] schrep [schrep@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [13:47:58] it has array comprehensions [13:48:08] perhaps you see a pattern emerging here :) [13:48:21] i do [13:48:33] try [i for i in string] [13:48:41] or array(string) [13:48:52] bsmedberg: ^^ [13:48:54] Array("str") won't do what you want [13:49:06] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [13:49:10] unless you want something quite different from what I expect you want [13:49:17] timeless chuckles [13:49:24] i'm sure you get what i want ;) [13:49:51] tigerdog [tigerdog@moz-17385E4D.san.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Later, friends! [13:49:55] bsmedberg: why would you want to split a string like that anyway? In JS, string characters can be referred to as array indexes: ("foo")[0] == "f" [13:50:02] so, what, it will be a one element array where element 0 is string? [13:50:10] certainly [13:50:13] WeirdAl: because Array has .splice, while String doesn't [13:50:23] Boolean("false") [13:50:26] substr is your friend [13:50:29] is the other similar example [13:50:43] WeirdAl: substr does not do in-place mutations [13:50:43] bsmedberg: Array.splice.apply? [13:50:49] timeless: does that work? [13:50:56] timeless shrugs [13:50:57] try it? [13:51:04] my xpcshell is missing [13:51:06] not the way you expect [13:51:06] I've already got this working, I'll let others iterate on the details [13:51:14] because strings are immutable [13:51:17] this is not critical-codepath [13:51:23] so splicing into them doesn't really help you very much [13:51:35] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:51:47] personally i tend to use .replace() [13:53:14] bbl [13:54:39] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Input/output error [13:57:50] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [14:00:49] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [14:03:47] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice|afk [14:05:25] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:07:05] Moe [moe@moz-5BD0BEF9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Moe [14:08:25] hm, anyone have a good recommendation for an online t-shirt company? I had an idea which is popular here at the office. Front: "I work for a startup." Back: "Where's my ******* money?" [14:09:18] cafepress? [14:11:33] shaver: how does one set a breakpoint on a stripped binary for the first executable asm statement? [14:11:36] (gdb) [14:12:10] you can set a breakpoint on a PC, I'm pretty sure [14:12:13] check the docs [14:12:46] is there a standard starting pc? [14:13:29] don't think so (it's specified in the ELF header, IIRC), but I could be wrong [14:15:09] cute, i'm hitting http://lists.scratchbox.org/pipermail/scratchbox-devel/2004-October/000046.html [14:16:23] ugh, scratchbox [14:16:35] :) [14:16:39] bah, cafepress requires an image. [14:19:15] WeirdAl: how many you need? [14:19:21] hi daa [14:19:25] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [14:19:53] Daa: not a clue - so far only three people have heard the idea, and they all like it. [14:20:27] I was just going to order one for myself, for now. [14:21:03] daa: can i feed a CFLAGS=-static option to gcc to cause it to always make static binaries? [14:21:52] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc-afk [14:22:00] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [14:23:06] Build 'WINNT 5.2 tb180-win32-tbox Depend Tb-Nightly' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8.0' tinderbox. [14:25:59] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-309B67B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [14:26:44] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:29:07] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:30:34] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:30:34] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [14:30:53] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo_away [14:31:56] schrep [schrep@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: The computer fell asleep [14:33:07] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:34:07] roc [chatzilla@95EAA166.4D50A8B3.51B17ACE.IP] has joined #developers [14:38:51] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:40:21] WeirdAl: there's a popular shirt site lately, hang on [14:42:08] lemme see if i can find it [14:43:11] New build added to SeaMonkey: WINNT 5.2 sea-win32-tbox Clobber VM VC8 Experimental (status: Burning). [14:43:30] sheppy-afk [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] is now known as sheppy [14:43:43] oh ho [14:43:46] spreadshirt.com [14:44:04] hehe, great name... [14:44:12] tH_ [r@] has joined #developers [14:44:15] they have a neat little flash shirt designer [14:44:15] has an extra "r" though [14:44:15] tH [r@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:44:15] tH_ [r@] is now known as tH [14:48:52] schrep [schrep@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:51:49] damn, $23 for a shirt with that design [14:52:46] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-FEC597D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [14:54:04] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [14:54:11] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [14:54:25] dveditz, yt? [14:55:06] <@dveditz> yo [14:55:11] <@dveditz> for another 6 minutes :-) [14:55:20] dveditz, yes then there is a meeting I know ;) [14:55:25] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:55:43] dveditz, do you know if xpcom.xpi in the xpinstall/ installer is used for the installer only? [14:55:58] or should the contents of this file also get copied somewhere else, I'm not sure... [14:55:59] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:56:08] caillon [caillon@B616571C.3525EFC8.67E53AB7.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:56:16] <@dveditz> Firefox or Seamonkey? [14:56:34] SeaMonkey [14:57:14] <@dveditz> the idea is to not have to download the core XPCOM twice, so it's unpacked into the tmp dir as the install engine *and* installed along with browser.xpi and the others [14:57:37] <@dveditz> key stuff, like xpcom.dll and nspr -- seamonkey won't run without that [14:58:02] <@dveditz> unless someone changed the packaging lists to duplicate those files elsewhere, but then that bloats your download package [14:58:03] yeah, I thought this was the idea of that file...well ok thanks, I'll take a look again [14:58:18] (for me this does not seem to work) [14:59:13] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [15:00:28] mw22 [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22_away [15:00:29] bc-afk [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc [15:00:31] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #developers [15:01:03] dietrich_ [dietrich@moz-22D9A5D3.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [15:01:19] dietrich [dietrich@moz-3E81082E.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #developers [15:01:57] smontaguAway [chatzilla@moz-DFFA0E51.broadband.actcom.net.il] is now known as smontagu [15:04:36] peterv [peterv@moz-67BCB964.propagandism.org] has joined #developers [15:04:58] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:06:05] lilmatt [j9@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [15:06:14] zwnj [zwnj@A27B03AD.DA3750AA.22199703.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ZWNJ.org [15:06:43] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-FEC597D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [15:06:52] peterv: sorry about the xpathgen patch growing 20kb overnight... I decided I needed a new interface to save on creating unnecessary objects [15:08:24] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has joined #developers [15:08:44] 'k [15:10:27] <@Hixie> wow [15:10:34] <@Hixie> wtf happened with this build [15:10:44] HIXIE!~ [15:10:48] Hixie: ? [15:11:47] this is weird. I made a couple of changes to a xul dialog, and now my extra2 button is no longer shown separately on the left [15:13:15] Hixie updates to today's build and sees the wacko font issues go away [15:13:17] <@Hixie> phew [15:14:24] Hixie: linux? [15:14:32] <@Hixie> yes [15:14:36] yeah, sorry about that [15:14:45] <@Hixie> hah [15:14:48] I tested the wrong build before checking in, tee hee :p [15:14:51] jafd [jafd@B7BAACD0.14DA3F12.A602395A.IP] has joined #developers [15:14:52] <@Hixie> lol [15:15:46] Hello! What could be the reason for compiler to complain about undefined references when all libraries are in place? [15:16:39] http://www.rapid7.com/advisories/R7-0025.jsp [15:16:56] jafd: I'm not saying anything without a error message [15:17:13] jafd, did you already search with Google Groups for the error? where does it fail? what error? [15:17:32] mcsmurf: lemme pastebin this... [15:18:21] RyanJones_ [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [15:18:33] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [15:18:36] RyanJones_ [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] is now known as RyanJones [15:20:18] hm, do we have a sample xulrunner app in the tree? [15:20:29] luser: yes, xulrunner/examples/simple [15:20:29] http://pastebin.ca/205436 [15:20:29] yes [15:20:40] luser: ends up in dist/xpi-stage/simple in a built tree [15:20:59] excellent [15:21:21] dbaron [dbaron@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [15:21:21] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [15:21:41] I feel I miss something obvious, but don't know what it is. Double checked both includes and libraries, and they seem OK. [15:25:10] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-98C3E399.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [15:25:23] Google groups know nothing of this particular error [15:25:42] WeirdAl debates confirming bug 339860 - it's a legit enh bug, but not necessarily one he agrees with [15:26:17] xtbin?!? what the hell is that? [15:26:36] WeirdAl: i suggest WONTFIX [15:26:52] jafd, http://pastebin.mozilla.org [15:26:53] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@465CC807.8CACD5B3.CCD0BDD1.IP] has joined #developers [15:26:54] luser: well, I'm not a Firefox hacker, so I'm not one to say WONTFIX on it [15:27:03] yeah [15:27:14] pastebin.ca is soo freaking slow [15:27:24] hm [15:27:34] i need to build an XPCOM component to crash things [15:27:45] nsCrashMe [15:28:04] crash.exe w/ nsIProcess isn't good enough? [15:28:09] luser: I've got something that uses nsIDebug, if you want assertions [15:28:10] jafd, hmm...I have not seen that error before either [15:28:12] or do your really need to crash? [15:28:15] jafd, this is trunk? [15:28:17] WeirdAl: i don't really want assertions [15:28:18] if so, there's always nsIStringBundle [15:28:24] timeless: i'd just like to crash [15:28:25] it's my favorite crasher [15:28:27] jafd, any special flags in .mozconfig? [15:28:27] to test airbag [15:28:30] kherron [chatzilla@moz-66AF888D.mcilink.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [15:28:33] mcsmurf: It is trunk [15:28:34] mvl [michiel@moz-2F035FEA.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [15:28:34] luser: nsIStringBundle\ [15:29:05] mcsmurf: mozconfig follows default Debian build as close as it is possible to get Xlib port built. [15:29:06] what makes it crash? [15:29:12] hold :) [15:29:15] Debian? meeep ;) [15:29:20] luser: just query Bugzilla for keywords "crash, testcase" :) [15:29:32] jafd, pastebin your .mozconfig [15:29:38] WeirdAl: yeah, that's fine, except this xulrunner app doesn't have a browser :-/ [15:29:44] isn't xlib build broken a bit anyway? [15:29:53] maybe i'll just download mybrowser [15:30:04] mcsmurf: It is, but it worked some time ago [15:30:08] yay, I have XULRunner! [15:30:13] luser: nsIStringBundle for the win [15:30:53] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/872 [15:31:55] jafd, omg [15:32:05] do you expect me to read through that? ;-) [15:32:15] that's a .mozconfig from hell [15:32:23] mcsmurf: omg what? :-) [15:32:26] it's from Debian [15:32:29] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has quit IRC: Quit: mixedpuppy [15:32:30] but that might be the same [15:32:38] mcsmurf: :-D [15:32:54] mcsmurf: It's from your web-based build configuration thing [15:33:03] jafd: let's start w/ native-uconv is not supported for end users [15:33:07] jafd, but only if you click on many things ;) [15:33:15] jafd: not all buttons you can click in that ui are supported [15:33:32] and it's kinda odd that you'd choose to build w/ xpctools [15:33:41] there are about 5 people who might user it, luser and i are two of them [15:34:05] timeless: they don't hurt -- do they? [15:34:15] xpctools? nah [15:34:29] native uconv? yes [15:34:39] enable-rtti? [15:34:42] and i do use that, so i again know where it hurts [15:34:47] rtti hurts space/perf [15:34:54] so unless you have some specific reason to use it, you shouldn't [15:35:28] Build 'Linux hoshi Depend (1.1)' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey' tinderbox. [15:35:35] well well, but that seems not-so relevant to the 'undefined reference' thing. [15:37:04] general rule of thumb: only add options *after* everything works [15:37:38] timeless: the trouble is, with mozilla's freakin' codebase, you cannot just configure && make && make install. [15:37:55] well that file contains [15:37:56] 893 #elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_XLIB) [15:37:58] stuff [15:38:06] probably a bug in there, duh ;) [15:38:11] Jesse_ [jesse@moz-60659AA0.san.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [15:38:19] iirc xlib is broken on trunk of course [15:38:22] you can...almost [15:38:28] but we killed off all the port tinderboxes [15:38:31] so no one noticed [15:38:34] you only need one option to pass to configure [15:38:36] to get it working [15:38:37] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [15:38:56] why is pastebin.ca so slow? [15:39:31] Hey, I'm attempting to build a non-static, shared build of mozilla for the first time on a PowerPC Mac. Does anybody know if pkg-config comes standard with darwin? [15:40:15] mcsmurf: xtbin class is right there, included and in the library, too, therefore it's odd to see the error. [15:40:40] NS_SUCCEEDED accepts something other than just NS_OK, right? [15:40:48] btw, Xlib is the only port that does not suck in terms of performance. [15:41:10] hsivonen: NS_SUCCESS_LOSS_OF_INSIGNIFICANT_DATA [15:41:34] o_O (this really exists...) [15:42:01] timeless: I wasn't able to figure that out from source [15:42:06] timeless: use pastebin.mozilla.org [15:42:16] coop [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: coop [15:42:19] reed: does that proxy random people's pastes on pastebin.ca? [15:42:20] coop [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #developers [15:42:29] timeless: thanks. [15:42:48] jafd: try readelf or something on *xlibxtbin* ? [15:42:56] timeless: er? no... two completely different apps [15:43:07] reed: then how does it help me? [15:43:11] timeless: too late, rebuilding the damn thing :) [15:43:29] Pike: hrm, do you have an example of NC:parseType="Date"? [15:43:30] you're rebuilding xlib? [15:43:31] jafd: save that for when you get the error again :) [15:43:40] Pike: i.e. do we use it anywhere in our tree? [15:43:53] localstore? [15:43:59] Can anybody help me with a pkg-config question? [15:44:06] timeless: okay, okay... And to the time I'll feel like to revive the Qt port :) [15:44:23] jafd: cool [15:44:25] Pike mumbles something about re-implementing bugs [15:44:37] GWUltimate: personally i used gtk1 w/ libidl [15:44:46] which avoided trying to deal w/ pkgconfig [15:45:08] GWUltimate: you might consider looking at darwin ports [15:45:14] because they do have port support for building mozilla [15:45:28] timeless would expect someone added port support for firefox [15:45:30] Yeah, I have that pulled up on my screen now, but I'm kinda hesitent to use it [15:45:56] i normally don't advertise vendor packaging solutions [15:46:02] because i generally dislike the hacks they apply [15:46:03] heh [15:46:09] i'm right there with ya [15:46:18] but i don't recall ports doing much if any patching [15:46:25] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #developers [15:47:08] I was receiving 3 errors: one with pkg-config, one with lididl, and one with glib =( [15:47:16] timeless: because ports make your system a pile of crap in /usr/local already. And hacks are applied by those who are used to keep things in order. [15:47:20] libidl* [15:47:25] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [15:47:43] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [15:48:00] *** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found [15:48:07] *** The libIDL-config script installed by libIDL could not be found [15:48:19] *** The pkg-config script could not be found. [15:48:28] timeless: any ideas on those? [15:48:41] GWUltimate: i dealt w/ gtk1 because that avoided playing w/ pkg-config [15:48:55] Alright, let me give it a shot. Give me a few. Thanks. [15:48:55] darwin ports has a libidl1 which you can install [15:49:09] i might sleep or go get dinner or something [15:49:20] or maybe i'll reboot my laptop, since google talk killed it [15:49:23] Sleep? Heh. Now there's a rarity [15:49:34] hey, it could happen [15:49:40] That's what I said 4 days ago... [15:50:11] And it failed miserably [15:50:37] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [15:51:52] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [15:53:31] Heh :-) “The devs should get rid of original ‘memory leaks’ feature in the browser”, linux.org.ru says. [I would add that I'd rather see it as an extension.] [15:55:42] tH [r@] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [15:55:48] aaronaway [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronlev [15:57:02] jafd, you CAN configure && make && make install [15:57:08] the only option you need is enable-application [15:57:25] biesi: but will it _work_ afterwards? [15:57:53] Is GTK installed by default on macs? [15:58:23] jafd, of course [15:59:10] (By the way, --enable-freetype2 still sucks with Freetype > 2.1.7. People, it's 21st century, we have 2.2.1 now...) [15:59:28] that option isn't supported (anymore) afaik [15:59:33] that is why disable freetype [15:59:36] and enable xft ;) [15:59:38] +you [15:59:57] mcsmurf: Xft does not work for everything that is not GTK+2 [16:00:19] Anybody use gtk on a mac to build a shared, non-static build? [16:00:27] mcsmurf: and GTK+2 also sucks, slowly and painfully [16:00:31] gtk on a mac? [16:00:48] jafd, use Windows :o [16:00:51] darwin* [16:00:52] Heh, never [16:01:20] mcsmurf: having pornography is prohibited in country I live in. [16:01:36] hahaha =) [16:01:42] fyi [16:01:44] xft is going away [16:01:47] freetype 2 is going away [16:01:48] etc. [16:01:52] and freetype is broken [16:02:03] yay, no font rendering for *unix ;) [16:02:13] pango (with pango-xft and possibly pango-cairo) will be the only font backend [16:02:14] mcsmurf: mozilla is broken, freetype is not. [16:02:24] jafd: then go fix it [16:02:29] mcsmurf, the end of ugly fonts on unix! [16:02:35] biesi, indeed :D [16:03:00] vlad: LFS people have the fix for years, yet no one cares to integrate the patch into mainline tree. [16:03:16] jafd, maybe something is wrong with that patch... [16:03:20] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [16:03:24] jafd: what's the bugzilla.mozilla.org url? [16:03:55] jafd: bug number? [16:04:26] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has joined #developers [16:04:38] Leandro [chatzilla@moz-AC0980FC.user.veloxzone.com.br] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101503] [16:05:39] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=234035 [16:05:58] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugZzz [16:06:48] mcsmurf sees many comments about the patch [16:07:41] jafd: was the gtk2+xft patch checked in? [16:07:49] for the rest, I see no review requests or review comments [16:07:56] so I'm not sure how anyone would have known to look at the bug [16:08:04] however, it's moot right now, since that didn't make it into fx2 [16:08:07] and this is dead code [16:09:43] However, my favorite one is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69230 [16:09:56] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-98C3E399.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [16:09:59] It's damn 5 years old. [16:11:07] schrep [schrep@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: The computer fell asleep [16:11:15] I could say "only?" now ;-) [16:11:34] "that's nothing" :) [16:12:25] austoo [auslandr@moz-98C3E399.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [16:13:05] bsmedberg [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg-away [16:13:06] Mossop [Mossop@moz-4386CB1E.swan.cable.ntl.com] is now known as Mossop_away [16:13:06] lilmatt_ [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [16:13:10] what happens to the development process? MoCo should really announce something like BugAthon in the BSD world. [16:13:27] a bug is a like a wine: The older it gets, ... [16:13:30] ;) [16:13:32] -a [16:13:41] timeless chuckles [16:13:46] we had bugathons [16:13:48] years ago [16:14:01] timeless: 6 years ago or earlier, I guess? [16:14:05] not the same kind [16:14:10] (At Netscape) [16:14:15] the development process is basically people pay to fix bugs they care about [16:14:15] lilmatt_ [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [16:14:30] our bugathons were more oriented at getting rid of bad bugs [16:14:38] and replacing them w/ bugs engineers could deal w/ [16:15:09] dbaron [dbaron@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:15:13] timeless: but marketeers at MoCo seem to not even know there are keyboard layouts different from U.S. English [16:15:18] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-E4E0D101.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: z [16:15:19] marketeers? [16:15:28] that bug hasn't been assigned to anyone at moco, that I can see [16:15:31] lilmatt_ [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [16:15:48] shaver: well, but someone has to pay for it? [16:15:49] these a ton of code to deal with IME and such in the product as well, of course [16:15:52] ? [16:15:56] who has to pay for it? [16:16:18] mcsmurf: does google talk run at real time? [16:16:19] people don't pay to get moco to fix bugs [16:16:24] shaver: and I always though MoCo is the primary source of funds for the key developers. [16:16:32] timeless, google talk is this chat thingy there? [16:16:33] though a lot of people would like to be able to, I'm sure [16:16:35] yeah [16:16:40] the standalone app [16:16:45] uh? [16:16:48] I do not use it [16:17:33] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:17:34] I haven't seen any of the Linux people to whom it's so important produce a patch either, of course [16:17:40] so maybe it's not really that important after all? [16:18:02] shaver: IIRC the Gimp has (or had) such a scheme. People paid to escalate priority of their favorite features and fixes. [16:18:12] yeah, we don't [16:18:16] jafd: most people affected have localizations which map access keys to native characters [16:18:32] timeless: this is not the case. [16:18:53] anyway, I'm sure aaron wouldn't mind you taking that bug from him [16:19:37] philor [ringnalda@moz-6399F5C0.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [16:19:38] shaver: only with accompanying boxfull of French cognac bottles :-) [16:19:55] smontagu [chatzilla@moz-DFFA0E51.broadband.actcom.net.il] has quit IRC: Quit: [16:20:02] ah, so you're entitled to a fix [16:20:08] So this case of Zimbabwean cognac won't do the job? ;) [16:20:18] but nobody is entitled to ask you to produce one [16:20:22] I understand now [16:20:24] jafd: you might want to poke hp@redhat.com, and ask him to find some resources to fix that bug [16:20:24] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [16:20:28] I'm sure he has some [16:20:30] sorry, I'm still learning the rules of this open source thing [16:20:48] the GTK2 maintainers have historically worked for companies other than mofo/moco [16:20:52] so you might try there, indeed [16:21:21] kdc [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [16:21:29] kreeger [nickkreege@78FD1A3B.1C705F59.D2415654.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [16:21:35] shaver: teh r00l is simple. You have the right to tell people to screw up with their complaints, and refuse money because money means obligations =) [16:21:43] jafd likes this [16:22:37] I have to go help someone buy a house, but I look forward to your contributions in that bug [16:22:41] best of luck! [16:22:54] Can you help me buy things? :) [16:22:57] shaver: bye [16:23:04] oop, help me buy a house! [16:23:44] sheppy, I'll help as long as I can dictate you the shipping address :p [16:24:01] sheppy reminds himself to buy locally. [16:24:48] (Anyway, if there's a fix, I hope it will get into IceWeasel first.) [16:25:08] andrew [andrew@moz-484D9073.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [16:25:11] raccettura [raccettura@moz-2D8792DD.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: Lost terminal [16:25:37] The_Hunter [willv99@moz-7C89710D.dynamic.mts.net] has quit IRC: Quit: [16:27:00] bz_gone [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] is now known as bz [16:27:16] schrep [schrep@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [16:27:22] bz? [16:27:23] http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/keyboards.mspx [16:27:28] select us-dvorak for right hand [16:27:35] why doesn't that page work for me? :) [16:28:26] "This section requires Internet Explorer." [16:28:28] so, what's the best way for an extension to take over the whole browser window? [16:28:29] I have a guess... [16:29:35] sayrer: launch in a new tab [16:29:59] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@465CC807.8CACD5B3.CCD0BDD1.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:30:00] alfred [alfred@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [16:30:10] vlad: I need to launch tags :) [16:30:11] alfred [alfred@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [16:30:17] er, tabs even [16:30:25] window.location.href = "chrome://..."; ;) [16:30:37] I guess that'll do it [16:31:35] hmm is there no way to overlay whatever it is that holds the toolbars? [16:31:44] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [16:31:44] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [16:32:23] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [16:33:04] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [16:37:20] sicking [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [16:39:34] hrm, could someone here try mousing across the big "picture" on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:KB_Dvorak_Right.svg [16:39:39] when i try mousing across it, my mouse seems to jump instead [16:40:32] no problems here [16:41:10] jafd [jafd@B7BAACD0.14DA3F12.A602395A.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:41:40] davel_afk [davel@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as davel [16:42:07] fyysik [vision@moz-159452D4.host3.trt.starman.ee] has joined #developers [16:42:29] biesi [chb@85-124-18-88.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit IRC: Quit: Verlassend [16:44:12] jafd [jafd@B7BAACD0.14DA3F12.A602395A.IP] has joined #developers [16:46:53] josh [josh@moz-3628CCAA.mn.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [16:47:44] jafd [jafd@B7BAACD0.14DA3F12.A602395A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [16:50:07] gandalf [e-gand@moz-BF0D9564.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [16:50:16] philor [ringnalda@moz-6399F5C0.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Quit: philor [16:50:52] jhpedemonte [jhpedemont@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006100316] [16:50:59] IanN [IanN@moz-883D9148.cable.ubr02.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [16:51:40] mkaply [chatzilla@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [16:52:39] IRCMonkey5271863 [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:02:15] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [17:03:10] lilmatt_ [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [17:03:33] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:06:53] paul [paul@moz-DB556DEE.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:07:20] paul [paul@moz-DB556DEE.org] has joined #developers [17:07:32] peterv [peterv@moz-67BCB964.propagandism.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:08:25] peterv [peterv@moz-67BCB964.propagandism.org] has joined #developers [17:11:24] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [17:11:35] dougt [dougt@moz-36B3C0A9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #developers [17:12:27] looks like i missed a great linux troll [17:12:48] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] is now known as sheppy-afk [17:12:48] heh [17:16:49] mcsmurf: what's with that guy twiddling your bug priority [17:17:15] maybe he thinks I did it on accident [17:17:31] it's still a blocker even...but only for people who use VC8 on their PC [17:17:36] so I downgraded it [17:17:56] even then, it's only a problem if the CRT isn't installed [17:18:07] i'd say it's not a blocker if you're not releasing official vc8 compiled nightlies [17:19:10] lilmatt_ [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [17:20:45] sheppy-afk [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] is now known as sheppy [17:21:29] crowder [crowder@moz-D2203305.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:21:55] fyysik [vision@moz-159452D4.host3.trt.starman.ee] has quit IRC: Quit: Vision[0.9.6-0203]: i've been blurred! [17:22:19] lilmatt_ [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [17:23:31] luser is confused [17:25:49] <@bz> Um [17:25:55] <@bz> Is it preventing people from testing the browser? [17:26:00] lilmatt [j9@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [17:26:02] <@bz> If so, it's a blocker. [17:26:13] <@bz> That's the criterion. [17:26:21] on what configuration? [17:26:24] any configuration? [17:28:05] Build 'WINNT 5.2 moz180-win32-tbox Depend Fx-Nightly' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8.0' tinderbox. [17:28:08] lilmatt [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [17:29:31] mcsmurf: i.e. only if they have vc8 *installed*? [17:30:24] timeless, heh nope, I should clarify [17:30:40] mcsmurf: is this trunk or branch? [17:30:40] if they test the VC8 builds from tinderbox-builds [17:30:46] or if they build their own installer [17:30:47] trunk [17:30:52] afaik vc8 is the standard we're using for trunk [17:30:59] so if that doesn't work, that's pretyt much a blocker [17:31:05] except for SM and TB [17:31:55] VC8 builds basically work...if you have the VC8 runtimes installed [17:32:38] there's a url to microsoft's site to get them [17:32:44] we should make that prominently displayed [17:33:05] ff builds redistribute the vc8 runtimes [17:33:50] the problem with the VC redist exe itself is that it requires Windows Installer 3.1 [17:33:57] which itself is quite new [17:33:57] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #developers [17:34:18] aparently VC8 SP1 has a new version of the redist that only requires windows installer 2.0 [17:34:21] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] is now known as mao|zZz [17:35:16] mcsmurf: you could link that too, installing only vc8 runtime or windows installer 3.1 and vc8 runtime doesn't make that much difference [17:35:17] doron [doron@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] is now known as doronHome [17:35:20] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:35:42] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [17:36:15] I do not link anything, the people who download that builds should know what they do ;) [17:37:00] really? ;) [17:37:03] mao|zZz [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [17:37:16] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@E44B3710.9E0B49AF.8FBA2449.IP] has joined #developers [17:37:21] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [17:38:08] New build added to Mozilla1.8.0: WINNT 5.2 tb180-win32-tbox Depend Tb-Nightly (status: Success). [17:38:42] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #developers [17:43:24] mento [mark@F4381B10.C8C6FF5E.4065847B.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: mento [17:44:14] Is there a seperate call to register interfaces, other than the call nsIComponentRegistrar.AutoRegister()? [17:44:28] I only see data in compreg.dat after that call. [17:45:12] ( note, I'm doing this as a head script with the test-harness xpcshell stuff ) [17:46:22] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006100319] [17:50:50] CTho|work [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho [17:54:18] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [17:54:26] Enn [enn@moz-F0E247D9.eicat.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.72 [SeaMonkey 1.0/2006013012] [17:54:57] Help! I was tinkering around with CygWin, accidentally uninstalled make, and now I can't seem to get make version 3.80 from cygwin anymore... :( [17:54:59] any suggestions? [17:55:19] developer.mozilla.org [17:55:23] download the zip file that's linked there [17:55:48] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@E44B3710.9E0B49AF.8FBA2449.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: GWUltimate [17:56:36] oh :) [17:57:10] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-3CF608F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: zZz [17:58:34] Snaggle [chatzilla@moz-C8F384F6.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has joined #developers [17:59:01] sheppy [sheppy@moz-EEBE1278.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit: sheppy [17:59:38] thanks [18:00:57] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:01:15] question on the file nspr.m4 that gets installed in /usr/share/aclocal: firefox, mozilla, thunderbird, seamonkey all install that file. which is identical between programs (and has been for a while looking at bonsai). What are the chances of it changing in any of the programs in the near future? [18:02:02] mcsmurf wonders what Snaggle is planning [18:02:02] andrew [andrew@moz-484D9073.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:02:27] davel [davel@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as davel_afk [18:02:31] Snaggle: our builds do not install that file, as far as I know -- do they? [18:02:53] this is for Fink (OS X package manager) and the files conflict between packages, so need to find best way to deal with same file from multiple packages... [18:03:04] for fink what? [18:03:07] there is no "make install" target [18:03:14] so I have no idea what's doing the installing of that file [18:03:18] danbeck [danbeck@779D5CA1.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [18:03:22] isn't nspr.m4 some configure-like file? [18:03:24] these are built using "make -w -f client.mk build; make -w -f client.mk install" [18:03:35] client.mk exports install? [18:03:38] good lord [18:03:57] *cough* [18:04:29] Ryan [rflint@moz-4FB9628A.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan|afk [18:06:15] RyanJones [chatzilla@moz-C0F76E5E.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006101604] [18:06:53] hish [chatzilla@669BCA10.F5A00D.F1E669A6.IP] has joined #developers [18:07:02] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-309B67B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: real life [18:08:21] philly [b6001a14@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] is now known as hotfemale [18:08:49] hotfemale [b6001a14@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] is now known as philly [18:09:58] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [18:10:20] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@A56BF1A5.919A1CE8.CCD0BDD1.IP] has joined #developers [18:11:05] given the reaction, are we doing something wrong or is client.mk not supposed to let us do what we're doing? These are X11, not Aqua, which we realize are not the usual setup, but the process should be the same as for other unix-like systems, right? [18:12:55] stevee [Miranda@moz-D93181C8.sot3.cable.ntl.com] is now known as stevee^afk [18:13:15] IanN [IanN@moz-883D9148.cable.ubr02.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006082104] [18:14:16] auk [scott@moz-F3DC9425.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #developers [18:15:48] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-85AC581C.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep [18:17:04] Snaggle: make install is not officially supported [18:17:53] davel_afk [davel@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as davel [18:18:37] Snaggle: what are you working on? (something cocoa?) [18:18:43] (sorry i just hopped in) [18:18:44] can we be stronger and say it is officially not supported? [18:19:05] kreeger: if he's building x11 he is *not* dealing w/ cocoa [18:19:14] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006100319] [18:19:27] snaggle: it's possible to build these things individually as you've discovered [18:19:42] however i'd strongly advise against installing them anywhere outside ~/something/ [18:19:51] timeless, do you know if tinderbox supports gzip encoding for sending the log files? [18:19:58] it does [18:20:03] IMHO it would be much more effecient to send the gzipped logs [18:20:12] since they are already gzipped, no? [18:20:17] and it would be faster [18:22:12] kreeger: it's for GTK2 on OS X, not cocoa [18:22:34] ah ok, i saw aqua mentioned [18:22:40] kreeger disapears [18:23:13] timeless: what is the normal way for an individual to build/install an app for their own machine into /usr/local? Or should an individual always install into ~/something? [18:23:35] no one in their right mind would install this app into /usr/local/anything [18:23:49] you're free to be out of your mind and install it wherever you please [18:23:53] including in /usr/local [18:24:07] although, i'd sooner install it in /opt [18:24:45] I realize the risk of placing things system wide. I actually use my own prefix, not /usr/local [18:24:46] /opt is Sun [18:24:49] Solaris [18:25:13] timeless@boffo:~$ ls /opt [18:25:14] AdobeReader azureus kde picasa [18:25:15] Spark firefox openoffice.org2.0 thunderbird [18:25:15] timeless@boffo:~$ uname -a [18:25:15] Linux boffo 2.4.32 #4 SMP Fri Feb 24 21:31:10 PST 2006 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux [18:25:26] and no, i don't own boffo [18:25:31] coop [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_away [18:25:38] then I'm wrong, hm... [18:25:41] and no, i didn't tell the boffo admin to stick ff or tb into /opt [18:25:57] and no, i didn't even check that /opt before i made the statement :) [18:26:01] :P [18:26:08] but boy, is this box great or what? :) [18:26:31] ~who could ask for anything more~ [18:27:03] FF 1.0.3 probably ;) [18:27:23] For a totally by the book install of firefox straight from the source tarball, what's the equivalent of making and installing the firefox (or mozilla, or TB, for example ) on a unix system then? [18:27:44] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:27:44] http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Build_Documentation says to build the installer. Is that the only way? [18:28:00] there are actually a bunch of different "installers" [18:28:11] one of the installer targets should generate a tarball [18:28:27] otoh, on osx the proper target generates a dmg [18:28:31] or did a while ago [18:28:48] on osx the proper thing is of course not a tarball :) [18:29:08] and yes, in theory it is possible to create and use/install from a dmg w/o a console [18:29:20] although i've only done it a couple of times [18:29:37] timeless curses [18:29:52] Snaggle has used hdiutil for some other stuff in the past, so if it builds a dmg, I can deal with that [18:31:27] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [18:31:49] neil: any idea why a low prioritiy task (googletalk,exe) could cause my system not to respond? :( [18:32:28] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [18:32:31] smccoy [smccoy@moz-BFB429EA.sef.marchex.com] is now known as tag [18:35:51] hish [chatzilla@669BCA10.F5A00D.F1E669A6.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.4/2006072904] [18:36:11] timeless: thrashing the swap file? [18:36:22] i don't think so [18:36:29] is there a way to remove a node's anonymous children (if your script is not part of the binding) [18:36:50] i set taskmanager (running as system) to realtime, and google talk to low, and task manager mostly survived [18:37:18] CTho wonders how you run task manager as user system [18:37:28] [and get it to show up on your display] [18:37:56] at time+2 /interactive taskmgr [18:38:06] where time+2 is a timestamp that's 2mins from now [18:38:11] in standard humand readable form [18:38:27] ah, nice [18:38:51] if you use ctrl-alt-del at the right points, you can get a system taskmgr that way too [18:38:57] Snaggle [chatzilla@moz-C8F384F6.nyc.cable.nyct.net] is now known as Snaggle_away [18:39:05] but i never quite understood the definition of those points [18:39:25] timeless wonders wtf cahookd is [18:42:01] "Actual Results: [18:42:02] I waited. A lot. My tea got cold." [18:42:08] hrm, bad user experience [18:42:10] mcsmurf: i liked that :) [18:42:21] (that = the bug report, not the bug) [18:42:24] CTho, and you are responsible for this! ;) [18:42:28] yup. [18:43:15] ah already fixed [18:43:21] yeah [18:43:24] i fixed it after hitting it myself [18:43:26] a year ago ;) [18:44:16] timeless sighs [18:44:20] this sucks [18:44:35] would someone please suggest a way that *works* to send 400+mb of pictures to someone else? [18:44:44] timeless: FTP [18:44:47] the someone else was willing to install google talk, but not all peers [18:44:50] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:44:58] ctho: doesn't work, been there, tried that [18:45:06] ftp doesn't seem to believe in resume [18:45:12] timeless: host it on an HTTP server? [18:45:13] and i gave up after 3 attempts [18:45:19] how do i *get* it there? [18:45:24] scp didn't work eiter [18:45:25] timeless: install apache locally [18:45:31] arg! [18:45:33] rsync [18:45:39] i'm behind so many firewalls it isn't funny [18:45:40] (someone has a few other tools? ;D) [18:45:54] timeless: which side is flaky? sender or receiver? [18:45:55] mcsmurf: url for standalone rsync for windows? [18:46:07] no idea, but GOogle knows [18:46:09] josh [josh@moz-3628CCAA.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [18:46:13] ctho: sender is behind a wifi link [18:46:17] ah [18:47:09] http://optics.ph.unimelb.edu.au/help/rsync/binaries/ [18:47:17] timeless: burn a CD-R and mail it [18:47:29] or http://www.gaztronics.net/rsync.php [18:47:48] luser: i'm in ahurry and mailing from finland to ca.us isn't that convenient [18:47:48] well, that uses cygwin ;) [18:47:50] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:47:57] ajschult [ajschult@moz-5FA8B2A8.eng.buffalo.edu] has joined #developers [18:47:57] but cygwin is actually a nice solution [18:48:19] fyysik [vision@moz-159452D4.host3.trt.starman.ee] has joined #developers [18:48:27] or get a mac =) [18:48:28] bittorrent? [18:48:41] the files are private... [18:48:48] you can set up your own tracker [18:48:59] kinda seems stupid [18:49:07] in fact, with azureus, you don't even need a separate tracker app [18:49:07] my friend wasn't interested in installing allpeers [18:49:09] you can just host it [18:49:13] heh [18:49:18] i'm not interested in installing bittorrent [18:49:28] i can't imagine she's in a hurry to install bittorrent [18:49:33] hm [18:49:39] your limitations don't really leave a working solution [18:49:40] and how does bittorren deal w/ nat/firewalls? [18:49:44] RESOLVED CANTFIX [18:49:50] why is the EM ignoring my components that are in dist/bin/extensions/someextension/components/*.dll ? [18:49:56] I see the extension itself in the addons list [18:50:04] but it doesn't even try to register the dll [18:50:07] vlad, did you touch .autoreg? [18:50:09] hm [18:50:19] vlad: did you add the components after installing the extension? [18:50:21] extension, nevermind then [18:50:26] timeless: so if I gave you a password to a box with a fast and reliable connection, you couldnt scp the files to that box because of your wifi? [18:50:34] luser: I just built in mozilla/extensions/foo [18:50:51] ah [18:51:09] ctho: sounds about right [18:51:42] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [18:52:14] ok, i am totally confused [18:52:23] why does my xulrunner build relaunch itself after my exception handler runs? [18:52:31] andrew [andrew@moz-BEDC4584.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [18:52:36] heh [18:52:54] i thought maybe my createprocess was screwy [18:53:02] but it launches the process i intend just fine [18:53:12] and the cmdline looks fine [18:53:33] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [18:54:34] New build added to Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: Linux hoshi Depend (1.1) (status: Success). [18:55:00] luser resolves to ask bsmedberg tomorrow [18:56:28] timeless wonders how to do that [18:58:03] timeless: mind if i ask where you're from? [18:58:20] fairly useless question [18:58:49] timeless: i'm in pinkerton's class and you came up as a good source to ask questions [18:59:03] caillon [caillon@moz-757204B4.roheryn.net] has joined #developers [18:59:08] heh, i'm originally from the washington dc area [18:59:17] but these days i'm in helsinki, so i can't visit you :( [18:59:42] luser, I wonder if that linux troll also came from that class... ;D [18:59:51] (just kidding) [19:00:30] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [19:00:34] timeless sighs [19:00:41] timeless just rebooted X [19:00:54] ah, finland, eh? [19:01:02] yeah [19:01:09] that's quite a jump from dc, eh? [19:01:24] the jump came from santa clara, ca, us [19:01:29] but yeah, it's a big jump [19:01:39] ah good ol' cali... i miss cali [19:02:14] timeless: thanks for the info. back to class for me [19:02:25] say hi to mike [19:02:39] will do [19:02:55] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: And back he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky. [19:04:58] magneto [chatzilla@977E6C1.DEF20D50.74E1C77A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [19:05:32] hmm. are favicons in the bookmarks menu broken on Mac/trunk? [19:08:19] Snaggle_away [chatzilla@moz-C8F384F6.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:08:38] Thunderbird: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 hilo Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:09:33] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice|afk [19:09:38] Snaggle_away [chatzilla@moz-C8F384F6.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has joined #developers [19:10:38] SeaMonkey: 'Linux comet Depend release' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:10:40] stephend [stephend@moz-4C000823.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #developers [19:10:43] New build added to Mozilla1.8.0: WINNT 5.2 moz180-win32-tbox Depend Fx-Nightly (status: Success). [19:11:07] kaie [kaie@moz-2489A251.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [19:12:14] hm... [19:12:41] Firefox: 'Linux balsa-trunk Depend GTK1 (gcc 3.4)' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:12:52] preed knows why [19:13:01] cvs is down [19:13:18] heh, that's not good [19:13:21] no [19:13:23] preed reopens the bug [19:13:39] If it's private, can you take it out of the group? [19:13:41] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: 8403864 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. [19:13:55] so we public aren't left in the cold about what's going on? :) [19:14:00] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #developers [19:14:00] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o bz [19:14:15] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [19:14:34] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #developers [19:14:34] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o bz [19:14:49] Mozilla1.8: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.0 bm-xserve02 Depend XR-Branch Universal' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:14:56] Firefox-Cairo: 'WINNT 5.2 gaius-vm Depend ReferenceVM' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:16:40] Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: 'WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1)' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:18:37] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [19:18:37] ChanServ [services@localhost.net] has set mode +o dbaron [19:18:41] SeaMonkey: 'Linux btek Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:18:44] SeaMonkey: 'Linux luna Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:20:43] Firefox-Cairo: 'WINNT 5.2 gaius Depend Reference' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:21:39] what the hell? [19:21:43] this is sponatenous combustion [19:21:55] cvs is down [19:21:58] what do you expect? [19:22:02] oh [19:22:07] fun. [19:22:14] xulrunner tree on ports won't go red [19:22:29] its on cvs-mirror, i'm guessing? heh [19:22:35] bug 356053 has been reopened for all of your downed-CVS needs. [19:22:52] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has changed topic to "CVS is DOWN (bug 356053) || Plan your Firefox 2 Party -- http://www.firefoxparty.com || http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2.0 RC2 is now available || I used to be into S&M, necrophilia and bestiality, but then I realized that I was flogging a dead horse" [19:23:01] Wolf_ [wolf@moz-FC50AC5D.carolina.res.rr.com] has changed topic to "Plan your Firefox 2 Party -- http://www.firefoxparty.com || http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2.0 RC3 is now available || I used to be into S&M, necrophilia and bestiality, but then I realized that I was flogging a dead horse || CVS is down - bug 356053" [19:23:02] preed: what, so we can go bitch there while it gets fixed? :) [19:23:10] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has changed topic to " what the hell? this is sponatenous combustion || CVS is DOWN (bug 356053)" [19:23:20] at least fix my typo! [19:23:27] vlad: here's fine [19:23:33] vlad: rc3 is out the door [19:23:39] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has changed topic to " what the hell? this is spontaneous combustion || CVS is DOWN (bug 356053)" [19:23:42] so I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears, and go "lalalalalal" [19:23:43] oh wow, that -does- look marginally worse [19:23:54] <@bz> vlad: better? [19:24:00] ok.. that was a nice topic collision. heh [19:24:01] KaiRo_away [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo [19:24:33] <@bz> verily [19:24:45] Firefox: 'WINNT 5.1 bl-bldxp01 Depend gaius perf test' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:25:17] bz takes a method that's not supposed to modify state and .... marks it const [19:25:20] kaie [kaie@moz-2489A251.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [19:26:44] SeaMonkey: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 planetoid Depend (temporary)' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:26:49] Firefox: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.2 xserve06 Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:27:05] <@bz> nsSVGNumber2 [19:27:06] ok [19:27:08] i take that back [19:27:11] <@bz> Anyone know why that class is called that? :( [19:27:22] xulrunner's cvsroot mirror'd cvs-mirror which mirror'd cvs [19:27:30] there aren't any valid cvs repos that i know of [19:27:32] xulrunner will go red [19:27:36] timeless, xulrunner is not even visible on port1 [19:27:38] ! [19:28:14] hrm [19:28:45] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.0 xserve05 Depend 1.8 branch' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:28:53] Mozilla1.8: 'Linux sparky Depend Fx' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:28:59] lsat build i see is from 2 days ago [19:29:02] not sure what happened [19:32:16] <@bz> um.... [19:32:21] bz files bugs on SVG code [19:32:34] <@bz> Is it me or is [19:32:35] <@bz> int num = sscanf(str, "%f %c %c", &offset, &percentSymbol, &remainder); [19:32:36] <@bz> bogus [19:32:41] <@bz> in Europe, say [19:33:30] davel [davel@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: backups, then home [19:34:00] bz: bugs? what? never! [19:34:11] jwatt doesn't believe a word of it [19:35:06] <@bz> jwatt: mmmm [19:35:11] <@bz> jwatt: you're getting a cc, just for that! [19:35:22] hehe [19:35:35] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@A56BF1A5.919A1CE8.CCD0BDD1.IP] is now known as gwultimate [19:35:35] gwultimate [GWUltimate@A56BF1A5.919A1CE8.CCD0BDD1.IP] is now known as GWUltimate [19:36:05] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@A56BF1A5.919A1CE8.CCD0BDD1.IP] is now known as gwultimate [19:37:20] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-B7FD716C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [19:37:29] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:37:49] <@bz> jwatt: am I missing something, or do elements not handle the offset attr being removed? [19:38:44] jwatt rubs his eyes to try and help them focus on the screen [19:38:47] SeaMonkey: 'WINNT 5.0 creature-vm Clobber VM-release' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:38:51] Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: 'Linux hoshi Depend (1.1)' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:39:10] <@bz> And is it me, or does nsSVGNumber2 not have any constructors? [19:40:57] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [19:41:34] bz: I think it's handled here: http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/content/svg/content/src/nsSVGElement.cpp#323 [19:41:51] although I'm a bit too braindead to be sure at this time of night :) [19:42:05] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [19:42:06] <@bz> jwatt: hmmmm [19:42:18] <@bz> jwatt: so what if I have a and never set the "offset" attribute? [19:42:26] <@bz> jwatt: won't mOffset just have random data or something? [19:42:51] bz: why should it have any constructors? [19:42:55] there's a default constructor [19:42:59] looks like it [19:43:00] fyysik [vision@moz-159452D4.host3.trt.starman.ee] has quit IRC: Quit: Vision[0.9.6-0203]: i've been blurred! [19:43:01] and presumably you need to call Init() [19:43:09] gbuch [chatzilla@moz-77170E1B.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #developers [19:43:11] because Init /acts/ like a constructor [19:43:29] class and struct are equivalent in c++ minus default visibility [19:43:53] <@bz> timeless: there should be constructors so we don't have random data. No one in sight is calling Init() [19:44:01] although, please don't ask me why it uses Init instead of a constructor [19:44:02] <@bz> jwatt: ugh. OK [19:44:09] <@bz> jwatt: that's gonna make things... fun [19:44:16] <@bz> jwatt: is it ok if I remove that code? ;) [19:44:36] heh [19:44:39] yeah, fine by me ;) [19:44:42] good catch btw [19:44:45] <@bz> jwatt: heh. OK. [19:44:48] <@bz> jwatt: on which? [19:44:57] it not being initialized [19:45:13] 328 numInfo.mNumbers[i].Init(i, numInfo.mNumberInfo[i].mDefaultValue); [19:45:19] would that init it if it was reached? [19:45:29] <@bz> jwatt: actually, it looks like nsSVGElement handles it [19:45:39] <@bz> jwatt: in nsSVGElement::Init [19:45:45] <@bz> jwatt: it seems like a bloody mess [19:45:51] <@bz> jwatt: to do it this way.... [19:46:18] <@bz> ah, well [19:46:25] bz will try to change the code as little as possible [19:46:38] hmm, nice [19:47:08] uglyfying the code was one of my complaints about the nsSVGLength2 changes [19:47:28] although I didn't voice them _too_ loudly since we got major code size and runtime savings [19:47:30] worcester12345@yahoo.com is annoying ;-( [19:47:30] firebot lies [19:47:32] <@bz> I'm more worried about nsSVGElement::ParseAttribute at the moment anyway [19:47:32] firebot does not possess the ability to lie [19:47:45] I wasn't around for nsSVGNumber2 on the other hand [19:48:10] gbuch: about? [19:48:32] gbuch [chatzilla@moz-77170E1B.user.veloxzone.com.br] has quit IRC: Max SendQ exceeded [19:48:45] some of the forking there seems a bit silly [19:49:48] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:49:55] bz is glad he started with SVG [19:50:02] bz: can you file bugs and CC me please? [19:50:04] <@bz> XUL and HTML should be easy after this. :( [19:50:07] <@bz> jwatt: on which? [19:50:10] heh [19:50:13] anything SVG [19:50:20] <@bz> um.... sure [19:50:25] I'm _really_ needing to get some sleep [19:50:29] <@bz> ok [19:50:31] <@bz> g'night! [19:50:33] <@bz> And thanks! [19:50:43] any SVG probs you see that you don't feel like fixing [19:50:51] no probs [19:50:52] thanks for looking at the code [19:50:55] good night [19:52:23] <@bz> jwatt: it was using ParseAttribute, hence me looking [19:52:48] <@dbaron> bz, started what? [19:53:51] <@bz> dbaron: Getting rid of BeforeSetAttr/AfterSetAttr, making ParseAttribute const, introducing OnAttrChange, getting rid of most SetAttr and UnsetAttr overrides [19:54:08] <@bz> dbaron: bug 314286 [19:54:36] reed [reed@moz-AC62DFA1.griffis.dynamic.msstate.edu] has changed topic to "Plan your Firefox 2 Party -- http://www.firefoxparty.com || http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2.0 RC3 is now available || I used to be into S&M, necrophilia and bestiality, but then I realized that I was flogging a dead horse" [19:54:54] SeaMonkey: 'Linux comet Depend release' has changed state from Burning to Success. [19:55:34] paul [paul@moz-DB556DEE.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:55:53] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [19:55:56] paul [paul@moz-DB556DEE.org] has joined #developers [19:56:07] peterv [peterv@moz-67BCB964.propagandism.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:56:53] SeaMonkey: 'WINNT 5.2 sea-win32-tbox Clobber VM VC8 Experimental' has changed state from Burning to Success. [19:56:56] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [19:57:31] austoo [auslandr@moz-98C3E399.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [19:57:33] peterv [peterv@moz-67BCB964.propagandism.org] has joined #developers [19:57:42] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [19:58:54] Firefox: 'Linux balsa-trunk Depend GTK1 (gcc 3.4)' has changed state from Burning to Success. [19:58:57] peterv [peterv@moz-67BCB964.propagandism.org] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006100316] [20:00:29] Snaggle_away [chatzilla@moz-C8F384F6.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:01:37] Snaggle_away [chatzilla@moz-C8F384F6.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has joined #developers [20:01:56] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006101604] [20:06:58] SeaMonkey: 'Linux btek Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:08:04] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [20:11:03] Mozilla1.8: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.0 bm-xserve02 Depend XR-Branch Universal' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:12:01] Mook [mook@moz-6275BAE3.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #developers [20:13:52] dbaron: it's a little pokey, but still well under 1s [20:13:53] to expose the page [20:14:24] oh, the textrun cache is kicking in I bet [20:14:33] well, shouldn't matter for pango, since it doesn't do useful caching [20:17:04] Mozilla1.8: 'Linux sparky Depend Fx' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:19:04] Firefox-Cairo: 'WINNT 5.2 gaius-vm Depend ReferenceVM' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:21:21] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:23:05] Firefox: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.2 xserve06 Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:24:18] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit IRC: Input/output error [20:26:11] stephend [stephend@moz-4C000823.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The future of IRC [20:27:11] SeaMonkey: 'Linux luna Depe### Log session started at Mon Oct 16 20:45:09 2006 ### [20:45:09] db48x [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] has joined #developers [20:45:09] Channel topic is: Plan your Firefox 2 Party -- http://www.firefoxparty.com || http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/ || Firefox 2.0 RC3 is now available || I used to be into S&M, necrophilia and bestiality, but then I realized that I was flogging a dead horse [20:45:09] Topic was set by reed!*@* on Mon Oct 16 19:55:01 2006 [20:45:11] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [20:45:11] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [20:45:17] Channel synchronized in 8.378 seconds [20:45:17] SeaMonkey: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 planetoid Depend (temporary)' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:47:18] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Burning to Test Failed. [20:49:19] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 8.7.0 xserve05 Depend 1.8 branch' has changed state from Burning to Success. [20:50:15] philor [ringnalda@moz-2CAB5A0.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [20:50:29] kdc [chatzilla@moz-2ACC6B38.pk.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] [20:57:49] mixedpuppy [mixedpuppy@moz-1FCC0032.activestate.com] has quit IRC: Quit: mixedpuppy [20:59:03] evan_away [evan@FE76BF3D.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] is now known as evan [20:59:09] Ryan|afk [rflint@moz-4FB9628A.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan [21:04:43] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:05:10] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [21:09:29] andrew [andrew@moz-E5F77366.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [21:09:50] Wolf_ [wolf@moz-FC50AC5D.carolina.res.rr.com] is now known as Wolf| [21:10:05] philor [ringnalda@moz-2CAB5A0.eug.or.uspops.net] is now known as phi|or [21:11:13] phi|or [ringnalda@moz-2CAB5A0.eug.or.uspops.net] is now known as philor [21:13:03] Wolf| [wolf@moz-FC50AC5D.carolina.res.rr.com] is now known as Wolf_ [21:13:09] Wolf_ [wolf@moz-FC50AC5D.carolina.res.rr.com] is now known as Wolf|CZ [21:17:28] Thunderbird: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 hilo Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [21:17:55] Wolf|CZ [wolf@moz-FC50AC5D.carolina.res.rr.com] is now known as Wolf_ [21:19:37] surkovSleep [alexander@9C1D475.30CD62E0.3FA5AA06.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [21:20:16] petea [petea@moz-97F702C8.sub-75-208-90.myvzw.com] has joined #developers [21:23:02] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:25:19] petea [petea@moz-97F702C8.sub-75-208-90.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:26:01] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006101604] [21:26:11] jon [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:28:42] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@E44B3710.9E0B49AF.8FBA2449.IP] has joined #developers [21:30:46] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [21:31:49] ajschult [ajschult@moz-5FA8B2A8.eng.buffalo.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006101312] [21:35:31] SeaMonkey: 'WINNT 5.0 creature-vm Clobber VM-release' has changed state from Burning to Success. [21:37:32] Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: 'WINNT 3.51 nt3.51 Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [21:40:08] schrep [schrep@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: The computer fell asleep [21:43:16] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [21:44:33] <@bz> Anyone have IE and a few mins to test something for me? [21:44:50] Sure. [21:45:53] <@bz> writing testcase now [21:46:43] <@bz> http://web.mit.edu/bzbarsky/www/test.html [21:46:48] <@bz> You should see two forms [21:46:52] <@bz> each with two radio buttons [21:46:52] <@bz> right? [21:46:55] Yes [21:47:11] <@bz> Click all four [21:47:15] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [21:47:19] lilmatt [lilmatt@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:47:24] <@bz> How many are selected now? [21:47:28] None of them are. [21:47:34] <@bz> er.... [21:47:39] <@bz> after you clicked? [21:48:06] Right. Clicking them turns them slightly gray, as though they're disabled, and that state persists until I mouse off them. When I do, they remain unclicked. [21:48:14] <@bz> erm [21:48:36] <@bz> Reload? [21:48:56] <@bz> er, reload again [21:48:56] Okay. Same procedure? [21:48:59] <@bz> there should be three forms now [21:49:05] <@bz> Just click in form 3 [21:49:07] <@bz> do those radios work? [21:49:21] Yes, they act like regular grouped radio buttons. [21:49:44] <@bz> huh [21:49:49] <@bz> ok. [21:49:50] <@bz> Thanks! [21:49:54] Glad to help. [21:50:11] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [21:51:18] bz: man, we should send you a HDD with some VMWare images :) [21:51:38] jon [Jon@moz-38506050.blc.edu] has joined #developers [21:52:26] <@bz> mconnor: mmmm yeah, I keep being tempted to try setting up vmware on this machine.... [21:52:56] <@bz> mconnor: at least I'll have a Mac soon! [21:53:02] oh really? [21:53:02] <@bz> mconnor: just ordered a MacBook today [21:53:12] bz: parallels is awesome [21:53:24] <@bz> mconnor: well, there's already a Mac in the house, but it's Emma's [21:53:40] <@bz> mconnor: and since I can't run apps without logging her out.... it's not really useful. [21:53:50] true [21:54:04] MB? MBP? [21:54:08] <@bz> mconnor: It's sad that the multiuser setup is broken like that. XP gets it right... :( [21:54:22] <@bz> mconnor: MB. If I'm getting a portable computer I want it to actually be portable. ;) [21:54:33] my MBP is actually pretty portable :) [21:54:55] how do i read an environment variable in C? [21:55:00] (not under NSPR) [21:55:02] <@bz> How much walking do you do with it in your backpack? [21:55:07] <@bz> CTho: getenv() [21:55:53] <@bz> But yeah, the WinXP solution to the multi-user login thing is kinda nice [21:56:02] <@bz> Much slicker than what I can do under Linux [21:56:16] bz: OS X does it pretty damn slick too [21:56:23] at least on 10.4 [21:56:31] even has a slick rotating cube animation [21:56:39] <@bz> mconnor: Oh, did it add support for running as a different user without logging out the current one? [21:56:44] <@bz> mconnor: and losing all the app state? [21:56:59] bz: yeah [21:57:10] <@bz> mconnor: Ah. More reasons to upgrade from 10.2. ;) [21:57:11] bz: I used it for my lecture at Seneca [21:57:26] <@bz> mconnor: If only OS upgrades were not such a PITA [21:57:54] I will say this, you might not go back to Linux if you spend too much time on OS X :) [21:58:15] <@bz> That seems unlikel [21:58:18] <@bz> er, unlikely [21:58:26] <@bz> unless there's a good virtual desktop solution [21:58:36] <@bz> And a way to customize the window manager... ;) [21:58:38] coop_away [coop@moz-D1E4CB2E.dsl.bell.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: coop_away [21:58:47] bz: thx [22:00:22] bz: there's a good virtual desktop solution, there was even a fun hack to switch desktops by smacking the side of your screen :) [22:01:23] <@bz> mconnor: well, if I can get virtual desktops, run X apps, move windows without having to hit the tinny little title bar, then there's no benefit in Linux.... [22:01:37] <@bz> mconnor: The move windows thing might be tough. ;) [22:02:35] I use Desktop Manager for virtual desktops on my iBook. Works great. Not as neat as what's in 10.5 though. [22:03:02] bz: it comes with X11, openoffice requires it ;) [22:04:02] <@bz> mconnor: right. [22:04:52] jon [Jon@moz-38506050.blc.edu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:05:36] vio [cm@moz-210BF373.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [22:05:48] hi [22:06:05] i just updated to -rc3 and now i can't start firefox [22:06:20] ./firefox [22:06:20] ./run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 9281 Bus error "$prog" ${1+"$@"} [22:06:30] ./firefox-bin [22:06:30] Bus error [22:06:36] anyone got a clue? [22:07:08] i updated from the first alpha to all betas and to the release candidates [22:07:12] and now this happens :( [22:07:19] jon [Jon@moz-38506050.blc.edu] has joined #developers [22:07:29] vio: could be a number of things [22:07:39] jon [Jon@moz-38506050.blc.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [22:07:44] what can i do? [22:07:51] vio: try it with a fresh profile and see what happens [22:07:58] ok [22:08:02] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:08:09] vio: if you can build a debug build and get a stack trace that would help too [22:08:30] submitting a talkback report would also be a way to get the stack trace [22:08:57] on the other hand it could be that you have some bad ram, or other failing hardware [22:09:12] lol? [22:09:30] maybe you just fucked something up in -rc3? [22:09:31] :) [22:09:34] andrew [andrew@moz-E5F77366.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.5/2006091418] [22:09:44] anyway.. same error with a fresh profile [22:09:55] ldd firefox-bin [22:09:55] ldd: /lib/ld-linux.so.2 exited with unknown exit code (135) [22:10:02] is this an expected behaviour? [22:13:57] kaie [kaie@moz-2489A251.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [22:14:46] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [22:16:26] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [22:21:54] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:21:58] bz [bzbarsky@moz-D28C7524.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] is now known as bz_gone [22:25:31] GAkpoly [omdjez@moz-52463E3A.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #developers [22:32:25] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Client exited [22:32:59] gaoming_ [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] has joined #developers [22:33:05] gaoming_ [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] is now known as gaoming [22:34:26] gaoming [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] is now known as IRCMonkey5271868 [22:36:40] IRCMonkey5271868 [chatzilla@FBCC60FE.53BD17C7.6439CC76.IP] is now known as gaoming [22:37:05] dolske [dolske@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [22:41:19] jeremy|afk [jeremy@moz-4C8836FC.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] is now known as jeremy [22:50:07] mmadia [mmadia@moz-ECEABAB9.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [22:56:08] vio [cm@moz-210BF373.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:59:12] andrew [andrew@moz-DFEDACFB.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [23:01:02] chewey_ [chewey@moz-BD6DAA9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [23:02:59] chewey [chewey@moz-A42A3407.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:03:19] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: rebooting :/ [23:06:32] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [23:07:01] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:09:40] dolske [dolske@moz-AED974A8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:17:35] bienvenu_ [DavidBienv@moz-DA017C7B.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com [23:31:27] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006101309] [23:35:51] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [23:38:51] dolske [dolske@moz-AED974A8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:39:35] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-C0BFB5AF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [23:42:41] dolske [dolske@moz-AED974A8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:42:55] philly [b6001a14@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] is now known as philly|ZZzzZZ [23:44:04] CTho [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|zzz [23:45:46] dolske [dolske@moz-AED974A8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:49:46] dolske [dolske@43DDA2B1.2676CBC.E2CA354A.IP] has joined #developers ### Log session terminated at Tue Oct 17 00:00:00 2006 ###